Subject: HUTCHINSON wills; Thank you Betty!!! AND a "Kinsman" question From: Elizabeth Russo Date: February 20, 2000 First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who responded to my request on SCROOTS for a lookup. I didn't realize Betty ([email protected]) had a will abstract book and felt that even if she did she had done so very much for me already that I hoped to spare her. But then, Betty did her thing, apparently staying up til the wee hours, or getting up early, because there they were, all these HUTCHINSON wills lined up neatly for me. THANK YOU BETTY DUNN, my MOUZON cousin, for all your help!!! Again!!! Although we share a MOUZON ancestor or two, the HUTCHINSON family is of no relation to her and this was just her pure generosity at work again. Betty is one of the most tireless, selfless people I know. It is this sort of wonderful giving that takes my breath away while researching on the Net, especially on the SCROOTS and HUGUENOT lists. And I hope not to embarass Betty by mentioning this, but she has many problems with her health and eyesight such that this kind of work is truly a sacrifice beyond extraordinary. THANK YOU!!!! And now, a question for those still reading all of this: several of the HUTCHINSON wills mention the phrase "my kinsman". Does this apply usually to any relation other than sibling, parent or child? Or does it most often apply to cousin? Or a cousin beyond the first degree? In the 1700s did people say "Uncle" or "Aunt"? (I rarely see those terms during that time period.) [I have been tracking this family the past several months and with all their THOMASes and JOHNs and MARYs, I am hoping to narrow down the "kinsman" label a little bit. I feel certain my own MARY HUTCHINSON who married JOHN CARNE (their daughter ANN CLARKSON CARNE married PETER DUBOIS, JR.) is related to nearly all these folks, but not sure exactly how.] Thank you listers!! Elizabeth DuBois Russo Whose never-ending quest for JOHN DUBOIS of Charles Town 1696 has taken a temporary backseat to all her HUTCHINSON ancestors... Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |