Subject: Immigrants From: JEAN PRATHER Date: July 04, 1999 To Pennsylvania cont... Heyd Jacob from Gro"tzingen Frantz Jacob also from Grotzinge Nagel Sebastian fom Blankenloch (Hempiri Elisabetha From Blankenloch ( Nagel.. Frantz....and Heyd on ship)("Brothers".Sept 16 1751) Groner or Croner, Jacob a youth from Bauschlott Augustein, Christian, AnnaMaria, Caspar and Hanns Georg. four unmarried children of Abraha Augustein, widower , a citizen of Auerbach ( see Two Brothers Sept 2 1751 and Duke of Wirtenberg Oct 16m1751 Hauer Bernhardt and Christoph from Blankenloch destination not recorded Reich Mattheus, a citizen of Singen, to go to Penn ("Duke of Wirtenberg")Oct16 1751 Nagel Joachim a formergrenadier.born at Blankenloch requested manumission for himself and wife to go Penn ("Brothers Sept 16m1751) Bossert. Michael, unmarried from Bauschlott Kaucher Michael unmarried from Gobrichen ( both above on the Pheonix Sept 25 1751) Kaucher the younger of Gobrichen manumitted with wife and children Worner Philipp Jacob t a citizen of Wossingen ( The Duke of Wirtenberg"' Oct 16 1751) ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |