Statement Of Business, March 1846

Statement Of Business, March 1846

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John Jay Johns Journal
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Orrick Johns
Pen of John Jay Johns
Pioneer Families of MO
St. Charles, MO
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Died 30th Day August
 Mrs. Catherine A. Johns

This precious woman, After suffering from a painful consumption, attended by a harassing cough for two years, Died in the full hope of a blessed immortality. She possessed a character of great symmetry and loveliness.  She was amiable, sincere, modest and affectionate. Added to these, She possessed the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Her face was a true index to her heart -- Possessed of rare beauty, She never failed to win the affection of those with whom she associated by the sweetness of her countenance and the gentleness of her manner. though young, yet she possessed a mature judgement and this added to her mildness of manner and decision of character enabled her to administer the affairs of a large household with dignity and success. None shed tears more freely o'er her grave than the servants of the family. So many virtues clustering in the character of one so beautiful made her the ornament of her family--the joy and support of her devoted husband--the most precious of mothers, and the joy and comfort of her aged parents. As a child she fulfilled in a high degree, the command to honor father and mother. To them she was eminently dutiful and affectionate, ever willing to sacrifice her own comfort and happiness to contribute to theirs. Early in life, at the age of fourteen, she was made a trophy of  redeeming grace, during a revival of religion at Oxford, Ohio, under the preaching of Rev. Thornton Wills, Cincinnati. She lived a consistent, humble christian. But the Lord determined that her pilgrimage should be short. We removed to the neighborhood of St. Charles, Missouri in the spring of 1844. She enjoyed fine health until September when she was attacked with bilious fever, which continued till the birth of her youngest child, Mary. In January following, her cough continuing, her throat became seriously diseased and baffling the skill of her physicians, terminated in a fatal consumption. Her descent to the grave was gradual, attended at times with much pain and suffering. But her trust was in that God who has said "My grace shall ever be sufficient for thee." She contemplated death without fear and her soul was filled with that peace and sweet resignation which springs from a well founded hope in a divine Savior. As the rose faded from her cheek and she drew nigh unto death, her natural beauty was greatly increased by the heavenly joy that filled her soul and beamed in her countenance. Sweet submission to the divine will seemed to possess her soul and during her long sufferings she was never heard to murmur or repine. To such a degree were these graces manifested by her that those who had the privilege of ministering to her felt that they were in the presence of one, who had by the grace of God, risen above the suffering and frailties of humanity. In view of her departure she was enabled, in the exercise of faith, to commit her two sweet little daughters to a covenant--keeping God--and as their natural guardian and guide has gone to her rest, may I not fondly hope that the Lord has made her their guardian angel in heaven. During the last few months of her life she made frequent visits to Linden Wood where she spent many pleasant hours with the kind and excellent ladies who reside at that beautiful place.  During the occasional visits a strong, mutual attachment was formed between her and the excellent Miss Ott, the teacher in the female school at that place.  This estimable lady hitherto a stranger, the Lord provided a friend   [something was erased or whited out here]  who was minister to her comfort during the last weeks of her life, and in the affection and devotion seldom seen, did this lady watch day and night by the  bedside of this precious woman. Thereby bringing on those, Who were so fond of our sainted Catherine, a debt of endless gratitude. In her  dying hour, the Lord sustained her in a remarkable manner. It was her prayer that the Lord would continue to grant her the exercise of her reason to the last. In this she was gratified. The last day she spent on earth was the Sabbath and at its close, entered upon an eternal Sabbath above. The death struggle was long and painful in the extreme, but when amidst its agonies her feeble voice was raised in exultation and joy, the unearthly brightness of her eyes seemed to say that the Celestial city was already in full view.  "truly precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints."  Her remains are deposited in the private burying at Linden Wood. Such was this beautiful and lovely woman. The fond heart of her bereaved and desolate husband gladly pays this to her precious memory. It is inscribed for the benefit of her dear little motherless daughters that they may see, if the Lord spares them to grow up, what a  precious mother they have lost and that they may be encouraged to imitate her lovely character.

                                                                           John Jay Johns
Near St, Charles , Missouri
January 4, 1847


Source: Contributed by David Willis. Location of handwritten original unknown.  Transcription to softcopy by David Willis.

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