Subject: Re: Hamburg From: Thurston Estes Date: March 17, 2000 Jim, There is a road in Charleston which was a RR bed. The name of the road is:BEST FRIEND ROAD, which may or may not help clearify matters. You could probably check with Charleston Historical Society and get VALID info; Regards, Thurston G. Estes JIM MOORE wrote: Loy: > Please understand that I do not wish to start a public arguement, but I feel > your information concerning Hamburg is misleading, and needs re-thinking. > Your location of Hamburg is too limiting; perhaps a visit to the bottom lands > back toward the Savannah River would demonstrate the development of the area > not east of the highway, but west, along the river bank where, at least some > years ago, were the evidence of at least a half-dozen streets, Market Street > being the first in, paralleling the river. I believe you'd discover the bulk of > Hamburg was in that area. There were at least 45-50 houses west of the > railroad tracks, and perhaps a couple of dozen east of where the tracks and US 1 > are, but by the river, not at the site of Hamburg Industries and its neighbor > to the north, Augusta Concrete Block. They're located at the foot of Schultz' > Hill, named for the founder of Hamburg. (Which is not to say there wasn't > some habitation there; I don't know.) > Also, Hamburg was the terminus of the South Carolina Railroad, not "The Best > Friend Express", which, on January 15, 1831, placed in service the first > locomotive to haul a train of cars in regular service on an American > railroad. This locomotive was "The Best Friend of Charleston". You've sort > of combined the two, and I've never heard the term "Express" in conjunction with > either. In any event, the rail yard was just north of the river, and just > east of where US 1 presently is, certainly not a half mile inland. > Respectfully, > JIM MOORE > A North Augustan in Northern Virginia > > P.S.: Bouy: I checked my copy of the 1841 "City Advertiser" (Read "City > Directory") for Augusta, which included Hamburg. Your folks weren't there, > then, so apparently Wm H. Greene wasn't a resident of Hamburg before he married > that same year and they must've come down later. For what it's worth, they're > not listed in the 1850 Edgefield census at > > either. > JCM > > Loy Mitchell wrote: > > > Hamburg was in Edgefield County during your time period. It is presently > > located down river from North Augusta, SC on the opposite side of US Highway > > #1....Augusta Concret Block and TTX Hamburg Industries are presently located > > on the spot where the old town sat near the river. This was the ending > > point of the "Best Friend Express" the first railroad from Charleston to the > > Savannah River (Hamburg). It was once a very vibrant town of settlers and > > an important it is nothing but commercial holdings. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Bouy Peeples Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |