Subject: Earliest Settlers From: JEAN PRATHER Date: January 30, 2000 To Greene Co Ga from Va. and the Carolina's 1807 land lottery Capt Jenkins Dist Weaver Ottniel(?) 2 married me Williams Benjamin(Greenbrier) 1 young man White Lucy (Appalachia)(sic) 1 widow Wingfield Wm. 1 young man Williams John(orphan by the name Jack Wiiliams ) 1 orphan Capt Butler Dist Whatley James snr Appalachia (sic) 3 married men Whatley Rebeka 1 young woman Whatley R.Wm 2 married men Wilbourne David 2 married men Wheeler Elisha 2 married men Williams Charles Appalacha(sic)2 married men Williams Penelope 1 young woman Williams Joseph J (Appl) 2 married men Whules Alsey 1 young woman Walden Charles (G Brier) 2 married men Watts Litterberry 2 married men Wheeles Isham snr 2 married men Walker Natheniel 2 married men Willbourne Martha 1 widow Wilbourne Margret 1 young woman Wilkerson Dempsey 1 young man Yarborrogh John(F.Creek) 1 young man Capt Jenkins Young Alexander 2 married men Captain Butler Young Thomas (GBrier 2 married men I do certify that the above schedule of names is a true list by me as entitled to draw (agreeable to y instructions) the contemplated lottery certified by me on this 25 Sept 1806 Hiram Glazier Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |