Subject: Indian Trade, 28 JUL 1711 - 2 AUG 1711 From: Steven J. Coker Date: December 07, 1998 The Colonial Records of South Carolina JOURNAL OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE INDIAN TRADE South Carolina Department of Archives and History Publications: The Indian Books: July 28, 1711 Mett according to Adjurnment. PRESENT: Richd. Berrisford, Esq., President, Col. Geo. Logan, Capt. Benja. Quelch, Mr. Jno. Raven, Mr. Jno. Guerard, and Capt. Jno. Abr. Motte. Mr. Agent appearing before this Board acquainted them that Capt. John Cochran had sold a free Indian Brother to Anto. Pussimy, then belonging to the Youhau Town, and that the Evidences were the said Agent, Mr. Wm. Magett and Wm. Bray. Read a Letter from Mr. John Barnwell to the Board. Ordered that Capt. John Cochran and Capt. Wm. Maggett be sent for. Mr. Cockett, Mr. Bray and the Indians were sent for and attended. And the Indians complained that Tho. Jones, John Whitehead, Joseph Bryan, Robt. Steale, John Palmer and Barnaby Bull are setled in the Limitts of their Land and desired they might be removed. The President answered that effectual Care shoold be taken to remoove them. The Indians farther complained that Cornelius Macarty took away the Wife and Child of an Indian that was gon to War and that Geo. Wright took away a free Woman that had a Husband in Tomatly Town. Answered Care shoold be taken to right them. Adjurned till 3 a'Clock in the Afternoon. ~ ~ ~ Mett according to Adjurntnent. PRESENT: Richd. Berisford, Esq., President, Col. Geo. Logan, Capt. Jno. Abr. Motte, Mr. Jno. Guerrard, Mr. Jno. Raven, and Capt. Benja. Quelch. Mr. Bray and Mr. Stephen Beadon were ordered to attend this Board, who attended accordingly. Mr. Bray was directed according to the Purport of his Bond to send to New York to bring back an Indian Woman and Child who had bin free and was sold thither by him. The Pocotalliga King, being sent for and asked if he was desirous or willing that the white Men shoold goe to War with them, said they had rather goe without any white Person. The President advised the said King not to take any white Person to War with him without he had an Order from the Goverment. Mr. Wm. Bray desiring (upon his taking out a Licence) to have his Bond delivered up, Mr. President acquainted him that there are several other Complaints against him which were not ended and that the Bond shoold remain till they were desided. Mr. Stephen Beadon mooved this Board that his Bond mought be delivered up to him and the Prosecution att Law against him might be stopt. The Board considering that there ware no Complaints against him, ordered that the said Beadon have his Bond delivered up and that the Process att Law against him be stopt. Received a Petition by the Agent from severall Traders against Capt. Peterson. Ordered that the said Petition be refered to the next Sitting of the Commissioners. The Agent attended according to Order to give his Bond and was ordered to be ready against the next Sitting of the Commissioners. Adjurned till Tuesday five a'Clock. July 31, 1711 Att a Board of Commissioners mett. PRESENT: Richd. Berisford, Esq., President, Col. Geo. Logan, Capt. Benja. Quelch, Mr. Jno. Guerard, Capt. John Abr. Motte, and Mr. John Raven. Agreed that itt be an Instruction to be added to the Instructions given to the Indian Traders that no Slave be sold till they have bin three Dayes in their Town. And that the Traders receive no Rum Debts from the Indians nor Relations' Debts which were not promist which Promise shal be before the Head Men of the Town. That itt be an Instruction that the Traders doe sease the Slaves or Goods of any Person trading without a Licence. According to the Order of the Day, the Agent appeared before the Board and informed them he was ready to enter into Bond with Securityes. Resolved to take the same Tomorrow. The Agent delivered in a Memoriall which was ordered to lay before the Board. Adjurned till Tomorrow tenn a'Clock. August 1, 1711 Att a Board of Comissioners mett. PRESENT: Richd. Beresford, Esq., President, Col. Geo. Logan, Capt. Benja. Quelch, Capt. Jno. Abr. Motte, and Mr. Jno. Guerrard. Mr. Stepen Beadon attending was called in, and being asked what he knew of John Frazier's beating the Tomatly King, the said Beadon said the common Report was that the said Frazier was apt to beat and abuse the Indians. Mr. John Frazier attended and desired his Bond might be given up to him. Mr. Hilden's Deposition against the said Frazier for his taking away a Slave from Cohassee and Cohassee's Complaint being read, and other Complaints being made by the Agent; resolved that the Bond be continewed till he shall clear himself of the said Complaints. Ordered that the receiving the Agent's Bond be deferred till Tomorrow. Ad[j]urned till Tomorrow seven a'Clock. August 2, 1711 Att a Board of Comissioners, mett. PRESENT: Richd. Berrisford, Esq., President, Col. Geo. Logan, Capt. Jno. Abr. Motte, Capt. Benja. Quelch, and Mr. John Guerrard. Mr. Agent attended and took the Oath of Agent according to the Direction of an Act entituled an Act for regulating the Indian Trade. The Agent mooved the Board to be asked upon Oath if he knew any Thing of his former Bond which is lost. Who, being accordingly sworn, declared that he knew Nothing directly nor indirectly of the said Bond nor had seen itt since he first sighned itt and that he was so far from making itt away that he never had itt in his Thoughts to cancell or any Way destroy itt. Mr. Agent gave in his Bond for two hunderd Pound, and Maj. Geo. Evans and Mr. John Barnwell, his Securities, gave their Bonds for two hunderd Pound each. Mr. Frazier being sent for and repremanded for selling an Indian Boy which he was ordered to keep till the Difference about him was ended, Ordered that in Order to have the Prossecution of his Bond for trading without a Licence stopt, he shoold enter into Bond with Securyty to the Publick Receiver for one hunderd Pound to discharge the Indians of their Rum and Relations' Debts, and to discharge the Indians before the Agent att such Place or Places as the Agent shall direct and that all the Yamassee Traders shall give the same Bond. Adjurned till Tomorrow eight a'Clock. ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |