Subject: Re: HOW TO DO CD LOOKUPS FAST?? From: Carol C-H Date: March 29, 1998 I would also like very much to have the answer to this but have not seen it come in - Carol At 05:18 PM 3/29/98 -0500, DIBBLELAW wrote: >Dear JSmith8347 - > >I note "your posting to the whole List" but I am not quite sure to whom "we" >refers. > >I certainly hope you did not presume to speak for me. The writer had >volunteered to do lookups - a boon to anyone doing genealogical research >which includes the entire list. The writer pointed to a technical problem >and asked for assistance. Another subscriber to the list replied in a >helpful manner. I for one found the question appropriate and the response >helpful. > >Charles L. Dibble >Dibble Law Offices >Post Office Drawer 1240 >Columbia, South Carolina 29202-1240 >FAX: 803/ 254-1528 >email: [email protected] > >Searching: ANDERSON; BRADLEY; BROGDON; CHANDLER; CHILES; COLEMAN; COMSTOCK; >CUBBAGE; DAVIS; DIBBLE; EVANS; FULLWOOD; GABEAU; HALL; HARRINGTON; HAWKINS; >HENLEY (HENLY); LEAK; LEMMON; LICHENSTEIN; LOUIS; McGEHEE; McINTOSH; >McMICHAEL; McRAE (McCRAE); NEW; SCOTT; SHAW; STARR; TOBIAS; TROWBRIDGE; WAY; >WESTBURY; WINN; >WITHERSPOON; WORTHAM; WYATT. > >-----Original Message----- >From: JSmith8347 Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |