Subject: INCIDENTS #57 From: ELIZABETH RUSSO Date: November 10, 1998 INCIDENTS AND CHARACTERS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF METHODISM By The Reverend John Elmore DuBois Edited by Elizabeth A. DuBois (c) 1998 DuBois Publishing Co, Simsbury, Connecticut. All rights reserved. NINETEEN [Cont.] With all the wealth of that Church, while many were living in ceiled houses, the parson had to labor under disadvantages. It was not until the bulk of their wealth had taken wings and fled, that it came into their hearts to build a good parsonage, and be it spoken to their praise," they now have one side by side with an enlarged and beautiful church, an ornament to the town. At one time an attempt was made to rent news, the more readily to raise the amount necessary for the station, but it was so strenuously opposed that the measure failed. Methodist Centenary In 1839, it was ordered by the Quarterly Conference that the centenary of Methodism be observed and J.M. Boatright and myself be appointed to address the Church and take up collections for certain purposes, which was done in a large audience. My memory does not serve me as to the amount raised, but Mr. R.N. Harris of Tuscaloosa, being present, made the largest contribution. I find from Bro. Dormon's journal that under his pastorate there was a gracious revival, where there were fifty conversions. There were also other minor revivals under T.C. Weir and Thos. Capers. This article closes my incidents of early Methodism in Charleston, S.C. and Alabama. If my account in Greensboro has not been as some might desire, my apology is that I was writing history and not fiction. If these articles have been interesting to any, they are indebted to Rev. H. Erquhart, who requested me to write and encouraged me in doing so. And now having passed over the eighty-five years of my earthly existence and walking over the broken arches of the bridge of human life; I desire to make grateful remembrance of the goodness of God in giving me many opportunities to make my calling and election sure and let it not be considered a format request. If I say to my numerous readers, pray for me that my faith fail me not. Jno. DuBois Eutaw, Ala. ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |