Re: Hamburg - Loy Mitchell
Subject: Re: Hamburg
From: Loy Mitchell
Date: March 17, 2000

Thank you Mr. Estes for the input....the locomotive engine of the first
South Carolina Railroad was named the "Best Friend Express" and that is what
I learned in SC History......and I don't live in Virginia, but only 4 miles
From the old Hamburg town....but the Authority lives in VA or wherever he

This is why people hesitate to help anyone on this list.  There is always
another who wishes to criticize and belittle....that's okay because I have
very thick skin and I can take it......I will just say a prayer for Mr. Jim
Moore and ask God to show him the way to be kinder to his fellow man or
woman in this case.

Granted this is not genealogy, but someone needs to say whats on their minds
about all the criticism here...I for one appreciate anyone who is willing to
look up things and help others...its called SHARING.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thurston Estes 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Friday, March 17, 2000 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: Hamburg

>There is a road in Charleston which was a RR bed.  The name of the road
>FRIEND ROAD, which may or may not help clearify matters.  You could
probably check
>with Charleston Historical Society and get VALID info;
>Thurston G. Estes
>JIM MOORE wrote:
     Please understand that I do not wish to start a public arguement, but
I feel
 your information concerning Hamburg is misleading, and needs re-thinking.
 Your location of Hamburg is too limiting; perhaps a visit to the bottom
 back toward the  Savannah River would demonstrate the development of the
 not east of the highway, but west, along the river bank where, at least
 years ago, were the evidence of at least a half-dozen streets, Market
 being the first in, paralleling the river.  I believe you'd discover the
bulk of
 Hamburg was in that area.    There were at least 45-50 houses west of the
 railroad tracks, and perhaps a couple of dozen east of where the tracks
and US 1
 are, but by the river, not at the site of  Hamburg Industries and its
 to the north, Augusta Concrete Block.    They're located at the foot of
 Hill, named for the founder of Hamburg.    (Which is not to say there
 some habitation there; I don't know.)
     Also, Hamburg was the terminus of the South Carolina Railroad, not
"The Best
 Friend Express", which, on January 15, 1831, placed in service the first
 locomotive to haul a train of cars in regular service on an American
 railroad.    This locomotive was "The Best Friend of Charleston".
You've sort
 of combined the two, and I've never heard the term "Express" in
conjunction with
 either.    In any event, the rail yard was just north of the river, and
 east of where US 1 presently is, certainly not a half mile inland.
 A North Augustan in Northern Virginia

 P.S.:    Bouy:    I checked my copy of the 1841 "City Advertiser" (Read
 Directory") for Augusta, which included Hamburg.    Your folks weren't
 then, so apparently Wm H. Greene wasn't a resident of  Hamburg before he
 that same year and they must've come down later.    For what it's worth,
 not listed in the 1850 Edgefield census at

 Loy Mitchell wrote:

 > Hamburg was in Edgefield County during your time period.  It is
 > located down river from North Augusta, SC on the opposite side of US
 > #1....Augusta Concret Block and TTX Hamburg Industries are presently
 > on the spot where the old town sat near the river.  This was the ending
 > point of the "Best Friend Express" the first railroad from Charleston
to the
 > Savannah River (Hamburg).  It was once a very vibrant town of settlers
 > an important it is nothing but commercial holdings.
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Bouy Peeples 
 > To: [email protected] 
 > Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000 3:25 PM
 > Subject: Hamburg
 > >Does anyone know how to find out in which coulnty Hamburg, SC would
 > been in in 1850?  I assumed Edgefield but cannot find the family.  I am
 > looking for Wm. H. Greene and his wife Georgia Ann B. Ioor Greene and
 > two daughters Eloise Tucker Greene and Anna Louisa Greene.  It is
 > that he may have been dead by then in which case the wife and daughters
 > would have most likely gone back upstate.  Is the entire 1850 Census
for SC
 > on line somewhere?  Or could anyone that has a private copy of that
 > look and see if they can be found.  I have Colleton and Beaufort and
 > read every page and they are not there.  What would be the
 > county in GA. if they were across the state line and would that be on
 > >Thanks for any suggestions.  This man has been a total brick wall and
 > than the marriage notice there is no finding Wm. H. Greene who married
 > 1841 in upstate SC.
 > >Bouy
 > >
 > >

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