Subject: Indian heritage From: Dan Crumpton Date: March 11, 2001 Dear Melinda: I was told that you might possible help me. I am trying to prove my Cherokee blood line. This is all I have: The 1820 Greenville Co. SC census shows Luke Crumpton, HH and one female between the age of 26-45. If this is Polly, and the date is correct, she was born aft 1775. It shows one male, Luke, Sr., over 45, or born bef. 1775. Was Mary DUKE part Cherokee Indian? Was her name "Okilley"? in notes from Ilena Brown (Avery file). In a letter dated 12 Jan 1909 : Hon Guisssom (?) Williams (?), Washington, D.C. Dear Sir, your of June 10 to ? and ? I wish to except to the rulling of this ? of claims as to the rejection of my claims ? ? to ask your of ? have this ? on which our exceptions ?. If so, please send me ? of ? at least so we can ? that we are Cherokee Indians. We can prove that we are decendents of William A Duke, and every one of our families has a William in it. We can find good nun now living who know our grand Mother was an Indian. Plese let me here from you and tell me wheather or not we will need a Lawyer in that court. Yours Respectfully, Samuel M. Avery " A copy of above hand written letter is my Avery file. This claim was rejected. >From Bibb County Heritage, by: Christia Causbie: "Minnie Crumpton was daughter of Luke Crumpton and Mary "Polly" Duke, and her Indian name was Okolley. Mary "Polly" Duke was the daughter of William A. Duke, and it was through him that several of her children and grandchiildren applied for Eastern Cherokee money in 1907. Even thought William A. Duke and his wife were listed on the Henderson Roll of 1835, all claims were denied." Melinda, if there is any expense in this research, please let me know. Many thanks, Dan Crumpton, email [email protected] ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |