Subject: Greenville Co SC Library Resources From: Stephen M. Brown Date: June 25, 1998 I want to share with the list some of the resources from the Greenville County Library the following is a partial listing of some of these. Recently the library here in Greenville South Carolina has added literally hundreds of microfilm Records. Among these additions are most Census Records from the Southeast and many more from other areas. This SC room is called the Stowe Room. South Carolina Land Records Stow South Carolina Historical Room, Greenville,SC room County Library MICROFILM South Carolina Memorials of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century South Carolina Land Titles, 1731-1778. Includes index. Ninety-Six District, North Side of the Saluda River Plat Book. 1784-1803. State Plats: Charleston Series, 1784-1860; Columbia Series, 1796-1868. Includes Index. Conveyance Books, 1787-1904 Indexes to Conveyance Books, 1787-1913 Index to Plats, 1799-1975 Plat Books, 1801-1846, 1897, 1900-1912 Real Estate Mortgage Book, 1879-1901 Warrants for Surveys, 1844-1880 Anderson County- (includng Pendleton District) Conveyance Books 1790-1901 Indexes to Deeds, 1790-1948 Plat Books, 1802-1866, 1871, 1904 Laurens County Deeds, 1785-1874 Indexes to Deeds, 1774-1903 Plats, 1806-1840 Real Estate, 1828-1934 Spartanburg County Conveyance Books, 1784-1900 Indexes to Conveyance Books, 1785-1919 Plat Books, 1802-1870 MICROFICHE SC 929.3757 SC S.C. Grant Book, 1735-1752 REFERENCE BOOKS SC 333.16 Ackerman South Carolina Colonial Land Policies SC 929.3757 SC Compendium of South Carolina Records: Quitrents, 1733-1734 SC 929.3757 SC Index to Commissioner of Locations Plat Books A & B 1784-1788: Lower Parts of 0Id Ninety-Six District SC 929.3757 SC Index to South Carolina Land Grants 1784-1800 SC 929.3757 SC Laurens and Newberry Counties, South Carolina: Saluda and Little River Settlements 1749-1775 SC 929.3757 SC North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina SC 929.3757 SC Patent Land Survey: Index of Land Acquisitions 1770-1820 SC 929.3757 SC Petitions for Land from the South Carolina Council Journals, 1734-1748 SC 929.3757 SC Some South Carolina County Records (2 vol.) SC 929.3757 SC South Carolina Deed Abstracts 1719-1788 (7 vol.) SC 929.3757 SC South Carolina Memorials: Abstracts of Land Titles SC 929.3757 SC South Carolina Quit Rents 1735 & 1736 SC 929.3757 SC Barnweli Index to State Grants in Barnwell District SC 929.3757 SC Charleston Index to Deeds of the Province and State of South Carolina 1719-1785 and Charleston District 1785-1800 SC 929.3757 SC Dutch Fork The Dutch Fork: a Catalog of Early Land Records SC 929.3757 SC Edgefield Edgefield County, South Carolina Abstracts of Deed Books 1-18 SC 929.3757 SC Fairfield Fairfield County, S.C. Deed Book A 1785-1788 SC 929.3757 SC Greenville Abstracts of deeds: Book A, B & C (1787-1795) SC 929.3757 SC Horry Horry District Commissioner of Location Plat Book A,B,C, 1802-1831 SC 929.3757 SC Lancaster Lancaster County, South Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1787-1811 SC 929.3757 SC Lexington Memorialized Records of Lexington District, South Carolina, 1814-1825 SC 929.3757 SC Marion Marion County, South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds SC 929.3757 SC Newberry Newberry County, South Carolina, Abstracts of Deed Book P2 1821-1822 SC 929.3757 SC Pendleton Pendleton District, S.C. Deeds 1790-1810 (2 vol.) SC 929.3757 SC Richland Richland District South Carolina Land Records 1785-1865 SC 929.3757 SC Spartanburg SC Commissioner of Locations 96 District 1786-1803 SC 929.3757 SC Spartanburg Spartanburg County/District South Carolina Deed Abstracts Books A-T 1785-1827 SC 929.3757 SC Williamsburg Abstracts from Deed Books A-E SC 973.3457 Draine Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants in South Carolina SC 975.725 Clayton Settlement of Pendleton District, 1777-1800 SUBJECT HEADINGS IN PAC South Carolina- Deeds South Carolina- Genealogy Land Grants- South Carolina Land Tenure- South Carolina Land Titles- South Carolina Also above subject headings for each county in South Carolina. AFRO'AMERICAN RESEARCH THE STOW SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL ROOM, GREENVILLE COUNTY LIBRARY RESEARCH GUIDES GEN 016.9291 Lawson Generations past: a selected list of sources for Afro-American genealogical research SC 355.30979 Moebs Black soldiers. Black sailors- Black ink: research guide SC 929.1 Begley African American genealogical research GEN 929.1 Bloekson Black genealogy GEN 929.1 Ethnic Ethnic genealogy: a research guide GEN 929.1 Walker Black genealogy:, how to begin SC 929.1072 Megginson Tracing your family roots GEN 929.1089 Streets Slave genealogy ,, SC 929.108996 Beasley Family pride SC 929.108996 African African American genealogical source book GEN 9,29.373 U.S. Black Indian genealogy research SOUTH CAROLINA SOURCES SC 286.1757 Bethlehem 124th anniversary or Bethlehem Baptist Church SC 286.1757 Mlddleton Directory and pre-1900 historical survey of SC's Black Baptists SC 305.563 Albanese The plantation school SC 373.75727 Butler Sterling High School, bless her name! SC 373.7579 Drago Initiative, paternalism & race relations: Charleston's Avery Normal Institute SC 929.3 SC South Carolina 1850 and 1860 slave schedule census Index SC 929.3757 SC Black soldiers in World War I: Anderson, Plckens and 0conees Counties ... SC 929.3757 SC Anderson Profiles of black folks In Anderson County SC 929.3757 SC Cherokee Black families In Cherokee County, South Carolina ... SC 929.3757 SC Greenville Abstracts of some Greenville County, SC, records concerning black people .., SC 929.5 SC Anderson African-American cemeteries SC 929.5 SC Greenville Black church cemeteries, Greenville County, South Carolina SC 929.5 SC Sumter Black churches and cemeteries of Snmter County, SC SC 973.0496 To To walk the whole Journey: African-American cultural resources ... SC 973.314 McElligott Some eighteenth century South Carolina slave owners and their slaves SC 373.7415 Gourdtn 104th Infantry Regiment USCT: colored Civil War soldiers SC 975.7 Begiey African American genealogical research SC 375.729 Henderson Spartan slaves: a documentary account of blacks on trial in Spartanburg... SC Microfiche 633 Peyre Plantation jo .urn&l SC Microfiche B Andrews The life and adventures of Capt. Robert W, Andrews of Sumter ... SC MicrofT!m State free Negro capitation tax books, Charleston, SC ... SC Microfilm 1850 and 1860 slave schedule census MISCELLANEOUS GEN 366.1 Grimshaw Official history of freemasonry among the colored people SC973.315 Qaqrles The Negro in the American Revolution SC 373.346 Greene Black courage, 1775-1783 SCHOOL YEARBOOKS (various dates) SC 371.805 Joseph The Hurricane (Joseph R. Bryson High School) SC 371.805 Lincoln The Rattler (Lincoln High School) SC 371.805 Morris The Hornet (Morris CoLlege) SC 371.805 South The Bulldog (South Carolina State College) SC 371.805 Sterling The Torch (Sterling High School) SC 371.805 Voorhees The Tiger (Voorhees College) SC 371.805 Washington The Falcon (Washington High School) OTHER STATES GEN 355.0092 On On the trail of the Buffalo Soldier: biographies of African Americans in the U.S. Army, 1866-1917 GEN 355.30973 Sandel Black Soldiers in the Colonial Militia' Documents from 1639-1780 GEN 929.3755 VA Montgomery Entitled: free papers in Appnhehia concerning antebeLlum freeborn Negroes GEN 929.3755 VA Northampton The register of free Negroes, Northampton County, Virginia GEN 929.3755 VA Rockingham Register of free blacks, Rockingham County, Virginia GEN 929.3756 NC Free African Americans of North Carolina and Virginia GEN 929.3756 NC The heritage of Blacks in North Carolina GEN 929.3756 NC Somebody knows my name, v. 1-3 GEN 929.3758 GA Elbert Elbert County, Georgia marriages, 1805-1913 GEN 929.3771 OH Register of black, mulatto and poor persons in four Ohio counties ... GEN 975.6 Crow The Black experience in Revolutionary North Carolina GEN 375.6 Crow A History of African Americans in North Carolina FAMILY HISTORIES SC 929,2 Butler Butler-Wood family reunion SC 929.2 Durham History and reunion of the descendants of Lilla Childs Durham and Larthun Durham SC 929.2 Greer The Tree SC 929.2 Hendrlcks Gathering the generations: Hendrlcks, Henderson, Forguson ... SC 929.2 Madden Madden fnmily reunion GEN 929.2 Simons A coLloquial history of a Black South Carolina fnmily named Simons GEN 929.2 White Good remembrance GEN 929.2 Wofford The homecoming:, a celebration of the Wofford, Lottie and Brinker families A South Carolina Room research Paper compiled by Betty Monahan l/97, rev.. 3/98 PROBATE RECORDS (Including Equity Court, Guardianship, etc.) Stow South Carolina Historical Room Greenville County Library Microfilm South Carolina Will Transcripts, 1782-1868 Abbeville Co. General Index to Equity Records, 1791 - 1906 Abbeville Co. Wills, 1787-1815 Anderson Co. Real Estate Book, 1793-1836 Greenville Co. Account Book, 1894-1905 Greenville Co. Administration and Guardianship Bonds, 18 ! 6-1905 Greenville Co. Annual Return Books A-M, 1817-1902 Greenville Co. Estate Records, 1 784-1936 Greenville Co. Index to Probate Court [Estate Papers], 1787-1976 Greenville Co. Inventories and Appraisements, Book B, 1825-1829 Greenville Co. Returns, Book A, 1817-1824 Greenville Co. Will Books, 1820-1907 Laurens Co. Administration Bonds, 1804- ! 819 Laurens Co. Annual Returns, 1840-1867 Laurens Co. Decree Book, 1840-1868 Laurens Co. Equity Court Decree Book, 1807-1823 Laurens Co. Estate Papers, 1800-1931 Laurens Co. General Estate Index, 1800-1931 Laurens Co. Guardian Returns (Equity), 1807-1830 Laurens Co. Indexes to Bills, Petitions, Decrees ... 1796-1869 , Laurens Co. Inventories, Appraisements, and Sales, 1825-1853 Laurens Co. Journal, 1840-1895 Laurens Co. Partitions of Estates, 1803-1826 Laurens Co. Real Estate, 1828-1934 Laurens Co. Wills, 1836-1890 Ref. Books SC 929.3757 SC Abstracts of the Wills of the State of South Carolina, 1670-1784 SC 929.3757 SC A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records SC 929.3757 SC A Genealogical Collection of South Carolina Wills and Records SC 929.3757 SC Indexes to the County Wills of South Carolina SC 929.3757 SC Probate Records of South Carolina, 1746-1785 SC 929.3757 SC Some South Carolina County Records SC 929.3757 SC Some South Carolina Genealogical Records SC 929.3757 SC South Carolina Wills, 1670-1853 SC 929.3757 SC Abbeville Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds SC 929.3757 SC Anderson Pendleton District and Anderson County, S.C. Wills, Estates, Inventories ... SC 929.3757 SC Barnwell Court of Equity Records of Barnwell District ... SC 929.3757 SC Barnwell Winton (Barnwell) County ... Minutes of County Court and Will Book 1, 1785-1791 SC 929.3757 SC Camden Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 (1770-1796) SC 929.3757 SC Charleston Abstracts of Wills of Charleston District ... and Other Wills ... 1783-1800 SC 929.3757 SC Charleston Index to Wills of Charleston County ... 1671- 1868 SC 929.3757 SC Cherokee Abstracts of Cherokee County Will Book I SC 929.3757 SC Edgefield Abstracts of Wills, Edgefield County SC 929.3757 SC Edgefield Edgefield County ... Old Wills, 1787-1818 SC 929.3757 SC Edgefield Edgefield County, SC wills 1787-1836 SC 929.3757 SC Edgefield Indexes of Edgefield County SC 929.3757 SC Georgetown Abstracts of Wills, Georgetown County SC 929.3757 SC Greenville Index to Deaths, Marriages, and Probates in the Southern Enterprise and Greenville Enterprise Newspapers, 1866-1870 SC 929.3757 SC Laurens Laurens County ... Wills, ] 784-1840 SC 929.3757 SC Laurens Laurens County [Will Books, 1777-1853, various volumes] SC 929.3757 SC Lexington Memorialized Records of Lexington District ... 1814-1825 SC 929.3757 SC Marion Marion County ... Extracts from Equity Rolls SC 929.3757 SC Marion Marion County Probate Records SC 929.3757 SC Marlboro Wills of Marlboro County SC 929.3757 SC Newberry Newberry County ... Probate Estate Abstracts SC 929.3757 SC Newberry Will Book L SC 929.3757 SC Ninety Six Ninety Six District ... Journal of the Court of Ordinary ... 1781-1786 SC 929.3757 SC Orangeburgh Orangeburgh District ... Returns in Pardi:ion SC 929.3757 SC Spartanburg Spartanburg County ... Will Abstracts, 1787- 1840 SC 929.3757 SC Union Union County ... Will Abstracts, i 787-1849 SC 929.3757 SC Williamsburg Williamsburg County Probate Records, 1806-ca. 1900 Sub!eot Headings in PAC [Name of county] (S.C.) - Genealogy Probate Records - South Carolina - [Name of county] South Carolina - Genealogy Wills - South Carolina - [Name of county] A South Carolina Room Research Paper compiled by Betty Monahan 6/97, rev. 3/98 South Carolina Newspapers Stow South Carolina Historical Room, Greenville County Library Microfilm Anderson Anderson Gazette, 1843-1848 Anderson Highland Sentinel, 1840.1843 Beaufort Free South, 1863-1864 Camden Camden Commercial Courier, 1837-1838 Charleston Charleston Daily Courier, 1803-1873 Charleston Charleston Times, 1800-1821 Charleston Charleston Tri-Weekly Courier, 1832-1870 Charleston South Carolina Gazette, 1732-1782 [title varies] Columbia Columbia Telescope, 1815-1839 Columbia Daily South Carolinian, 1849-1867 Columbia Daily Southern Guardian, 1858-1870 Columbia Palmetto leader, 1925-1957 Columbia South CaroUna State Gazette and Columbia advertiser, 1822-1828 Columbia Southern Times Gazette, 1830-1838 Columbia South-Carolina Temperance Advocate, 1839-1847 Columbia Southern Chronicle, 1840-1847 Columbia The State, 1967-1977 Columbia Tri-weekly South Carolinian, 1849-1865 Edgefield Edgefield Advertiser, 1836-1902 Greenville Daily Enterprise, 1876 Greenville Enterprise and Mountaineer, 1873-1891 Greenville Greenville Daily Piedmont, 1912-1916 Greenville Greenville News, 1900-current GreenviUe Greenville Observer, 1930-1944 Greenville Greenville Piedmont, 1927-1995 Greenville Greenville Republican, 1826-1828 Greenville Parker Progress, 1925-1928 Greenville Patriot and Mountaineer, 1855-1866 Greenville Piedmont, 1916-1927 Greenville Southern Enterprise, 1854-1870 Greenville Southern Patriot, 1851-1855 Greenwood Greenwood Index, 1897-1919 (includes Daily Index and Evening Index) Greer Greer Citizen, 1922-1988 Lancaster Lancaster Ledger, 1852-1866 Laurens Laurens Advertiser, 1885-1901 Laurens Laurenceville Herald, 1846-1900 Pendleton Miller's Weekly Messenger, 1807-1814 Pendleton Pendleton Messenger, 1818-1849 Pickens Pickens Sentinel, 1875-1907 Spartanburg Carolina Spartan, 1849-1893 Spartanburg Spartanburg Express, 1857 Spartanburg [Miscellaneous newspapers], 1844-1949 Walhalla Keowee Courier, 1849-1876 [Note: dates indicate beginning and ending issues and do not mean run is complete; some issues may be lacking{ Books SC 015.757 Moore South Carolina Newspapers SC 929.3757 SC Associate Reformed Presbyterian Death and Marriage Notices, 1866-1888 SC 929.3757 SC Death Notices in the South-Carolina Gazette, 1732-1775 SC 929.3757 SC Genealogical Abstracts from the South Carolina Gazette, 1732-1735 SC 929.3757 SC Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of South Carolina SC 929.3757 SC Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston 0bservor, 1827.1845 SC 929.3757 SC Marriage and Death Notices from the (Charleston) Times, 1800-1821 SC 929.3757 SC Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern Patriot SC 929.3757 SC Marriage and Death Notices from Upper S.C. Newspapers, 1843-1865 SC 929.3757 SC Marriage and Death Notices from the Up-Country of South Carolina as Taken from Greenville Newspapers, 1826-1863 SC 929.3757 SC Marriage Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878 SC 929.3757 SC South Carolina Newspapers: the South-Carolina Gazette, 1760 SC 929.3757 SC Abbeville Marriage and Death Notices from the Abbeville Banner, 1846-1860 SC 929.3757 SC Anderson Early Anderson County, S.C., Newspapers, Marriages and Obituaries, 1841-1882 SC 929.3757 SC Anderson Equity Notices Published in the Pendleton Messenger, 1826-1848 SC 929.3757 SC Anderson Marriage and Death Notices from Pendieton (S.C.) Messenger, 1807-1851 SC 929.3757 SC Camden Marriage and Death Notices from Camden ... Newspapers, 1816-1865 SC 929.3757 SC Charleston Marriage Notices in Charleston Courier, 1803-1808 SC 929.3757 SC Columbia Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia ... Newspapers, 1792-1839 SC 929.3757 SC Columbia Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia ... Newspapers, 1838-1860 SC 929.3757 SC Georgetown Marriage, Death and Estate Notices from Georgetown, S.C. Newspapers, 1791-1861 SC 929.3757 SC Greenville Greenville County Marriages as Published in the Greenville News... 1970-1975 SC 929.3757 SC Greenville Greenville County Obituaries as Published in the Greenville News... 1970-1979 SC 929.3757 SC Greenville Index to Deaths, Marriages, and Probates in the Southern Enterprise...1866-1870 SC 929.3757 SC Greenville Index to Obituaries in the Greenville News, 1925-1929, 1930-1939, 1940-1949 SC 929.3757 SC Pickens The Keowee Courier, 1849-1851, 1857-1861, and 1865-1868 SC 929.3757 SC Pickens The People's Journal ... 1894-1903 SC 929.3757 SC Pickens The Pickens Sentinel ... 1872-1893 SC 929.3757 SC Union Union County, South Carolina Death Notices ... 1852-1914 SC 929.3757 SC Union Union County, South Carolina Marriage Notices ... 1851-1912 SC 929.3757 SC Williamsburg Index to Death Notices in Williamsburg County Newspapers, 1894-1994 SC 929.3757 SC Williamsburg Index to Marriage Notices in Williamsburg County Newspapers, 1897-1994 SC 929.3757 SC York York, South Carolina, Newspapers: Marriage and Death Notices, 1823-1865 NEWSPAPERS CURRENTLY RECEIVED Greenville News Greet Citizen Times Upstate Times Examiner Traveler's Rest Monitor Tribune-Times There is a computer index of the Greenville News for articles relating to Greenville and South Carolina beginning in 1992 and for births, deaths, marriages and divorces beginning in 1994. A South Carolina Room Research Paper compiled by Betty Monahan and Misty Johnson 4/9; NEW! CENSUS MICROFILM Stow South Carolina Historical Room Alabama 1910 1920 Arkansas 1830 1840 1850 1870 1880 1900 California 1850 Connecticut 1850 Delware 1850 District of Columbia 1850 Florida 1900 Illinois 1840 1850 1860 1870 Indiana 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 Indian Territory 1900 Iowa 1850 Kentucky 1820 1880 1900 1910 Louisiana 1860 1870 1880 1900 Maine 1850 Maryland 1900 1910 1920 Massachusetts 1850 Michigan 1820 1850 Minnesota 1850 Mississippi 1830 1840 1900 1910 Missouri 1830 1840 1860 1870 1880 1900 New Hampshire 1850 New Jersey 1850 New York 1850 Ohio 1820 1830 1840 1860 1870 1880 Rhode Island 1850 Texas 1900 1910 Vermont 1850 Virginia 1910 1920 West Virginia 1880 1900 1910 Wisconsin 1850 \\\|/// \\ ~ ~ // ( @ @ ) ------- oOOo-(_)-oOOo--------------- Greenville County, Abbeville County,Anderson County(Pendleton District), Pickens County, Oconee County, SC, Polk Co.& Rutherford Co. NC. Am working on Cothran, Cochran, Cockrum, Cockerham, Cockram Families in SC. Have connections to Holliday, Woodson, Cooley in Greenville County, SC. John Cothran(1790-1876) married Sarah Woodson daughter of Tucker Woodson. Their son James Latimore Cothran married Mary Clark daughter of Eli Clark. These families were around Chesley Cockerham, Hezikiah Cockerham about 1800. Other surnames in NC and SC: Keese, Isbell, Skelton, Rowan, Stepp, Cochran, Stevenson, Brown, Presley, Newell, Reid, McCord!,Hester,Strickland,Hines, Lancaster,, Seeking researchers to share information. Need parents and siblings of John Cothran and their origin.Contact Information:Stephen McCord Brown, 31 Lullwater Rd. , Greenville, SC, 29607, United States Telephone: 864 2926290 Fax: 864 3227222 [email protected] --------------------Oooo.----------- .oooO ( ) ( ) ) / \ ( (_/ \_) ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |