Subject: Re: HUGES; 1860-1900; Charleston, Orphan House From: Janet Jilote Date: March 17, 1998 Located on page 59, Orphan House Records, Charleston, SC. (H-107) HUGES, JOHN. Admitted October 10, 1861 aged five years by Commissioners of the Poor. Mother, no name, s lunatic. Father, no name, serving in the Army. (AtoA Mary Horan) Delivered to Thomas Hughes, unknown, no date. (ROB, 1856) W-105. (H-108) HUGES, MARGARET. Admitted October 10, 1861 aged eight years by Commissioners of the Poor. Mother, no name, s lunatic. Father, no name, serving in the Army. (AtoA Mary Horan) "Not in House." (ROG, 1856) V-51. (H-109) HUGES, MARTIN. Admitted October 10, 1861 aged four years by Commissioners of the Poor. Mother, no name, s lunatic. Father, no name, serving in the Army. (AtoA Mary Horan) Delivered to Thomas Hughes, unknown, no date. (ROB, 1856) W-107. (H-110) HUGES, NATHANIEL. Admitted October 11, 1884 aged eight years by James K. Hughes, father. Born in Berkeley County, SC. Mother, no name, died "from the want of the necessaries of Life as from the Disease which was pneumonia." Orphan House doctor stated that children suffered from "scald head [and this child] is ruptured, with a properly adjusted truss, it is quite possible that he may in time be radically cured of his trouble." (AtoA) Delivered to his father July 11, 1889. CC-82 (H-111) HUGES, NOEL A. Admitted October 6, 1898, aged nine years and ten months by Mrs. Fanny R. Hughes, mother. Mother's maiden name West. Father J. K. Hughes. Lives at 30 Allway Street. Methodist. (AtoA) Delivered to his mother, Mrs. Fannie Morelli, August 11, 1900. CG-151 (H-112) HUGES, PETER JESSE. Admitted December 11, 1884 aged six years and six months by James K. Hughes, father. Born in Berkeley County, SC. Mother, no name, died "from the want of the necessaries of Life as from the Disease which was pneumonia." Orphan House doctor stated that children suffered from "scald head." Delivered to his father June 27, 1893. CC-84 (H-113) HUGES, WILLIAM JAMES. Admitted December 11, 1884 aged eleven years by James K. Hughes, father. Born in Berkeley County, SC. Mother, no name, died "from the want of the necessaries of Life as from the Disease which was pneumonia." This child "is afflicted with paralysis, convulsion attendant on teething, it is not likely that he will become more lame, there are no indications of his ever having had Epileptic Fits." Orphan House doctor stated that children suffered from "scal head." (AtoA) Delivered to his father July 11, 1889. CC-80 re: Pg 59. History and Records of the Charleston Orphan House 1860 - 1900; by Susan L King. SCMAR; 929.38 Charleston, Vol. 2. *Located in the South Carolina Historical Society, Chas, SC. Janet Nielson Jilote Chas, SC ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |