Subject: Howard-POWG-3 From: gslat Date: December 19, 1999 HOWARD, MATTHEW A.B. 1825-1902 CHARLTON Matthew Howard (also appears as Matthew A.B. Howard), was born in McIntosh County, Georgia in September of 1824, a son of Henry Howard (Vol.V) and his wife, Jane Davis. He grew up in Appling County, and after he married, he lived for years in Ware County in the portion made into Pierce County in 1858, and still later, into Charlton County. His first marriage was in 1844 to Sarah Crawford, born in 1829, daughter of Rev. (or Elder) Reubin Crawford (Vol.V) and his wife, Anna Clark. To them were born nine children: 1. Amanda b. 12/17/1847, m. Smith D. Drawdy, 7/10/1862, d. 7/11/1924. son of Daniel (Vol.1) 2. Martha b. 11/29/1848, m. Luke Drawdy (his 2nd wife), d. 5/30/1919. son of Daniel (Vol.1). 3. Anna b. c1851, m. Elias Crawford, d. 1920. son of Thomas R. (Vol.Vll). 4. Simon Peter b. 9/21/1852, m. Mollie Frances Pringle, d. 6/6/1926. dau of James Jackson. 5. Sara Jane b. c1854, m. George Washington Rowan (TN), d. 5/4/1919. son of John (NC). 6. Evaline Catherine b. c1858, m. George Washington Lyens. d. before 1880. son of Sylvester Lyens. 7. Sargent Jehu b. 2/3/1859, m. 1) Mary Ellen Crawford, d. 3/31/1935. dau of John M., 11/4/1880. 2) Laura Henrietta Andrews, widow of Joe Andrews, dau of Jim McKinney. 8. Henry A. b. 9/16/1860, m. 1) Cassie ???????, d. 2/10/1923. 2) Avie Ann Crawford, dau. of John M., 10/21/1882. 9. Ruth b. 1862/64, m. 1) ????? Brown, 2) Joseph d. 10/6/1914. Harry Freeman, son of James, 4/14/1894. The first wife having died about 1865, Mr. Howard married Rachel Clark, born 1845, daughter of Charles and Lydia Ann Clark of Charlton County. By her, six children were born: 10. Missouri b. 1867, m. Benjamin B. Scott, 5/31/1887. 11. Matthew Napolian B. b. 9/3/1869, m. Lillie Harper, 12/19/1894, d. 4/10/1938. dau. of Thornton. 12. Louisana b. c1872, m. Thomas E. McIver, d. 1928. son of John. 13. Francis Marion b. 10/27/1874, m. Mary Ann Eliza Green, 2/1897, d. 3/24/1958. dau. of George Washington. 14. Charles Coleman b. c1877, m. Agnes Evalene Dinkins. d. after 1913. 15. Neta Alice b. 8/29/1882, m. Martin Armstrong Peterson, d. 8/31/1907. 4/29/1900. Mr. Howard was 2nd Lieutenant in the Ware County Militia, 584th district (now in Pierce County), 1846-1850. Sometime in the latter 1850's, he moved From Ware (now Pierce) County to the lower part of Charlton County, where he made his home, and farmed in St. George district until the 1880's, when he moved to Columbia County, Florida, and bought a farm, about ten miles north of Lake City. He lived there until his death, January 2, 1902. He was buried at nearby Deep Creek Advent Christian Church in an unmarked grave. His widow, Rachel, died about 1911, and was buried in the cemetery at the Advent Christian Church, McAlpin, Florida. For many years, Mr. Howard was a member of Ermeus Primitive Baptist Church, near St. George, before moving to Florida, and during most of that time, was Church Clerk. He and his wife were both members there, and died members. Several of their children later became members of the Advent Christian Church. HOWARD, JAMES SETH 1804-1887 GEORG1A, FLORIDA James Seth Howard was born in Georgia, on Feb 18, 1804 according to military records. His parentage is not known at this time. He married, Harriet C. Weeks about 1843. Harriet was born on July 19, 1820 in South Carolina. She was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Caroline (Lancaster) Weeks. Thomas was born in North Carolina and Mary in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Howard were the parents of ten children: 1. Susan b. ca 1843, m. 1) Furman Arnold. 2) William McLeod. 2. Martha b. ca 1945, m. William Whidden, son of Willoughby and Eliza (Pennington) Whidden. 3. Mary 1VL b. 5/1/1848, m. Wilson E. Stephens, son of Benjamin and Silence (Wilson) Stephens. 4. Francis Marion b. 8/7/1850, m. Martha Elizabeth Barton, dau. of James and Mary (Aultinan) Barton. 5. Thomas b. 8/23/1855, m. Hortense Blount, dau. of Owen. 6. Newton James b. ca 1856,m. Annie Dupree. 7. Adeline b. ca 1859. 9. Laura Virginia b. 4/19/1861, m. William Wiggins, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Wiggins. 9. George W. b. ca 1864,m. 1) Minnie L. Cannon. 2) Margaret E. Jones. 10. Frances E. b. ca 1866,m. J. P. Roberson. James Seth Howard became a resident of Florida in February 1816, according to his Armed Occupation Act application. Seth was baptized on August 8, 1834, by William Knight, when he joined the old Providence Church in Columbia County, Florida. On October 11, 1834, he asked for and received a letter of dismission. James Seth Howard was an Indian War soldier and served in Captain Butt's Regiment of Louisiana Volunteers, at Tampa, Florida on February 20 until May 20,1836. He served in the Senuinole Indian Wars of 1839 and 1840. He was 4th Sergeant in Captain Ellis's Company of Florida Mounted Militia. On November 6, 1842, he applied at Newnansville land office for 160 acres at Sefner. He received it but later sold it. Later he applied for a land grant in the Alafia area of Hillsborough County, Florida and received it. Seth died on October 6, 1887, and was buried in the Joshua Creek Cemetery at Arcadia, Florida. Harriet (Weeks) Howard died on January 25, 1892 and is buried in the new Zion Church Cemetery, in Ona, Florida. Sources: 1850-1860 HiUsborough Co., Fla. census, 1880 Manatee Co., Fla. census. South Florida Pioneers. Armed Occupation Act; bounty land application. ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |