Gaillard's List - Steven J. Coker
Subject: Gaillard's List
From: Steven J. Coker
Date: September 14, 1998

Transactions of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina
No. 5.  pp 47-52, Charleston, South Carolina,  1897.
Press of Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co.

   There is still another list of French names that was prepared by Mr. Thomas
Gaillard of Mobile after many years of persevering research. He felt the
importance of preserving them as illustrating the hardships encountered by the
refugees; there being so few family names at present which have survived.
   He inquired diligently among the public records where names altogether
unknown to his generation were found, and he called to his assistance the
memories of his friends and acquaintances as well as their private papers.
   Every care was taken to render the list comprehensive and correct. The
prefixes, such as De, Le, La, or de la, which were part of many original French
names, had been discontinued during the first century of the Huguenot's
denization in South Carolina, which was a prolific cause of complication. As
examples of this the immigrant de Bordeaux had changed his name to Bordeaux, and
de la Motte to Motte. The spelling of names was even more often changed - such
as Gignillat to Gignilliat, Gaultier to Gautier, Dutarque to Dutart and many
others. In certain cases too the refugees had assumed other names in France to
facilitate escape, and on arriving in America with the new name which was held
for some time, the original would be eventually resumed, much confusion as to
identity being the consequence. As examples of this Lineroux changed his name to
Claremount and retained it through his life, while his descendants, of the third
generation only, have returned to the original name which they now hold.
   The list calls forcibly to mind what must have been the terrible experiences
of many of the first comers to the wilderness of a new country with the limited
means they are known to have had. The harsh treatment too of the indigent two
centuries ago who in many cases were obliged to pledge their labor for the
payment of their passage money or suffer the indignity of imprisonment was
another cause for so many having disappeared so rapidly that no trace whatever
of them has remained.
   The list is as follows:

   Allaire, Allegné, Amanieu, Anthony (Antoine), Ardouin, Arnott, Audebert,
Aunant, Aveaux, Aveine, Avila (now written Aveilhé), Aymeni.
   Bacot, Baerd, Balloh, Balluet, Barineau, Barnot, Barrett, Basson, Baton,
Bayes, Baylard, Bayle, Bazant, Beauchamp, Beinayme, Bejean, Belau, Belier,
Bellfaye, Bellot, Bellune, Benoist, Beraud, Berteaud, Bertonneau, Beselleau,
Billon, Birot, Bisset, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bourdillon, Bochet, Bodit, Boigard,
Boissiere, Boisseau (now written Boissieux), Bollomos, Bollough, Bonhop,
Bonhoste, Bonique, Bonneau, Bonnell, Bonnett, Bounetheau, Bonnoit, Boquet,
Bordajeau, Bourean, Boshere, Boissard, Bouchillon, Bouchonneau, Boudinot,
Bouneau, Boureau, Bourquin, Bourtillon, Boyd, Boyer, Bremare, Bressau, Brigand,
Broussard, Bruguet, Bruneau, Brunet, Buche, Bulleine, Bullenat, Burelet,
Burgeaud, Burtel, Buttal.
   Cadeau, Cahusac, Caillabæuf, Caradine, Carion, Caronne, Carrière, Carteau,
Chastaigner, Chaillon, Chardon, Charreau, Chastain, Cheavoux, Chevallier,
Cherenoux, Chichen, Chovein, Christie, Clenigny, Cluzeau, Collin, Corpet,
Cordes, Cothonneau, Couillondeau, Couillet, Courage, Courier, Couzneau, Courtis,
Couturier, Cramahé, Crosselye.
   Dalbraic, Darques, Dealean, De Bost, De Beaufain, De Bordeaux, De Bourdeau,
De Chaltignet, D'Elauné, D'Harriette, De Haze, De Jean, De la Baslie, De la
Conseillere, De la Motte, De la Pleine, De Leisseline, De Leseure, De
Longuomare, alias Aunant, De Lorme, De Lysle, De Richebourg, De Rousserye, De
Saussure, De Soirency, De St. Julien, De Largny, Deyos, De Vauvent, De Veaux,
Dieu, Dou, Doudion, Donnerville, Douxsaint, Dozier, Du Bliss, Dubois, Dubose,
Duc, Duqué, Duplessis, Dupont, Dupré, Dupuis (Dupuy), Durant, Durouzeaux,
Dutarque, Dyzart
   Faucheraud, Fauri, Fauton, Fayssoux, Festal, Fillen, Fillieux, Flavelle,
Flewry, Foissin, Fostein, Fouchard, Fraiserant, Franchomme, Frisil, Froissine,
   Gabeau, Gaillard, Galliot, Gallopin, Garineau, Garnier, Gautier, Gay,
Gendron, Gesque, Gilbert, Gignilliat, Gendrat, Girardeau, Girard, Gobard,
Goulard, Guiton, Gobard, Gogne, Goudin, Gourdin, Gout, Gregorie, Griffein,
Grimké, Gros, Guerrain, Guerri, Guibal, Guichard, Guinard, Guilheran,
Guilladeau, Guillaume, Gurillon.
   Hentic, Héraua, Himeli, Horry, Huger.
   Jocob, Janvier, Jeanes, Jeannerette, Jedeau, Jaudon, Julie, Jowes, Jorette,
   Labadie, Labrousse, La Coste, Lacoulière, Lafaye, Lafitte, Lafond, Lambolle,
anglicised to Lamboll, Lampriere, Langel, Lansac, Lanneau,[1] Lardant, La Riche,
Laroche, Lartique, La Salle, Lassade, Latorn, Laurens, Lavillat, Le Bas, Le
Batte, Libert, Le Brasseur, Le Breton, Le Brun, Le Cert, Le Chantré, Le Clair,
Legaré, Legendre, Leger, Le Grand, Le Jau, Le Jeune, Lempreur, Le Noble, Le
Noir, Lenud, Le Pierre, Le Queux, Le Roux, Le Roy, Lerrant, Lesesne, Le
Serrurier, Lessade, L'Espine, L'Estargette, Levrier, Le Sueur, Lieubrey,
Lefrago, Lineroux, alias Claremont, Livron, Lormier, Lovelle. 
   Maillard, Maillet, Mainville, Maginier, Manigault, Marbæuf, alias Labrosse,
Mariette, Marion, Marseau, Martine, Maryllan, Maslet, Mayne, Mayrant, Mazyck,
Mellichamp, Mouke, Montgomerie, Moragne, Moreau, Moultrie, Monnart, Monnie,
Mounier, Mouzon, Moze.
   Neufville, Nicolas (Petit bois), Nivrau, Normand.
   Odingselle, Ogier.
   Padon, Parapel, Pardue, Parisse, Pasquereaux, Pécontal, Pelet, Pepin,
Perdrian, Peronneau, Peyrot, Pétineau, Petit, Peyre, Pièredon, Pelotte, Piron,
Poinsette, Poitevin, Porcher, Postell, Pouderous, Poyas, Priand, Prioleau,
Priolet, Prou, Puchette, Prudhomme.
   Quanbie, Quintard, Quintyn.
   Rapier, Ravenel, Regnier, Rembert, Réquier, Ribouteau, Rivart, Robert,
Rodier, Roger, Rolland, Roquemare, Roujon, Roupelle, Royer.
   Sabbé, Saqueboville, Satur, Saulnier, Sarineau, Scheureré, Ségral, Sécare,
Séneschaud, Séquin, Séron, Serrazin, Serre, Sevier,[2] Simons, Skrine, Sortie,
(Soulegre and Solaigre), Strode, Sudré.
   Tample, Tarrateau, Tourron, Tébout, Tétard, Teyssandieu, Thibaut, Thisbon,
Thomas, Tesscot, Torquet, Tousigère, Touzier, Trapier, Trezevant, Triboudet,
Trouillart, Trouilleau.
   Vallade, Vallentine, Vanal, Varin, Verditty, Verdier, Vérine, Verre, Videau,
Vignaud, Villaret, Villepontoux, Vivrau, Voshat.
   Of a total of 428 names in the above list, although there are many that are
preserved as Christian names, only 34 still survive as family names. Peronneau
is the most recent one to become extinct in Charleston.
   In reading over the names, among the mass which are unknown are several which
enable us to understand from whence certain names of localities have been
derived. The name "Chichen" for example, is likely to have been held by the
first owner of Chechan plantation on the western branch of Cooper River, the
spelling having been somewhat changed, and Lambolle, a name only extinct for
about a century, was probably given to a well known street through ownership of
property therein.
   Coram has been included in the list by mistake. Its sound is not French, and
it is believed to have been English. Pardue, a name still held in Charleston
which is French to all appearances, and probably Huguenot, has been added to the
list by the committee on publication.
   A friend has suggested the following names from the above list as wrongfully
included. Chicken and Chinners as being English settlers. Chastaigner and de
Chattignet, as being the same persn, De la Plaine and Fleury also the same
person, the full name being Fleury de la Plaine, de Saussure as not being
strictly French Huguenots, but Swiss who came over with Pury as late as 1733.
   The committee think that Mellichamp and Moultrie may have been originally
French names, but that they are not correctly included in the above list.  Satur
and Strode are also incorrectly in the list.
   With regard to Thomas Gillard, the compiler of the list, it is evident that
he was no French scholar for in his writing of names he shows a want of
familiarity with peculiarities in spelling that are essentially French. Among
the many examples may be cited that of Lambolle, which he spelled Lamboll in his
list and to which the committee have added an e as more correct.
   It is true that he did not prepare his list until this century, more than a
hundred years after the arrivals that followed the revocation, but the two
parishes of St. Johns' and St. Stephens from which he obtained the mass of his
names have been peopled for generations with the descendants of the original
refugees who have inter-married and lived among themselves and preserved as a
consequence in their memories the names and traditions of the past that would
have been much forgotten had new blood been infused into that region.
   The Committee after careful reflection are of the opinion that the Gaillard
List is a valuable one which should be in our Transactions and that it has been
prepared with care. In the No. 6 of our Transactions will be given an opinion as
to the cause of the disappearance of so many names with so few being recorded as
having received grants of land. 
   The Committee also think that it is unjust to Mr. Gaillard to suppose that he
believed Chicken to be a French name. There is an inscription to that name among
the tombstones of Pompion Hill Chapel in St. Thomas' Parish, but the
probabilities are strongly in favor of there having been the name of Chichen
among the refugees, the holder of it having settled the plantation on the
western branch of the Cooper River, known as Chechan. There is no other
explanation of the origin of the name of the plantation.

1 This name is Acadian and was brought to South Carolina from Nova Scotia in

2 Ancestor of A. H. Sevier of Arkansas, U. S. Senator.

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