Subject: INDIAN Surnames From: Janet Jilote Date: May 15, 2000 I was checking out some old sites and came across this one that has been recently mentioned on the list. For those of you who may have not checked out the site, or may not think you have Native American relatives but are curious enough to look... I have copied the info on the following: Below is the contents page for "South Carolina Indians, Indian Traders, and other Ethnic Connections beginning in 1670". Below that, are pages 400-401 from the massive 104 page index. Contents Page Illustrations.....ix Preface...........xi I. The Meeting of the Old Settlers and the New English Settlers...1 II. Some Activities and Statistics................................7 III. The Old Settlers: The Kussos, 11; Spoons and the Pendarvis Family, 20; The Coosas, 23; The Edistos, 24; The Kiawahs, 25; The Sewees, 26; The Santees, 29; The Etiwans, 31; The Westos, 32; The Shaawanwas/Shawnees/ Savannahs, 34; The Natchez, 35; The Chickasaws, 40; The Yamassees, 40; The Tuscaroras, 44; The Yuchis/Uchees, 45; The Waterees, 46; The Congarees, 48; The Catawbas, 51; The Cherokees, 70 IV. Glimpses of the Colony 1695-1707: Governor Archdale, 75; Wappetaw, 76; Smallpox, 77; Lookouts, 78. V. Titles and Comissions......................................... 79 VI. Indians, Indian Traders, Commissioners, and Agents........... 83 VII. An African Slave Trader......................................151 Families of Holman, Collins VIII. Families................................................... 155 Catawbas and Allied Families: Ayers, Blue, Brown, Bunch, Cant(e)y, Chappell/Patterson, Clinton, Cook, Crawford, Evans, George, Gordon, Haigler, Harris, Head/Headd, Heart/Hart, Joe, Kegg, Kennedy, Morrison, Marsh/Mush, Nettles, Owl, Patterson, Readhead, Sanders, Scott, Spratt, Stephens, Timms, Watts, White, Whitesides, Williams Connections in North Carolina. Connections in Virginia,........185-192 Some Families from Various Records of South Carolina.............. 192 Beamer, Eady, Dunmeyer, Johnson, Cuhun, Benenhaley, Brewington, Chavous(and variant spellings), Cumbo, Dereef, Dewees, Eberson, Ellison, Garden/Gardner, Gibson, Hackett, Hasfort, Lawson, McCorkle, Nicholson, Remley, Row, Staggers, Thorne, Weaver, Woodward, Hall, Roberts/Robertson, Johnston, Macbeth, Miller, Delarge, Jackson, Saltus, Hume, Simons/Simmons, Lucas, Grimball, DuPre/DuPree IX Contemporary Indians...........................................253 Edistos, Santees, PeeDees, Locations: Creeltown, Four Holes, Varnertown, White Oak, Families: Windham, Davidson, Winningham, Mucklevaney, Creel, Friendly, Reeves, Harrison, Willis, Martin, Pratt/Platt, Wilder, Russell, Dangerfield, Clark, Edings/Eddings Other Indians..................................................... 263 X. Affidavits, Notices, and Other Records....................... 269 XI. Censuses, Directories, and Other Schedules....................331 XII. Sources for Discovering Indian Heritage.......................397 Index....................................................... .. 399-503 Below is two pages (400-401) from the index to illustrate how massive it is. It contains over 17,700 entries, the mass majority being individual person's names: Allen, Marditta, 365 Allen, Mary Keating, 237 Allen, Mary, 365 Allen, Narcisoe, 365 Allen, Pickford, 122 Allen, Priscilla, 20 Allen, Robert, 365 Allen, Shippy/Sheppy 88, 120, 125 Allen, William, 237 Alley Mary/Polly 265 Alley James, Sr., 267 Alley Joseph, Sr, 266 Allick, ___ (Captain), 88 Allston, Benjamin, 281 Allston, John, 245 Allston Joseph, 271 Allston, Josias, 245 Allston, Mary Steed, 247 Allston, Sarah, 246 Allston, William, 147 Alonso (Indian), 25, 46 Alsey 209 Alston, Anne, 147 Alston, William Sr, 147 Amelia Township, 85, 90, 134, 140, 141 American ancestry, x Am. Ind. Policy Review Commission, 253 American Indians, ix-xvii American Revolution, 61, 72, 98, 168, 192 Amite Co., Miss, 220 Amurettah, 338 Anabaptists, 51 Anderson, George, 189 Anderson, Hester/Esther Holman, 152 Anderson, James, 89, 152 Anderson, Jesse, 287 Anderson, John, 115 Anderson, Katherine Bass, 189 Anderson, Robert, 193, 275, 276 Anderson, Sarah Bass, 191 Anderson, S.C. (place), 231 Andrew (free), 338 Andrews, David, 221 Andrews, Edward, 221 Andrews, Enoch, 220 Andrews, James, 220 Andrews, Enoch, 221 Andrews, Mary 220, 221 Andrews, Matthew, 220 Andrews, Owen, 221 Andrews, Patience, 220 Andrews, Phebe, 221 Andrews, Thomas, 86, 88 Andrews, William, 221 Andrews, James, Jr., 221 Anglicans, 33, 50 Ann (free), 334 Anna M. (a Black), 226 Annnapolis, Maryland, 218 Anson Co, N.C, 185 Antonio (Yamassee), 88 Apalachicola Indians, 147 Apalachicola, 270 AppalacheeAAppaaacha Indians, 103, 116, 117, 123, 126, 127, 131, Appalachian Mountains, xiv Appleby James P, 296 Applewhite, Elizabeth, 223 Ar(r)atomahaw (an Indian), 44 Arabia, 195 Archdale, John (Gov.), 75, 76 Archy (Cherokee), 88 Ardis, Elizabeth, 110 Ares, George, 185 Arkansas, 64, 65, 66, 67, 73, 161, 177, 181 Armstrong, William G, 314 Arnaud, Peter, 88 Arnold, Gaston, 323 Arnold, Gaston, Jr, 323 Ash(e), Thomas, 29 Ash,John,88 Ashepoo (tribe), 2, 15 Ashepoo River, 15, 24, 36 Ashepoo,269 Ashley River, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 32, 33, 92, 97, 98, 122, 272, 296 Ashley ____ (Lord), 29, 31, 214 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony 11 Assenta (an Indian), 102 Assento Olamassee), 88 At(t)akulla-kulla (Cherokee), 88 Atkin, Ann McKenzie, 88 Atkin, Ann, 88 Atkin, Edmond, 88, 117 Atkin, Edmund, 40, 88, 89 Atkin, Elizabeth, 88 Atkin,John, 88 Atkin, Mary, 88 Atkin, Rebeckah, 88 Atkin, Susannah, 88 Atkin, William, 88 Atkins, Alexander 115 Atkins, William, 115 Atkins, ____ (Mr.), 132 Atkins, ____ (Widow), 115 Atkinson, 28 Atlantic Ocean, 27 Atteke, 57 Attkins, Henry 28 Audley Catherine, 213 Auendauboo, 27 Augusta, Georgia, 86, 94, 95, 111, 136 Augusta, 2, 40, 60, 94, 95, 107, 112, 159 Augustine, Lucy Woodward, 221 Augustine, William J, 221 Austin, George, 271 Austin, Robert, 278 Avery E, 63 Avenger, Mary 288, 309 Awendaw Creek, 26, 27, 28 Aweth, James, 290 Axham, Patsie Eloise, 219 Axon, Thomas, 185 Axossiah Indians, 211, 269 Axson, John, 314 Axson, Joseph, 89 Ayers family 155 Ayers, Annie, 384 Ayers, Betsey Kegg, 164 Ayers, Betsey 66, 157 Ayers, Billy 64 Ayers, David, 384 Ayers, Edmond, 155, 157 Ayers, Emily Cobb, 156 Ayers, Harriet Berry 156 Ayers, Hebar, 390 Ayers, J. Davis, 390 Ayers, Jacob (Captain), 155 Ayers, Jacob (General), 164 Ayers, Jacob, 155, 156 Ayers, Jane, 66, 157 Ayers, Jeff, 68 Ayers, Jefferson Davis, 156 Ayers, Jefferson, 157 Ayers, John J., 384 Ayers, John, 60, 73, 164, 390 Ayers, Johnny Jefferson, 156, 160 Ayers, Joseph, 390 Ayers, Julia Ann, 66, 157 Ayers, Margaret, 66, 155, 157, 160, 179, 382, 383, 385 Ayers, Mary 66, 157, 384, 390 Ayers, May 66, 157 Ayers, Pearl 369 Ayers, Pollee 66 Ayers, Polly 67, 156, 157 Ayers, Rebecca Mush, 155, 157 Ayers, Ruth Gordon, 156, 160 Ayers, Ruth L. Gordon, 167 Ayers, Sally 66, 157, 164 Ayers, Sara Jane, 383 Ayers, Sarah Jane, 155, 157, 171, 179, 382 383, 387, 390 Ayers, Thomas, 89 Ayers, Wade, 384 Ayers, William, 156 Ayres, Jacob (Col), 62, 67 Ayres, Jacob (General), 62, 67 Ayres, John, 167 Ayres, 395 Bachman, Hans U., 96 Back Swamp, 112 Bacon's Bridge Road, 263 Bahamas, 132 Bailey's Township, Nash Co, N.C, 190 Baker, Betsey 187 Baker, Betsy Bingham, 188 Baker, Edward, 99 Baker Elihu, 96 Baker, Elizabeth, 22, 23, 99, 236 Baker, John, 99 Baker, Mary Bevans, 188 Baker, Mary 188 ===== the info can be found at: then by going to: BOOL LIST; and then to: South Carolina Indians, Indian Traders, and other Ethnic Connections beginning in 1670. I am searching for info on the HARRISONs of Creeltown, Four-Hole Swamp, and surrounding areas. Janet Nielson Jilote Chas, SC Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |