Subject: Estate fo Reuben Hickson Sumter District From: Deborah Byrd Date: October 04, 1998 Estate of Reuben Hickson State of South Carolina, Sumter District by William Potts Esquire Ordinary for said District Wherea as Esther Hickson and John Coles have applied to me leters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattles, Rights and Credits of Reuben Hickson late of District and State aforesaid deceased. These are therefore to Cite and admonish all and singular the kinderd and creditors fo the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next ordinarys court for the said district to be holden at Sumter Court House on the first Monday after publication to shew cause if any why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand seal this fifteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty and in the fifty fourth year of American Independence. State of South Carolina Sumter District: We the undersigned appraisal fo Est. Reuben Hickson dec'd hereby certify that we have met agreeable to ourselves and after being duly sworn have appraised the following property contained in this schedule as follows viz twenty slaves at $4019.90 Household & kitchen furnature & etc 418.00 Plantation, tools & sundry 122.16 1/2 Blacksmith & Carpentry tools 31.00 Cottongin & seed cotton 37.00 Grits mill hand mill, rice machine 52.00 1 fire arm 27.00 8 head horses 346.50 Seventy three head of cattle 471.00 2 Wagons & gear, riding chair and horses 105.00 Stock hogs and geese 65.00 total 5696.56 56 1/2 James R. Law W. Kennedy George Truluck George Laws South Carolina, Sumter District By William Potts Esquire Ordinary for said District These are to authorize and empower you or any three or more of your whose names are hereunder written, to repaird to all such parts and places within this state as you shall be directed unto by John Cole Junr Admin'tor and Esther Hickson Adm'trix of the estate of Reuben Hickson late of the district and state aforesaid deceased, wheresoever any of the goods and chattles of the said which shall be shewn unto you by the said John Cole Junr and Esther Hickson and there view and appraise all and every the said goods and chattles, being first sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almitghty God, to make a true and perfect inbentory and appraisement thereof, and to cause the same to be returned under your hands or any threee or four of you to the said John Cole Junr & Esther Hickson. on or before the first day of July Anno Domini 1830 in the fifty fifth year of American Independence. To Messrs Capt. James Law, William Kennedy, John Baker, George Laws and George Trubuck or any three or four of them Memorandum: This twentysecond day of July 1830 Personally appeared before my John Baker Esquire one of the Justices assigned to keep the peace in Salem County Sumter District, James R. Law, Wm. Kennedy, George Laws and George Trubuck being four of the appraisers to appraise the goods and chattles of Reuben Hickson deceased , who being duly sworn, made oath that they would make a just and true appraisement fo all and singular the good and chattles (ready money excepted) of Reuben Hickson deceased, as shall be produced by John Cole Junr & Esther Hickson administrators of the estate of said Reuben Hickson deceased, and thay they would return the same certified under their hands unto the said John Cole junr and Esther Hickson within the time prescribed by law. To William Potts Essquire Ordinary for Sumter District State of South Carolina The Petition of John Cole & John Baker & wife Esther Administrator & Administrix of Reuben Hickson dec'd. Sheweth That there is still a part of the perishable property of the said Reuben Hickson dec's remaining which use your Petitioners think advisiable should be sold for the benefit fo the heirs as we intend breaking up the plantation as there is no one to attend to the business therefore your Petitionrs pray that an order may be issued from the said court of Ordinary for the sale of said property and your Petitioners will be in duty bound to pray Sumterville Nov 29 1830 John Cole, John Baker On reading the above petition and examining into the property of said sale the Petitioners prayer was granted an order issued as follows: Theses are therefore to authorize and empower you John Cole Admistrator and John Baker & Esther his Wife Admintrix of Reuben Hickson dec'd that you do on the twenty third day of December next offer for sale and dispose of the whole of the perishable property (except Negroes) of said dec's on a credit of twelve months for all sums above five dollars all sums five and under to be cash the purchaser giving his note with approved security for the payment thereof with Intress for the date. Given under my hand and seal this 29 day of November 1830 and the Fifty fifth year of American Independence Annual Return of the business of the Estate of Reuben Hickson Deceased of the minor heir of said estate Dew to said estate in January 1850 which the amounts of money Dew $ 100 Attachments of money paid two and for the minor heir of Reuben Hickson deceased as follows: Paid January 1, 1848 for ordinary's fees $1.00 Paid in April 1848 to R. F Hickson minor of sd estate for the purpose of purchasing uniform $20.00 Paid for Taxes of the Estate of Reuben Hickson Dest. $2.97 1/4 John Baker gard. Deborah Byrd ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |