Subject: Earliest Settlers From: JEAN PRATHER Date: January 25, 2000 Green Co Ga from VA and the Carolina's these were from Major Thomas Battalion(I found out) 1807 Land lottery Capt Greer Dist Thompson William 1 young man Capt Davenport Dist Thompson Robert(Fishing Creek) 2 married men Thompson Wm (S Creek) 2 married men Taylor James Oconee --------------------- Thrift Thomas 1 young man Tresher (?) Robert 2 married men Capt Watts Dist Tyler Willis 2 married men Capt Jenkins Dist Tomme Henry 2 married men Tate William 2 married men Townsend C,Andrew 1 young man Capt Butler Dist Thurmon Daniel (Greenbrier 1 young man Trimble Moses 2 married men Trimble Joseph Snr 2 married men Thresher Isaac (S Shoals) 2 married men Thrasher W Nancy 1 widow Thrasher Cloud (orphans of) 1 orphan Townsed Saml Snr (Ellison Creek) 2 married men Townsend Mary (Ellison Creek) 1 young woman Thrasher Joseph C 2 married men Thrasher Richard (orphans of by name)Nancy Thrasher 1 orphan Thurmon Absolom Orphans of Father and mother dead 2 orphans Thurmon Absolom orphans of mother living 2 orphans Tremble John 2 married men Thurmond Charles 2 married men Thompson Robert 2 married men Thurmon Hankey 1 young woman ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |