Subject: Indian Trade, 30 MAY 1711 From: Steven J. Coker Date: December 06, 1998 The Colonial Records of South Carolina JOURNAL OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE INDIAN TRADE South Carolina Department of Archives and History Publications: The Indian Books: May 30, 1711 Att a Board of Comissioners, mett. PRESENT: Richd. Berisf ord, Esq., President, Col. James Risbee, Capt. Benja. Quelch, Mr. John Guerard, and Mr. John Raven. Received from John Wright, Esq., Agent, a Letter from the Pocotallagua Town dated the 14th May, 1711. After Perusall of which Letter the Board thought fitt to send the said Agent the following Letter. Charles Town, 30 May 1711 Sir, We received yours dated from Pocotallagua, the 14th May and another from Huspau the 21st, same Month, in Both which you tell us of the great Paines and Care you are obliged to take in the performing your Duty. We allso take Notice of the Difficulty you encounter to bring the headstrong, unruly Traders to Reason and which we thinck you will effectualy doe by getting all their Bonds to take out Licences to trade in the same Form you sent those inclosed to us. We also take Notice of the many grievous Complaints you send us, perticulerly that of Capt. Peterson which we look on as the heyest [highest] Crimes he could be guilty off [sic] and may assure yourself that we will seek all Means possible to have him punished according to the Nature thereof, you furnishing us with Proofs that he hath proceded according to your Allegation. We also take Notice of Phillip Gilliard's Behaviour and hope you will loose no Time of sending Proofs of his Trading that we may procede accordingly. And you may rest assured that we will doe all that lyes in us by assisting you to perform your Promise made to the several Kings. You mention of easing them of their Grievances, perticulerly the white Men setling among them, and as we shall make itt our Endevour to redress their Complaints; soe we doubt not, but as an Earnest thereof you will redress the ronged Pocotalligo Indian from Frazer if you find the Fact continew as you write itt us. We are but a bare Board and your Complants, being of soe high and greivous a Nature as we with you beleve tends to the utter Ruin and Desolation of the Government if not timely prevented; we therefore thought fit to send you these in Answer and that we would have you proceed vigorously in the Defence of the Province by continuing among those Nations of Yamosee Indians till you have settled all Affairs between them and Traders, or till hear further from us, being that we have their Peace and Quietness most att Heart which we are sencible tends directly to the Peace and Tranquility of the Province; and when we are a full Board which we have apointed to meet on the 2d Tuesday in June and being soe got together, we shall take all due Care of proceding vigorously to the destroying those groeing Evils that violently thretten us. That by keping the Traders at Peace and Amity with the Indians we may thereby purchase a firm and lasting Peace to this Province which is and shall be the Care and Studdy of, Sir, Your Freinds and Servants ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |