Fwd: German Fusiliers - Romen3
Subject: Fwd: German Fusiliers
From: Romen3
Date: March 25, 1999

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I listed this on another site, but felt it could be used here too...........I
hope someone finds it beneficial..........Rachel

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This is probably good information for all of the list.....Thanks Linda for
requesting it.

When stirring news from Lexington and Concord reached Charleston, it led
forthwith to the organization of the Fusiliers.   In May, 1775, Alexander
Gillon, Peter Boquet, Michael Kalteissen, William Livingston and Gideon Dupont
"collected together one hundred and thirty-seven Germans," who at once
organized under the name of the German Fusiliers.  

                            THE ORIGINAL ROLL OF THE COMPANY

Henry Timrod    Peter Meurset   Jacob Sass   Jodoph Kimmell   Christian Martin
Philip Will   John Groning   Daniel Cobia   Christian  Algir   Daniel Rupple
Herman Nieffer   Adam Petch   Martin Miller   Paul Schlatter   Daniel Strobel
Philip Mintzing   Heinrich Blankenhorn   Robert Beard   Thomas Harris   John
Kirchnerm   John Delka, Sr.   Frederick D. Cruger   Elias Hauser   Adam Munick
Peter Deuer   Issac Brubackerm   Philip Naser   George L. Geil   David Kaufman
Charles F. Bech   George Young   Martin Clime   Charles Gruber   Christian
Gruber   Frederick Gravenstein   Jacob Warley   Charles Desel   Abraham
Markley   William Bochius   John Schullerling   Frederick Sauer   Daneil
Meylander   Peter Wealth  George Worshing   John Attinger   Peter Heissler
Casimer Patrick   Henry Lindauer   Florian Charles Mey   Casper Werching
John Kimmel   George Herrol   Michael Cobia      John Phillips Frederick
Jacobs   George Keenly    John Horlbeck   Gottfried Roth      Nicholas
Laffitte   John C. Schmitt   Christian Belser   Michael Herman   William
Snider   John Sichinger   James Gross   Adam Sigfrid   Lorenz Simon   Jacob
Frick   Jacob Stoll   Joseph Beiler   John Aberly   Henry Beyer   Frederick
Mattuce   John Luick   John E. Hoof    Adam Meylander   Michael Seiler   John
E. Poyas   Henry Hartung   William Scheerer   Conrad Sehm   Adam F. Gitsinger
Christopher Bettenfeld   William Evans   Herman Growing   Adam Hildebrand
Jacob Martin   Henry Liebehent   Samuel Gruber   Henry Grim   John Cooper
Philip Doertzenbacher   George Bell   Conrad Sclupp  Francis Cobia    Michael
Schwartz   Johann Ernst   Casper Erhart   Andres Richoney   Frederick Scharlot
John Gruber   John Schmitt   John Seckly   Erhard Rothmeyer   Bastain Spenzer
George Neithamer   Martin Remely   Henry Geffchen   Charles Burkmeier   Moses
Welt           Mathias Wolfe   George Welch   Lewis Timmons   Philip Girhan
George Gitsinger     Thomas Collis   George Clime   Frederick Nann   Frederick
Keloff   Frederick Switzer   Jacob Mintzing   Nicholas Cobia   Andrew
Muckenfuss   John Faesch   Richard Russell   Francis Cohaun   George Hanis
Peter Boillat   John R. Switzer     John  Delta, Jr.   Christopher Gennin
Peter Martin   Andrew Kantzman   John Hugerly   Philip Spenzer   John Strobel
John Wealth

I hope this helps someone.......Sorry I could  put them in alphabetical
order....they are as they came, other than being in columns.  I checked all
the spelling as it was written.  My best to you all.   That's southern, isn't
it?   I remember my family using it alot.  Except it was more like
Yaall.............Rachel      My ancestors are underlined


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