Subject: I'm back online, for now. From: Steven J. Coker Date: July 04, 1998 Whatever the problem was that was preventing me from receiving mail from Rootsweb, it seems to have been fixed around 11:35am today, July 4th. I started getting the mail from Rootsweb again about that time. Thanks to all 200 or so of you who responded to my "Anybody There?" inquiry. I apologize for violating policy by sending such a test message to the forum. But, I had spent about 24 frustrating hours trying to resolve the problem before resorting to that desperate measure. I contacted my service provider several times, triple checked everything in my setups again and again, reinstalled software, upgraded my modem software, contacted the guru's at Rootsweb, etc., etc. It's important that I maintain an email connection with Rootsweb in order to monitor problems that might develop. Happily, serious problems in the forums have been very rare. That's because we have good people running things at Rootsweb and great people participating in the forums. Hope you understand if I don't send each of you a personal thanks. I need to spend the afternoon finding out what I've been missing for the last 36+ hours when I was in "blackout" from Rootsweb. Thanks again everybody. Y'all have a SAFE and Happy July 4th! Be careful out there. Remember that there are more traffic injuries around July 4th than any other time, so drive defensively and don't drink and drive!! Let somebody sober drive or treat yourself to a taxi ride home or a night at a hotel. You can always pick up the car later and a few dollars for a taxi is much cheaper than what getting caught drinking and driving would cost. Also, don't let kids "play" with fireworks. If they have them, please watch over how they use them. Okay, that's enough off-topic stuff for now. Thanks again. Steve Coker Forum Manager ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |