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Jan. 1, 1888 Sabbath
Now we begin a New Year, another stage in life's journey. Our
great aim should be to rise to a higher plane of spiritual life.
Our great aim should be to rise to a highter plane of spiritual
life. Eleanor Martin dined with us. Received letters from Fred
and Lizzie, Fred has hard work to collect any money in that country.
He expects to send Mary Glenday to San Antonio to get eyeglasses
for her. Called at Mrs. Ross. This is the week of prayer to be
observed by all Christians through the land -- Union meeting at
Methodist Chrch, a Thanksgiving meeting. This is a very appropriate
way to begin the year.
Jan. 3, 1888.
Received a letter from Mary Johns from Mississippi. Claude was
defeated for the office of Recorder. They will remain in Miss.
till spring. Lys had not gotten there. We had a good union meeting
at our church last night. Subject: The family and colleges and
schools. Nearly all our colleges are under Christian control.
Jan. 7, 1888.
Received letters from Mattie, Lou Morgan and a postal from Lys
Johns. He is with his uncle, Will Johns. I wrote to Mary Pearce.
Jan. 8, 1888. Sabbath.
Mr. Howison preached a good serman on the text, "Forgetting
the things that are behind, I press forward for the work of the
prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus". The Christian
should aspire to hightst attainment in spiritual life.
Jan. 9, 1888.
Received a letter from Eugene Gauss, Jr., San Antonio, all well.
Reverend John F. Cowan of Aux Vauxe Church is expected to preach
for us every night this week. I called to see him this forenoon
at Mr. Howison's. I knew his father years ago. He was one of the
early preachers in the state and contemporary of my wife's father,
Mr. Durfee. Received letter from Arthur, all well.
Jan. 12, 1888.
Mr. Cowan and Mr. Howison dined with us today. Received a letter
from Lys Johns in Madison Co., Miss. at his Uncle Alf's. Tom Pearce
is here today. He went to St. Louis Tuesday and tried to get some
work in Tabacco Factory (Drummond). He is going back tomorrow
to try to get a street car conductor's place in East St. Louis.
Received letter from Mattie, she is a good deal better. She and
Mr. Borden expect to go to Florida next month.
Jan. 15, 1888. Sabbath. Mercury 10° below Zero. This beats
all other days this winter. I fear the peach buds are killed.
We have had no peached for five years. We had communion in our
church today. Mr. Charles Willson, a fine young lawyer, joined
the church by profession and was baptized. Dr. Cowan preached
a delightful sermon.
Jan. 17, 1888.
The papers report terrible cold in all the west and northwest
and even south in Texas. In the afternoon called at Mrs. Ross'.
Miss Charlotte Shaw in bed. Called at Salveter's, old lady still
lives, but very weak, she longs to go. Received a note from Dr.
Farris. The Fraysers girls called.
Jan. 19, 1888.
Snyder's child died last night night of Dyptheria. My wife and
I called on Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. Cora Hoelke whose little boy
broke his leg some days ago coasting. Session of the church met
last night and received Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins into the church on
profession of faith. Wrote to Mattie and received the pictures
of Henry Gauss' three young children. John, Virginia and Matthew.
Jan. 21, 1888.
This is certainly a hard winter, towns in the northwest blockaded
by snow without fuel or any provisions. Received letter from Mattie,
she is quite well again. I wrote to Arthur. I called in afternoon
on Charlesworth, Mrs. Runquiet, a Swedish family, a very intelligent
religious family from Rockford, Illinois, and also the Howison's.
Jan. 23, 1888.
In afternoon my wife and I called at Mrs. Ross'. I wrote an article
fotday for the Cosmos on the evils of the saloon. It is a great
source of moral corruption and human suffering and extreme povetty
that exist in this land. Mrs. Ben Emmons was buried. Received
a letter from Eleanor Martin. Received a letter from Mary pearce.
Judge Martin is very sick. Had my pork hung up in mast house.
Jan. 25, 1888.
My wife wrote Lizzie and Leanor Martin. Called with my wife on
Mrs. Lemon, Mrs. Runquist and Reverend Mr. Gonzelman, German Methodist
minister. He recommended to us a servant girl, a German in Illinois.
Our girl, Louisa Stacklas is going to be married and leave us.
We have had her for three years, she is a faithful servant. Wrote
to Mary Pearce and Mattie.
Jan. 27, 1888.
We had a lecture last night on religious subjects illustrated
by stereoptician vision. Mrs. Durfee wrote to Mary Pearce. My
wife and I called on Mrs. Howison in afternoon. I got a large
map of United States one side and Europe and Asia and Africa on
the other side with a book with all the Post Offices and a great
statistics, $1.90. Received a letter from George. At half-past
six this evening we had eclipse of the moon.
Jan. 31, 1888.
Received letters from Mattie and Ellen Cowan. My wife fell on
ice this forenoon and sprained her left wrist and she has suffered
a good deal of pain. Received letter from Minnie and one from
Louise and Kathy Pearce. Called at Mrs. Frayser's and the parsonage
in afternoon.
Feb. 2, 1888.
My wife's wrist is better. Mrs. Durfee got letters from Louise
and Kathy Pearce last night. Old Judge Martin is very low and
Tom Pearce is Nursing him. Received letter from Calvit Johns at
Denver. This is ground hog day and fortunately he has not seen
his shadow yet. Received a letter from Lys Johns. Wrote Mattie
and my wife wrote to George and Annie Johns.
Feb. 6, 1888.
Received letter from Lizzie Gauss. Mary Glenday, Fred's little
girl is there to have her eyes treated, she is near sighted. Received
a letter from Mattie. Wrote to Mary Pearce proposing to her to
send Louise here to go to the public school. I sent Curtis (colored)
down in Prairie with horse and buggy for Connie Mittlebusher who
is to take Louisa Stecklas place. I called at Mrs. Parks this
afternoon to see Lizzie Rood.
Feb. 9, 1883.
I wrote to Lou Morgan today. The Mittleburger girl will have to
have regular lessons on cooking and washing. She is being initiated,
Louisa is teaching her, it is a new world to her -- what a fine
school for these German girls is a year or two of service in a
good American family -- it makes new beings of them, it brightens
their mind, improves their manners and fits them to be useful
wives and mothers. Our poor American girls are too proud to go
out to service and miss a great deal.
Feb 11, 1888.
I wrote a letter to Lys Johns. We called in afternoon on Mrs.
Higerson, Mrs. Fielding and Mrs. Jenkins. Received postal from
Minnie saying she and George would be up tomorrow. Received a
letter from Mary Pearce saying she would send Louis(a) down next
week. My wife has rheumatism and she is very much tried with the
new servant who knows nothing. Robert Pouris came out in afternoon.
Feb. 14, 1888.
Received letter from Arthur, he says their business has not been
so good this last year. They have heavy rains and expect6 good
crops this year. They are doing a great deal to boom the State.
Their church matters working badly. Arthur says Mary Glenday's
eyes are very defective and require very strong glasses. Old Mr.
Amerlin was buried today, 75 years old. The Baptists are starting
a church here. Mr. Reed is their preacher.
Feb. 16, 1888.
Louisa Pearce came today to remain with us and go to public school,
she is 16 years old and had very few advantages out in the country.
Received a letter from Mary Johns in Mississippi enclosing one
from Claude in Austin. Claude's wife and her mother have gone
to Europe. Wrote Arthur and received postal from Louisa Morgan.
Called on several poor families in afternoon. The never go to
church and their children never go to Sunday School, the main
excuse is want of good clothes. Poverty is bad enough but where
it is accompanied by filth and indolence it is wretchedness. This
is the beginning of Lent which is observed very strictly by the
churches which have the least piety but the most ritualism --
Catholic, Eposcopalian and Lutheran. Wrote to Fred. Rode out to
Lindenwood to an exhibition.
Feb. 20, 1888.
Papers report a terrible cyclone at Mr. Vernon, Ill., yesterday
p.m. at 4 o'cl, terrible destruction of life and property. Just
at that time we had a thunder shower and then a strong wind. Received
letters from Mattie, Sis Gauss. Wrote a postal to Mattie. Our
servant girl did a good deal better washing and ironing clothes
this week. She is very anxious to do right. I attended the Literary
and Scientific Society at the College last night. Subject Discussed:
Should foreign immigration be restricted? There are a great many
reasons why it should, a great many paupers and very dangerous
classes are coming to our country now for $8.00 a head. I attended
a meeting of the Medical Association this afternoon.
Feb. 22, 1888.
One Hundred Fifty-six years ago today was born in old Verginia
George Washington, the most illustrious man the world ever knew.
He has no peer in history. Received a letter from Eleanor Martin.
Louise and I wrote to Mary Pearce. My wife and I took tea at Mr.
Wm Parks. Curt McCluer was there. I wrote to George today. Miss
Aurelia McDearmon called in afternoon and Miss Aphra Martin took
tea with us. The evening papers report that the National Democratic
Convention will meet in St. Louis next June. Great rejoicing in
St. Louis tonight.
Feb. 25, 1888.
Received letter from Mattie, just starting to Florida. Shirley
received letter from Eugene and Mrs. Durfee one from Annie D.
Gauss. Daisy and Aphra Martin called in afternoon. Letter from
Mary P.
Feb. 27, 1888.
My wife and went down town in afternoon to buy presents for Louisa
Stocklas, our servant, who is to be married tomorrow in the Lutheran
Church. I gave her a large fine lamp and my wife gaver her a fine
white bed spread.
Feb. 28, 1888.
I had a large oak tree that stood in the back yard cut down. It
shaded the garden too much. My wife and I went to the Lutheran
Church to see Louisa Stocklas married. The church was very cold
and the ceremony very long all in German. We called in afternoon
at McDearmons. Saw Mrs. shore on the street. Mrs. Durfee has a
severe attack of Sciatica, can hardly get up or down. Received
a Uvalde Texas paper from Fred. It reports a great deal sickness
among children and Fred almost broken down with practice. The
country is jubilant over the abundant rains, fat cattle and prospects
for crops.
Mar. 2, 1888.
My wife and I went to a party at Mr. Alexanders's yesterday evening.
Received a letter from Lys Johns and wrote Mattie. Wrote to Lizzie
Gauss and a postal to George.
Mar. 4, 1888 Sabbath.
Mr. Howison preached on the negative evidences of regeneration.
Those who do not read and love the work of God, who do not pray,
who do not love the people of God and house of God, who do not
cheerfully give of their mean to support and spread the Gospel
cannot be regenerated, Missionary meeting for children this afternoon.
Mar. 5, 1888.
Received letters from Mattie and George. Mattie and Mr. Borden
are in Florida, it is spring there, eating strawberries and all
kinds of vegetables. Northern people and capital have gone there
and made great improvements. Wrote Mary Pearce, called at Mrs.
Fraysers in forenoon. Received a letter from Miss Mattie Rood
in St. Louis, stating that a young man from Minnesota named Nelson
who is threatened with consumption and inquiring about T4exas.
Wrote to her recommending San Antonio. Received a letter from
Arthur and San Antonio papers.
Mar. 8, 1888.
Last night's paper reports the German Emperor dying aged 92. Our
servant girl, Carrie Mittlebusher, has been with us a month, she
certainly knew less than any girl we ever had anything to do with.
It is hard to understand how a girl could be raised to 18 years
old and know so little about cooking and washing and so difficult
to teach anything. Received a box medicine from Charlie James
for rheumatism. In afternoon my wife and rode out to Mr. Robt
Parks. She is in better health. Wrote Charlie James and sent him
$1.50 for medicine. Wrote Arthur and my wife wrote to George.
Emperor William of Prussia died today.
Mar. 10, 1888.
The papers full of matters connected with the death of old Emperor
William of Germany. The Crown Prince, now Emperor, but a sick
man. He is called Frederic 3d and is now about 53 years old. His
wife is Victoria, oldest daughter of Queen Victoria of England.
He is a man of fine character and a man of peace. His son, Prince
William, who will succeed him at his death is talented, wild and
fond of war. Bismark who is the great ruling spirit is very old
and at his death and the probably death of the present6 Emperor
great changes will come to Germany and Europe.
March 12, 1888.
Mr. Howison preached a very plain sermon on the duty of attending
public worship yesterday a.m. Reverend Mr Reid of the Baptist
Church preached for us last night on the assurance of faith. Received
a letter from Mattie today written from St. James City, Pine Island,
Florida. It is far down on the western coast of Florida, a great
place for fishing. She speaks of a fish called tarpon with scales
like silver that weighs from one hundred to four hundred pounds.
The weather there now is like our June. I wrote a letter to Mattie
at St. Augustine, Florida and a letter to George. A sister of
Mrs. Oglesby died at her house last night and Mrs. Howison, Misses
Rood and Christy and I went down this afternoon and had a religious
service at the house.
Mar. 15, 1888.
My wife and I called at Salveter's and Mrs. Ross. Miss Lizzie
Rood and Mrs. Alf Stonebraker called her this p.m. and Mr. and
Mrs. Howison. Received a postal from Lizzie Gauss. Mrs. Durfee
wrote to Annie Gauss. Received a letter from Minnie today. I wrote
to Lizzie. Sturmer commenced building his new house today. Mamie
Bennett gave a fine entertainment to the Ladies Sewing Society
this p.m. Wrote Arthur and gave him some account of our ancestors.
Mar. 17, 1888.
Received a letter from Annie Johns giving us an account of her
visit to San Antonio. She gives a very fine account of them all.
Received a letter from Mary Pearce, Arthur had been sick. Old
Judge Martin is in a dying condition. I called to see Dr. Rives
who is very sick.
Mar. 20, 1888.
Robertson (colored) planted a few potatoes in my garden for himself.
I sowed a little bed of lettuce for Shirley. Received letter from
Virginia Gauss and one from Mary Glenday. Oliver Pourie stayed
all night with Shirley. Received a letter from Mattie from Punta
Gorda, Charlotte Harbor Bay. Had been cool there. Shirley got
a little paper edited by Eugene Gauss of San Antonio. I wrote
Mary Johns today and sent her a Sunday Post Dispatch. Saw John
Adams down town and sent by him for some garden seed. Heard that
Mr. Sam McCluer of Dardenne was dead, he is the brother-in-law
of Mrs. Gauss, and valuable citizen, a very successful farmer,
has large family of fine boys and girls a member of the Dardenne
Church and a brother-in-law of Reverend Thomas Watson who has
been pastor of that church 45 years. It is the first death that
has occurred in his family since his marriage 46 years ago. Dr.
Rives very ill. Robbie Alexander quite sick with fever. Session
met at Parsonage.
Mar. 23, 1888.
Received letter from Dollie, all well. Received letter from Mary
Pearce and I wrote he today. Dr. Rives very low. I went up to
the old woolen mill to see the new tannery. The tan sheep, goat
and calf skins for making gloves. Saw Mr. Runquist. And went to
old woolen mill on Jefferson Street where they are preparing to
make tiles for draining wet land. This promises to do a great
deal for the wet lands in this region. Received a note from John
Adams about the seed he got for me in St. Louis. Wrote to Sis
Gauss and Jane wrote to Minnie. Chief Justice White died yesterday.
Mar. 25, 1888 Sabbath.
Reverend Mr. Rider, a Methodist Minister from West Virginia, preached
for us today. He married a niece of Mrs. Frayser. He preached
a good sermon on the text: God so loved the world.
Miss Aphra Martin came home with us to dinner and to remain all
week with us as Louise has scarlet Fever and she cannot stay at
home and teach in the public school.
Mar. 28, 1888.
Old Mr. Goebel was buried today. Received a letter from Mary Johns
enclosing one from Mrs. Major Johns and Claude Johns of Austin,
Texas. Also a letter from Mary Pearce. Mrs. Pourie called in afternoon.
Mar. 29, 1888.
Shirley and I went to St. Louis today mainly to get him a spring
suit of clothes. We saw George and Minnie and children. I saw
Dr. Farris a short time. I wrote to John Adams and Louisa Morgan
this morning. Received a letter from Ellen Cowan.
Mar. 31, 1888.
Received a letter from Mattie at Palm Beach, Florida. Louisa,
our old servant, called to see us today. She looks very well and
is very bright. In afternoon I rode out to Mrs. Durfee's farm
with Charlie Wilson. Ladies Sewing Society met here this p.m.
Mrs. Durfee wrote to Ellen Cowan. Mrs. Frayser called this a.m.
Shirley went fishing in Cole's Creek.
1. Lys Johns is probably Ullyses Johns.
2. I think Mary Glenday is Mary Glenday Johns, daughter of Fred
Johns. She frequently known as "Glenday".
Source: Location
of handwritten original unknown. Transcription and excerption
by Florence Johns. Transcribed to softcopy by Susan
D. Chambless, 2003.