July 2, 1887.
Saw Colonel Hutton, our congressman, this morning. Robere Pourie
is anxious to have his son, Jim, appointed to Annapolis Naval
Academy. Colonel Hutton gave the appointment. I dined at Pourie's
with Colonel Hutton, Mr. & Mrs. Howison. Dr. Witherspoon of
New Orleans will speak tomorrow night at church on work for the
salvation of seamen.
July 4, 1887.
The Nation is 111 years old today and what a wonderful history
it has, -- in its youth and yet a might giant in size, strength,
numbers and wealth. We have great privileges, civil and religious
and abound in vast resources of wealth and power. While there
is a great deal of true religion and intelligence, there is
a great deal of ignorance and wickedness. Our foreign population
have crowded us too fast, we are threatened by a dangerous class
of socialists and
Intemperance and Sabbath breaking and lawlessness are fearful.
The restlessness of the labor class under the influence of demagogy
is another dangerous element. Nothing but the Gospel, under
God, can save us. George went back to work or to resume his
work, Minnie and the children went to her father's in forenoon.
Received a letter from Mary Pearce today. Great many picnics
and barbecues through the country today. I expect to put my
oats in the barn tomorrow.
July 7, 1887.
Shirley and I went up on the 6 o'cl a.m. train to Owen's Station
in Lincoln County to see Mary Pearce and family. We borrowed
a horse from a Mr. McCoy and went several miles out one way
and got there about 8 o'cl. Found them all well but greatly
troubled about the old horse, Tom, who was in a dying condition.
It was the first time I ever was there. They live in an old
fashioned log house with a great fireplace at one end. It is
a good looking and rich country called Highland Prairie about
10 miles east of Troy. They have a very good crop of oats and
corn. Wheat crop in that section very fine - 25 to 30 bu. per
acre. I spent next day there and went over in afternoon to see
Judge Walker, an old man and an old settler. He is very well
fixed -- have good deal of property. He is a kinsman of mine,
his mother was a Johns of Campbell County, Va. and a first cousin
of my father. John and Shirley came with me to Owen's Station
this morning and I came down on train at 11 o'cl a.m. I saw
Mrs. Motly, nee Miss McCarty there. I crossed Quinn River at
Owen's Station, it is quite a stream and very rich bottom lands
on each side of it.
July 9, 1887.
Called with my wife in Mrs. Ross, she is sick. Received a letter
from Fred today, all well. Wrote to Mary Pearce, called on Mrs.
Watson and Dr. Johnson's -- saw old Mr. B----? Johnson, now
about 85 years old.
July 12, 1887.
Shirley came home from Mary Pearce's. A letter from Eugene Gauss
and Eleanor Martin took tea with us. Minnie and children, who
came up with George on Sunday, returned to St. Louis to-day.
They went out to Mrs. Morris' this evening to board. Met Reverend
Samuel Watson at Mr. Howison's today. I rode to the bottom and
across the bridge on Marias Croche to my farm. The corn on my
bottom land is very small and needs rain very badly. The wheat
is in the shok waiting the threshing machine. The corn on my
place in prairie looks well but mush have rain to do well. They
are stacking oats and hauling wheat. I never sold wheat as low
before -- 68¢ per bu. My part of the wheat amounts to about
900 bushels.
July 14, 1887.
Received a letter today from Mrs. Mary Johns who is visiting
in Jackson, Miss. She says Will has bought a plantation in Madison
Co., near Alf's. She has seen Cousin Betty Henry who lives in
Brandon, Mississippi.
July 16, 1887.
After tea my wife and I rode
out beyond the cemetery. I wrote to John
J. Walker, my cousin, in Farmville, Virginia. My
wife and I rode up the river along the new Central
Railroad embankment. Received postal from George,
saying they were pleased with their new Home (Mrs
Morris') in St. Louis County. I wrote to Ellen
Cowan. The Martin girls took tea with us and we
had ice cream. Received a letter today from
Mattie at Fall River, Massachusetts.
July 19, 1887.
The first rail was laid on the Central Missouri
railroad today. My wife and Shirley and I rode
out avter tea and then to prayer metting.
July 23, 1887.
My wife and I called on Mrs. Watkins after tead.
Received letters from Lizzie, Fred, Tom Johns
and John J. Walker, both cousins and of my age
living in Virginia. Tom Johns has lost one eye
and John J. Walker is in poor health. We were
boys together 57 years ago in ol Virginia.
Called on Reverend Mr. Wilson at Mrs. Frayser's
this forenoon.
July 24, 1887.
Mr. Howison preached yesterday on the text in
Timothy, God willeth that all men should be
saved, expressing His benevolent feeling for all
men, not in the sense of decreeing that all men
shall be saved only those who accept of the Lord
Jesus Christ are saved according to the Bible.
Called on Mr. Howison early this morning. They
leave this a.m. for Fulton, Missouri to spend a
month. Received a Farmville Paper from John
J. Walker giving account of Andrew Cowan's
death. Received a letter from Mary Pearce, they
they expect to get a farm near Moscow on Cuiver
River. Called on William Park's in afternoon.
He has had his speech before the General
Assembly on organic union published in pamphlet
July 27, 1887.
Went to the Episcopal Church last night to
Bishop Tuttle preach. He preached a good
sermon, on godly living every day. He is a
large burly man with a good deal of evangelical
spirit and strong common sense. Another hot
burning day. How ungrateful we are for the many
blessings from God continually that we fret and
murmur when Providence affliction comes. Heard
today that August Kruse's wife, my tenant, was
very ill with spinal meningitis.
Aug. 2, 1887.
I went down to my farm this morning to see
Kruse's wife. I heard down town that she was
dead. I found the family in great distress, She
was sick only 3 days. The son, 17 years old,
deaf and dumb, is in deep distress, he will miss
her so much. She left 3 little girls beside.
It is a sad thing when the mother and wife is
taken away -- mysterious and afflictive
Providence. I rode through the corn fields,
most look green but not moist enough to mature
the ears. The dust, the dust is terrible on the
Aug. 3, 1887.
I attended the funeral of Mrs. Kruse at the
Catholic Church at 9 o'cl. I plowed a piece of
late corn (golden dent) behind barn, itis about
2 ft high and green -- ground very loose. This
is the day of election in Texas on
Aug. 5, 1887.
Professor Rice of Westminster College, came
yesterday evening -- remained all night with us.
He is out looking up students for the College.
I called at Lindenwood with him. He left on the
11 o'cl train for Fergurson. The election in
Texas went against Prohibition large, probably
70,000. Saw Mr. Salveter, he is better, he has
bought the Atkinson house. I called on
MRs. Ross, she looks badly. The Ladies
Missionary Society and Sewing Society met here
this afternoon. Wheat has come down to an
unprecedently low price, 69¢ in St. Louis. The
drought keeps corn up, the farmers interest are
greatly depressed, the cattle business in Texas
in the same low condition.
Aug. 8, 1887.
Young Wilbur Jones, a licensee of the Baptist
Church preached for us yesterday. It was a good
seremon. Nettie McCluer spent the day with us.
John Cunningham and I made our first settlement
in Probate Court today, we have sold land enough
to pay most of the debts. Took my buggy to
Schubert to be repaired and repainted. Met
Mr. David Pitman in town. He is a very young
looking man for 83. His wife died recently and
he has to break up and leave the old home where
he was born and raised and live with son, John,
in Kirkwood.
Aug. 11, 1887.
This is the hottest day of the summer, mercury 103° at 2 o'cl
p.m. We had a dash of rain and southwest wind that blew down
a cherry and old peach tree. The papers report the terrible
railroad disaster on record, from 100 to 200 people killed on
Train in Ilolinois, caused by a bridge giving away -- an excursion
train with 900 passengers. Wrote to Fred, Arthur and Mattie.
Aug. 14, 1887. Sabbath.
We have no preaching in our church today, Reverend Mr. Miller,
a young man, preached in the Jefferson Street Church -- very
good sermon, subject: man unfinished work. David collected the
materials for the temple but Solomon built it.
Aug. 16, 1887.
I rode out to Mr. Mountman's sale with William Kirkpatrick.
He died a few weeks ago, insolvent. Great many people at the
sale. I knew his father 43 years ago when I came here. He was
a hard-working old German, a Lutheran. I had Sunday School every
Sunday afternoon near the Mammals[Mountmans ??] and I taught
him to read the New Testament in English. received a letter
from Mary Pearce this p.m. She says they have rented a farm
near them, had little rain but thinks their corn good. Mr. Fergerson
called in forenoon with Reverend Mr. Miller. Eleanor Martin
spent afternoon with us.
Aug. 21, 1887. Sabbath.
Had a letter from Mattie in the White Mountains, yesterday.
Mr. Alderson called in afternoon. Mr. Miller preached in morning
at Jefferson Street Church. He extolled old John Brown as the
great abolition apostle and denounced slavery from the text:
"It is finished". It spoiled the sermon for me.
Aug 23, 1887.
Mercury 62°, we have real cold wave, we need fire, it got
colder all forenoon, seems wintry. Letter from Eugene and Annie
Gauss, all well and they have had rain.
Aug. 28, 1887. Sabbath.
Dr. Thomas Gallaher of Fulton preached for us morning and evening,
both sermons were veryh fine and very instructive. George and
Minnie and the children are in fine health, they came today,
went in afternoon to the McDearmon's.
Aug. 30, 1887.
Got a letter from Mattie at Fall River. Old Mr. Jefferson Borden
is dead. Mr. Howison and John E. Stonebraker went to Presbytery
at Dardenne Church today. Received letter from Ellen Cowan.
Mrs. Glenday seems to be partially paralyzed today. It came
on yesterday evening as I noticed some little trouble in talking,
it is much more manifest today. She walks unsteadily, talks
badly and her right hand is affected. Her family are subject
to apoplexy. Dr. Johnson called to see Mrs. Glenday in afternoon,
he says she is partially paralyzed -- her tongue and her right
hand but thinks she will get over it. She talks with great difficulty
and mind confused at times. Will Parks and Nora Salveter were
married in the church tonight.
Sept. 1, 1887.
Mrs. Glenday about the same this morining, she is quite nervous,
complains of her head. It is a sad sight to see a person in
her condition -- a wreck -- trying to talk with so much difficulty
and conscious of her condition and so helpless. I wrote Mattie
and Fred today. Called at Wm. Parks in afternoon. Mrs. Glenday
has a great many warm friends among the ladies who are very
anxious about her. Doctor called this afternoon and says she
is no better. Mr. William Parks and wife, Mrs. Ross and Miss
Charlotte Shaw and Eleanor Martin called after tea. Mrs. Watkins
and her daughters, Laura and Eugenia called in afternoon and
Cora Hoelkke and Bettie Watkins (Alderson). Shirley starts to
the St. Charles College today.
Sept. 3, 1887.
Mrs. Glenday is a little better though lies helpless, she is
always helpless and despondent when sick. She may be disabled
for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. Howison called and Mrs. Pourie.
Eleanor Martin took tea and bade us farewell as she leave[s]
for Lexington in the morning. wrote to Will Cowan. Mrs. Glenday
told me last night that she wanted to be buried in City Cemetery
and wanted the dead taken from the old Lindsay graveyard and
put there too. She insists that she will not recover. Received
a letter from Arthur and 2 letters from Mattie, she is back
home in Phila.
Sept. 7, 1887.
Mrs. Glenday continues about the same. My wife quite unwell
with rheumatism. This was concert night for Foreign Missions
at our church prayer meeting. We considered Greece especially.
The Gospel was preached 1800 years ago by Paul the Apostle to
the Gentiles. She is now held in spiritual thrallion by the
corrupt Greek Church, the church is the state. Missionaries
have labored there for fifty years with very little results.
After 18 centuries this new countrey where the church is free
and untrammeled, is sending the Gospel back to those old countries
where the Apostles established the first churches.
Sept. 9, 1887.
Mrs. Glenday is a little better. Yesterday Daisy Martin sat
with her in forenoon to relieve Mrs. Durfee and today Bettie
Watkins sat with her this a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Parks called after
Sept. 10, 1887.
No letter from Fred, it is now two months. Received a postal
from Mary Pearce, she has had chills. They move next week to
a place in the bottom near Moscow. Mr. and Mrs. Parks called
after tea. Wrote George. Received a letter from Eleanor Martin,
the school flourishing. Received a letter from Fred finally,
he is downhearted on account of the drought, short crop, low
price of cattle. Mary Johns writes from Will's in Madison County,
Mississippi, gives an encouraging account of things there. Thomas
Wharton and Ramsey are old, poor and deaf.
Sept. 13, 1887.
The St. Charles Fair opens today. Received postal from Lizzie,
letter from Mattie. I went out to the Fair. The samples of vegetables,
fruits and grains are very good for so dry a season. I wrote
to Fred today.
Sept. 14, 1887.
Went out to the Fair, gread crows [sic], warm and dusty. We
went to see the Trades Procession tonight. Qite a fine affair
for our town. The Car Shops made a grand display.
Sept. 15, 1887.
Took Mrs. Durfee to Fair in morning and my wife in afternoon.
Mrs. Glenday is better of her paralysis but she complains and
cries a great deal of some trouble in lower bowels. She is very
nervous. Mrs. Allen and Fanny called in afternoon.
Sept. 17, 1887.
Reverend Mr. McCarty preached for us last night and preaches
this p.m. at 4 o'cl preparatory to communion tomorrow. He preached
on the power of the Holy Spirit in regeneration and sanctification
-- nothing less than His Power has enabled the church to survive
opposition and the Christian to grow in grace, be useful and
bear trouble. I wrote to Lou and Will Morgan on Miss Charlotte
land business in Carroll County, Missouri. Mrs. Glenday is better.
Sept. 18, 1887. Sabbath.
In afternoon the young people of our and other churches met
to consider the formation of Society of Christian Endeavor.
The matter was discussed and favorably entertained and adjourned
to next Sunday to take definite action. Robert Pourie called
in afternoon. Mr. McCarty preached another delightful sermon
at night on the faith of the Centurion who ask our Saviour to
heal his servant.
Sept. 20, 1887.
Daisy Martin called this morning. I wrote a letter from Mrs.
Glenday to her sister in Scotland telling her of her illness
and asking her for some assistance. There is a serious trouble
between Mr. and Mrs. Alderson and Bettie Watkins, the trouble
grew out of Bettie's children and she left and went to her cousin,
Mrs. Rhodes -- bad, bad all around. Letter today from Annie
and Eugene Gauss. Called at Wm. Parks in afternoon. No signs
of equinocal storms as yet.
Sept. 22, 1887.
Received letters from Mattie and Louisa Morgan. John gone to
Kansas to get some land for John. Excessively dry there. Mattie's
letter gives an account of the great Centennial Celebration
of Federal Constitution. Shirley wrote a letter to Mattie today,
Mrs. Ross called and I called at Mr. Salveter's. Shirley and
I went to St. Louis this morning. Called at the Post Dispatch
office the see George. For ten days he has been writing a book
for some man (extra work) for which he receives $200.00. We
went to the great Exposition, it is a grand affair -- heard
Gilmore's celebrated Band of 65 musicians. Saw the great picture
of Christ before Pilate. Saw Dr. Farris and had a talk with
him on church matters. Got a first rate dinner at Hotel Moser
Restaurant for 25¢. Grand preparations going on in the
city for the meeting of Grand Army of the Republic and the reception
of President Cleveland, 1st of October at the opening of the
Fair. I bought a suit, clothes and hats.
Sept. 25, 1887. Sabbath.
No preaching in our church today, Mr. Howison sick. Dr. Irwin
preached in the Jefferson Street Church. In afternoon went with
Mrs. Durfee to see a very poor sick (whites family.
Sept. 29, 1887.
The G.A.R. paraded in St. Louis yesterday in mud and rain. Called
on Mrs. Ross in afternoon. Mr. Ezra Overall returned to town
after two months absence. Saw Dan Overall, his nephew from California.
After 3 months of extreme drought the ground is now wet again.
I called at Robert Parks' in afternoon. Mrs. Parks has been
quite sick for many weeks -- nervous prostration. Mrs. Fred
Gallaher is there on a visit.

- JJJ is my short-cut for my great great grandfather, John
Jay Johns, who kept this journal for more than 40 years (18??
to 1899). He lived in St. Charles, Missouri.
- Thanks to Skip & Winston Johns, there are now photos
of some of these folks on my web site. Look for "The
Virginia Stash".
- Mary Pearce was JJJ's daughter. Her husband was Tom Pearce.
- Mary Johns was the wife (widow at this time) of JJJ's brother,
Alfred Johns. Alf was probably Alfred Johns, Jr., her son.
- Fred was JJJ's son.
- Mrs. Durfee was JJJ's mother-in-law, mother of his wife,
Jane Amanda Durfee. Mr. Durfee was Thomas Russell Durfee,
a Presbyterian minister from Massachusetts.
- Louisa Morgan was JJJ's daughter from his first marriage
to Catherine Woodruff.
- On the Missouri Central Railroad