Fwd: Immigrants - JEAN PRATHER
Subject: Fwd: Immigrants
Date: July 04, 1999

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Hi Local Orangeburg Immigrants

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From: [email protected] (JEAN PRATHER)
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 21:58:57 -0400
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Subject: Immigrants
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Grassanha Zimmerle age 35
Anna Zimmerle   6
Anna Margaretta Geys    12
Elizabeth Geys4
Philip Jacob Geys      12
Elizabeth Schroder     29
schmisdt   25
Anna Spasia Schaufferberger     26
 Anna Marg'a Kubler     45
Elizabeth Kubler     9
Johannes Jacob Kubler      5
Catherine Kubler     3 
Anna Maria Schober     36
Anna Maria Schober      15
Maria Eliza"t Scober       12
Anna Magdalin Knight       36
Anna Belonia Knight    15
 Anna Catherine Knight   11
Maria Elizabet Knight   9
Mar ia Catherine Knight       2
Margaretta Joor    39
Maria Elizabeth  Joor       14

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