From: Steven J. Coker
Date: December 06, 1998

Extracted From:

O. Benl. Old Benloe.
O. Bridg. Orlando Bridgman's Reports.
O. C. Old Code: so is denominated the Civil Code of Louisiana, 1808.
O. N. B. Old Natura Brevium. Vide Vet. N. B., in the abbreviations, and "Old
  Natura Brevium," in the body of the work.
O. Ni. These letters, which are an abbreviation for overatur nisis habent
  sufficientem exonerationem, are, according to the practice of the English
  Exchequer, marked upon each head of a Sheriff's account for issues,
  amerciaments and mean profits. 4 Inst. 116.
Oblig.  Obligations.
Observ.  Observations.
Off.  Office.
Off. Br.  Officina Brevium.
Off. Ex.  Wentworth's Office of Executors.
Ohio R.  Ohio Reports.
Oldn.  Oldnall's Welsh Practice.
Onsl. N. P.  Onslow's Nisi Prius.
Ord. Anst.  Ordinance of Amsterdam.
Ord. Antw.  Ordinance of Antwerp.
Ord. Bilb.  Ordinance of Bilboa.
Ord. Ch.  Orders in Chancery.
Ord. Cla. Lord Clarendon's Orders.
Ord. Copenh. Ordinance of Copenhagen.
Ord. Cor. Orders of Court.
Ord. Flor. Ordinances of Florence.
Ord. Gen. Ordinance of Genoa.
Ord. Hamb. Ordinance of Hamburgh.
Ord. Konigs. Ordinance of Konigsberg.
Ord. Leg. Ordinances of Leghorn.
Ord. de la Mar. Ordonnance de la marine, de Louis XIV.
Ord. Prot. Ordinances of Portugal.
Ord. Prus. Ordinances of Prussia.
Ord. Rott. Ordinances of Rotterdam.
Ord. Swed. Ordinances of Sweden.
Ord. on Us. Ordinances on the Law of Usury.
Orfil. Med. Jur. Orfila's Medical Jurisprudence.
Orig. Original.
Ought. Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum.
Overt. R. Overton's Reports.
Ow. Owen's Reports.
Owen, Bankr. Owen on Bankruptcy.

P. Page or part. Pp. Pages.
P. Pachalis, Easter term.
P.C. Pleas of the Crown.
P.& D. Perry & Davison's Reports.
P.& K. Perry & Knapp's Election Cases.
P.& M. PHilip and mary; as, 1 & 2 P.& M. c. 4.
P.N.P. Peake's Nisi Prius.
P. P. Propria persona; in his own person.
Pa. R. Pennsylvania Reports.
P. R. or P. R. C. P. Practical REgister in the Common Pleas.
P. Wms. Peere Williams' Reports.
Paige's R. Paige's Chancery Reports.
Paine's R. Paine's Reports.
Pal. Palmer's Reports.
Pal. AG. Paley on the Law of Principal and Agent.
Pal. Conv. Paley on Convictions.
Palm. Pr. Lords. Palmer's Practice in the House of Lords.
Pand. Pandects. Vide Dig.
Par. Paragraph; as, 29 Eliz. cap. 5, par. 21.
Par.& Fonb. M. J. Paris & Fonblanque on Medical Jurisprudence.
Pardess. Pardessus, Cours de Droit Commercial. In this work
Pardessus is cited in several ways, namely: Pardes. Dr. Com Part 3, tit. 1,
  c. 2, s. 4, n. 286; or 2 Pardes. n. 286, which is the same reference.
Park on Dow. Park on Dower.
Park, Ins. Park on Insurance.
Park. R. Sir Thomas Parker's Reports of Cases concerning the Revenue, in the
Park. on Ship. Parker on Shipping and Insurance.
Parl. Hist. Parliamentary History.
Patch. on Mortg. Patch's Treatise on the Law of Mortgages.
Paul's Par. Off. Paul's Parish Officer.
Pay. Mun. Rights. Payne's Municipal Rights.
Peak. Add. Cas. Peake's Additional Cases.
Peak. C. N. P. Peake's Cases determined at Nisi Prius, and in the K. B.
Peake, Ev. Peake on the Law of Evidence.
Peck. R. Peck's Reports.
Peck's Tr. Peck's Trial.
Peckw. E. C. Peckwell's Election Cases.
Penn. Bl. Pennsylvania Blackstone, by John Read, Esq.
Penn. law Jo. Pennsylvania Law JOurnal.
Penn. R. Pennington's Reports. The Pennsylvania Reports are sometimes cited
  Penn. R., but more properly, for the sake of distinction, Penna. R.
Penn. St. R. Pennsylvania State Reports.
Penna. Pr. Pennsylvania Practice; also cited Tro. & Hal. Pr., Troubat &
  Haly's Practice.
Penna. R. Pennsylvania Reports.
Pennsylv. Pennsylvania Reports.
Penr. Anal. Penruddocke's Analysis of the Criminal Law.
Penult. The last but one.
Per.& Dav. Perry & Davison's Reports.
Per.& Knapp. Perry & Knapp's Election Cases.
Perk. Perkins on conveyancing.
Perk. Prof. B. Perkins' Profitable Book.
Perpig. on Pat. Perpigna on Patents. The full title of this work is, "The
  French Law and Practice of Patents for Inventions, Improvements, and
  Importations. by A. Perpigna, A.M.L.B., Barrister in the Royal Court of
  Paris, Member of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c."  The work
  is well written in the English language.  The author is a French lawyer,
  and has written another work on the same subject in French.
Pet. Ab. Petersdorff's Abridgment.
Pet. Adm. Dec. Peters' Admiralty Decisions.
Pet. on Bail, or Petersd. on Bail. Petersdorff on the Law of Bail.
Pet. R. Peters' Supreme Court Reports.
Pet. C. C. R. Peters' Circuit Court Reports.
Petting. on Jur. Pettingal on Juries.
Phil. Ev. Phillips' Evidence.
Phil. Ins. PHillips on Insurance.
Phil. St. Tr. Phillips' State Trials.
Phill. Civ. and Can. Laws. Phillimore on the Study of the Civil and Canon
  Law, considered in relation to the state, the church, and the
  universities, and in connexion with the college of advocates.
Phill. on Dom. Phillimore on the Law of Domicil.
Phillim. or Phillim E. R. Phillimore' Ecclesiastical Reports.
Pick. R. Pickering's Reports.
Pig. Pigot on Recoveries.
Pike's Rep. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of
  Law and Equity of the State of Arkansas.  By Albert Pike. These Reports
  are cited Ark. Rep.
Pitm. Prin. and Sur. Pitman on Principal and Surety.
Pl. Placitum or plea.
Pl. or Plow. or Pl. Com. Plowden's Commentaries, or Reports.
Plff. Plaintiff.
Platt on Cov. Platt on Law of Covenants.
Platt on Lea. Platt on Leases.
Pol. Pollexfen's Reports.
Poph. Popham's Reports. The cases at the end of Pophams' Reports are cited 2
Port. R. Porter's Reports.
Poth. Pothier. The numerous works of Pothier are cited by abbreviating his
  name Poth. and then adding the name of the treatise; the figures generally
  refer to the number, as Poth. Ob. n. 100, which signifies Pothier's
  Treatise on the Law of Obligations, number 100.
Poth. du Mar. Pothier du Mariage.
Poth. Vente. Pothier Traite de Vente, & c. His Pandects, in 24 vols. are
  cited Poth. Pand. with the book, title, law, &c.
Pott's L. D. Pott's Law Dictionary.
Pow. Powell.
Pow. Contr. Powell on Contracts.
Pow. Dev. Powell on Devises.
Pow. Mortg. Powell on Mortgages.
Pow. Powers. Powell on Powers.
Poyn. on M. and D. Poynter on the Law of Marriage and Divorce.
Pr. Principio. In pr. In principio; in the beginning.
Pr. Ex. Rep. or Price's E. R. Prices' Exchequer Reports.
Pr. Reg. Cha. Practical Register in Chancery.
Pr. St. Private Statute.
Pr. Stat. Private Statute.
Pract. Reg. C. P. Practical Register of the Common Pleas.
Pract. Reg. in Ch. Practical Register in Chancery.
Prat. on H.& W. Prater on the Law of Husband and Wife.
Pref. Preface.
Prel. Preliminaire.
Prest. Preston.
Prest. on Est. Preston on Estates.
Prest. Abs. Tit. Preston's Essay on Abstracts of Title.
Prest. on Conv. Preston's Treatise on Conveyancing.
Prest. on Leg. Preston on Legacies.
Pri. Price's Reports.
Price's Ex. Rep. Price's Exchequer Reports.
Price's Gen Pr. Price's General Practice.
Prin. Principium, the beginning of a title or law.
Prin. Dec. Printed Decisions.
Priv. Lond. Customs or Privileges of London.
Pro. L. Province Laws.
Pro quer. Pro querentum, for the plaintiff.
Proct. Pr. Proctor's Practice.
Puff. Puffendorff's law of nature.

Q. Quaestione, in such a Question.
Q. B. Queen's Bench.
Q. B. R. Queen's Bench Reports, by Adolphus & Ellis. New series.
Q.t. Qui tam.
Qu. Quere.
Q. Van Weyt. Q. Van Weytsen on Average.
Q. Warr. Quo Warranto; (q.v.) The letters (q.v.) quod vide, which see, refer
  to the article mentioned immediately before them.
Qu. Quaestione, in such a Question.
Quest. Questions.
Quinti Quinto. Yearbook, 5 Henry V.
Quon. Attach. Quoniam Attachiamenta. See Dalr. F.L. 47.

R. Resolved, ruled, or repealed.
R. Richard; as, 2 R. 2, c. 1.
Rich. Rep. Richardson's (S.C.) Reports.
RC. Rescriptum.
R.& M. Russell and Milne's Reports.
R.& M. C. C. Ryan and Moody's Crown Cases.
R.& M. N. P. Ryan & Moody's Nisi Prius Cases.
R.& R. Russell & Ryans' Crown Cases.
R. M. Charlt. R. M. Charlton's Reports.
RS. Responsum.
R. S. L. Reading on Statute Law.
Ram on Judgm. Ram on the Law relating to Legal Judgments
Rand. Perp. Randall on the Law of Perpetuities.
Rand. R. Randolph's Reports.
Rast. Rastall's Entries.
Rawle's R. Rawle's Reports.
Rawle, Const. Rawle on the Constitution.
Ray's Med. Jur. Ray's Medical Jurisprudence on Insanity.
Raym. or, more usually, Ld. Raym. lrod Raymond's Reports. T. Raym. Sir
  Thomas Raymond's Reports.
Re. Fa. lo. Recordari facias loquelam. Vide Refalo in the body of the work.
Rec. Recopilation.
Rec. Recorder; as, City Hall Rec.
Redd. on Mar. Com. Reddie's Historical View of the Law of Maritime Commerce.
Redesd. Pl. Redesdale's Equity Pleading. This work is also and must usually
  cited Mitf. Pl.
Reeves' H. E. L. Reeves' History of the English Law.
Reeves on Ship. Reeves on the Law of Shipping and Navigation.
Reeves on Des. Reeves on Descents.
Reg. Regula, rule.
Reg. Register.
Reg. Brev. Registrum Brevium, or Register of Writs.
Reg. Gen. Regulae Generales.
Reg. Jud. Registrum Judiciale.
Reg. Mag. Regiam Magestatem.
Reg. Pl. Regula Placitandi.
Renouard, des Brev. d'Inv. Traite des Brevets d'Invention, de
  Perfectionement, et d'Importation, par Augustin Charles Renouard.
Rep. The Reports of Lord Coke are frequently cited 1 Rep., 2 Rep., &c. and
  sometimes they are cited Co.
Rep. Repertoire.
Rep. Eq. Gilbert's Reports in Equity.
Rep. Q. A. Reports of Cases during the time of Queen Anne.
Rep. T. Finch. Reports tempore Finch.
Rep. T. Hard. Reports during the time of Lord Hardwicke.
Rep. T. Holt. Reports tempore Holt.
Rep. T. Talb. Reports of Cases decided during the time of Lord Talbot.
Res. Resolution. The cases reported in Coke's Reports, are divided into
  resolutions on the different points of the case, and are cited 1 Res. &c.
Ret. Brev. Retorna Brevium.
Rev. St. or REv. Stat. REvised Statutes.
Rey, des Inst. de l'Anglet. Des Institutions Judiciaries de l'Angleterre
  comparees avec celles de la France. Par Joseph Rey.
Reyn. Inst. Institutions du Droit des Gens, &c. par Gerard de Reyneval.
Ric. Richard; as, 12 Ric. 2, c. 15.
Rice's Rep. Reports of Cases in Chancery argued and determined in the Court
  of Appeals and Court of Error of South Carolina.  By William Rice, State
Rich. Pr. C. P. Richardson's Practice in the Common Pleas.
Rich. Pr. K. B. Richardson's Practice in the King's Bench.
Rich Eq. R. Richardson's Equity Reports.
Rich. on Wills. Richardson on Wills.
Ridg. Irish. T. R. Ridgeway, Lapp & Schoales' Term Reports in the K.B.,
  Dublin.  Sometimes this is cited Ridg. L.& S.
Ridg. P. C. Ridgeway's Cases in Parliament.
Ridg. Rep. Ridgeway's Reports of Cases in K. B. and Chancery.
Ridg. St. Tr. Ridgeway's Reports of State Trials in Ireland.
Ril. Ch. Cas. Riley's chancery Cases.
Rob. Adm. REp. Robinson's Admiralty Reports.
Rob. Cas. Robertson's Cases in Parliament, from Scotland.
Rob. Dig. Robert's Digest of the English Statutes in force in Pennsylvania.
Rob. Entr. Robinson's Entries.
Rob. on Fr. Roberts on Frauds.
Rob. on Fraud. Conv. Roberts on Fraudulent Conveyances.
Rob. on Gavelk. Robinson on Gavelkind.
Rob. Lo. Rep. Robinson's Louisiana Reports.
Rob. Just. Robinson's Justice of the Peace.
Rob. Pr. Robinson's Practice in Suits at Law, in Virginia.
Rob. V. Rep. Robinson's (Virginia) Reports.
Rob. on Wills. Robert's Treatise on the Law of Wills and Codicils.
Roc. Ins. Roccus on Insurance. Vide Ing. Roc.
Rog. Eccl. Law. Rogers' Ecclesiastical law.
Rog. Rec. Roger's City Hall Recorder.
Roll. Rolle's Abridgment.
Roll. R. Rolle's Reports.
Rom. Cr. Law. Romilly's Observations on the Criminal Law of England, as it
  relates to capital punishment.
Rop. on H.& W. A Treatise on the Law of Property, arising from the relation
  between Husband and Wife. By R. S. Donnison Roper.
Rop. Leg. Roper on Legacies.
Rop. on Revoc. Roper on Revocations.
Rosc. Roscoe.
Rosc. on Act. Roscoe on Actions relating to Real Property.
Rosc. Civ. Ev. Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of
  Actions at Nisi Prius.
Rosc. Cr. Ev. Roscoe on Criminal Evidence.
Rosc. on Bills. Roscoe's Treatise on the Law relating to Bills of Exchange,
  Promissory Notes, Banker's Checks, &c.
Rose's R. Rose's Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy.
Ross on V.& P. Ross on the Law of Vendors and Purchasers.
Rot. Parl. Rotulae Parliamentariae.
Rowe's Sci. Jur. Rowe's Scintilla Juris.
Rub. or Rubr. Rubric, (q.v.)
Ruffh. Ruffhead's Statutes at Large.
Runn. Ej. Runnington on Ejectments.
Runn. Stat. Runnington's Statutes at Large.
Rus.& Myl. Russell & Mylne's Chancery Reports.
Rush. Rushworth's Collections.
Russ. Cr. Russell on Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Rus.& Myl. Russell & Mylne's Reports of Cases in Chancery.
Russ. on Fact. Russell on the Laws relating to Factors and Brokers.
Russ. R. Russell's Reports of Cases in Chancery.
Russ.& Ry. Russell & Ryan's Crown Cases.
Rutherf. Inst. Rutherford's Institutes of Natural Law.
Ry. F. Rymer's Foedera.
Ry.& Mo. Ryan & Moody's Nisi Prius Reports.
Ry.& Mo. C. C. Ryan & Moody's Crown Cases.
Ry. MEd. Jur. Ryan on Medical Jurisprudence.

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