Indian Trade, 14 OCT 1710 - 14 APR 1711 - Steven J. Coker
Subject: Indian Trade, 14 OCT 1710 - 14 APR 1711
From: Steven J. Coker
Date: December 05, 1998

The Colonial Records of South Carolina
South Carolina Department of Archives and History
The Indian Books:

October 14, 1710
A Board of Comissioners mett.

PRESENT: Ralph Izard, Esq., President, Col. James Risbee, Col. Wm. Rhett, Richd.
Berrisford, Esq., and Mr. John Guerard.

Capt. Peter Slan was sworn a Comissioner according to the Act.

Ordered that Richd. Berrisford, Esq., Publick Receiver, doe forthwith give Mr.
Henry Wigginton and Mr. Geo. Evans, each of them, five Pounds for a retayning
Fee to put sundry Indian Traders' Bonds in Sute for not taking out Licences.

Delivered Mr. Evans a Bond dated the 5th September, 1709, in which is bound
jointly and severaly, viz., Capt. John Jones, Math. Smallwood, John Jones,
Anthony Probat, James Lucas, Abra. Peirce, Joseph Crosley, Roger Hoskins, Allex.
Clarck, Wm. Smith, Theophilus Hastins and Wm. Scarlett.

Delivered Mr. Evans another Bond dated 4th March, 1709/10, Jno. Smith bound.

The Board adjurned sine Die.

October 28, 1710
A Board of Comissioners mett.

PRESENT: Ralph Izard, Esq., President, Col. James Risbee, Col. Wm. Rhett, Richd.
Berresford, Esq., Mr. John Guerard, and Capt. Peter Slan.

Capt. Musgrove complains that the Creek Indians owe him for Part of 200 Lbs.
Powder and 500 Lbs. Bulletts ever since they went to War against the Chactaw
Indians. Upon Enquirey and a full Hearing of the Kings being present at this
Board, they find that Capt. Musgrove forced the said Powder and Bulletts upon
the Indians, for which the Indians made him reasonable Sattisfaction for said
Powder and Bulletts as has been suffitiently made appear before this Board.

Ordered that the Indians, per the Interpreter, be acquainted therewith which was
accordingly done and they dismissed very well sattisfied.

Ordered that upon John Dixon, Charles Peirce, or James Alford, or any of them
making Oath that they heard the Tomolla King declare Masoony a Slave, that then
the said Indian be Capt. Musgrave's Slave; otherwise he is to have his Freedom.

And then the Board adjurned sine Die.

Jan. the ___ 1710/11. The Assembly thought fitting to appoint Col. Geo. Logan a
Commissioner in the Roome of Ralph Izard, Esq., deceased.

March 9, 1710/11
Att a Board of Commissioners of the Indian Trade mett att the Hous, of Mr. James

PRESENT: Col. James Risbee, Mr. John Guerard, Richd. Berrisford, Esq., Col. Hugh
Grange, Capt. John Abr. Motte, and Capt. Benja. Quelch chosen by the Commons
House of Assembly in the Roome of Col. Rhett who quallified himself by taking
the apointed Oath; then adjurned to Mr. Cooper's.

The said Commissioners finding themselves without a President occationed by the
Death of Ralph Izard, Esq., and upon Motion made of a President itt is agreed
that Richd. Berrisford, Esq., be and is hereby declared the President of the
Indian Trade.

Whereas Capt. Peterson being dispatched by the Hous of Commons with the
Governor's Concent to bring into Charles Town severall Yamasee Traders and itt
appearing that eight of the Traders which said Peterson brought to Charles Town
hath broke the Laws by trading without Licences, itt is therefore the Opinion of
this Board that the Receiver give Orders to the Atturneyes to prossecute the
said Traders in order to recover the Arrears due to the Publick from them.

This Board, taking into Concideration the Agent's contineuing in the Settlement
and the great Necessity of his going on his Agency, have agreed that Mr. Wright,
the present Agent, gett himself ready to depart the Settlement and that he have
Instructions to goe among the Yamosee Indians and sett out on Monday the
ninetenth [sic] Instant to adjust the Differences and regulate Affairs with the
said Indians and Traders.

The Agent making itt appear to this Board that several Traders have refused to
execute severall Warrants by him given to be served, perticulerly, viz., Wm.
Canty, Son of Capt. Canty, Joseph Crosley, Trader, James Alford, and Benja. Cles
and, having carried said Warrants to the Persons conserned, they contemptuously
tore the same.

Ordered that the said Persons be prosecuted for said Contempt and that Mr.
Receiver do immediately order the Atturneys to prossecute them accordingly.

Upon reading a Letter of James Lucas who complains against Capt. Musgrove
detayning two Slaves unjustly from him dated att Oakmalgoes, July the 12th,

Ordered that the Agent give the said Lucas Notice that he appear before the
Commissioners who will hear his Case att his coming to Town.

On reading a Note from Capt. Fitch to Mr. Goer wherein said Fitch complains of
some Appalacha Indians killing his Ram for which he stopt 2 guns, &c., ordered
that Capt. Fitch deliver said Guns to the Agent and that he have from the
Comissioners Sattisfaction for his Ram.

[March 10, 1710/11]
On Satterday this 10th March, Mr. Wright, the Agent, received Instructions in
two Sheets contayning twenty Paragraphs to prosede among the Yamasees &c., being
sighned by the President and five more of the Comissioners, which orders said
Agent on his Agency on the 19th March; Mr. Wright's Instructions dated the 10th
March, 1710/11, No. 1.

March 22nd, 1710/11.
Received from John Wright, Esq., Agent, twentyone Bonds for sundry Indian
Traders to take out Licences:

Mr. Goer and Britt's                     Bond
Wm. Cantey's                             Do.
Natha. Cain's                            Do.
John Pight's                             Do.
Card's, Sheel's and Wiggin's             Do.
John Moore's                             Do.
Richd. Price's                           Do.
Trumbal's and Richardson's               Do.
Holford, Peirce and Giffen               Do.
Weaver and Chester                       Do.
Graves and Cundy                         Do.
Card and Weaver's Bond for three Indians that trade for them 
Long, Thurston and Warrin's              Bond
Benja. Clee's                            Bond
Cornelius leMott's                       Bond
Wm. Bannister's                          Bond

Dickson's Bond for the Time he traded without a Licence 
Natha. Evans of Virginia, his Bond 
Richd. Smith and Geo. Smith of Virginia, their Bond 
David Crawly, John Evans and Richd. Jones of Virginia, their Bond 
Wm. Dettypoole, Tho. Edwards and Henry Tally of Virginia, their Bond.

April 14, 1711
Att a Board of Comissioners mett in Charles Town.

PRESENT: Richd. Berrisford, Esq., President, Col. James Risbee, Capt. Jno. Abr.
Motte, Mr. John Guerard, and Capt. Benja. Quelch.

Upon Debate that Mr. John Wright, Agent, was (notwith standing their late Order)
still in the Settlement and that he had declared he would not perform a Letter
Part of the said Orders, it is agreed Nemony Contra Decenta that the Publick
Receiver be ordered and he is hereby ordered to fee a Lawyer to put in Execution
Mr. Wright's Bond after such Manner as shall be thought most effectuall.

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