Oct. 1, 1882. Sabbath.
Cloudy and warm, rain with thunder about 10 o'cl in morning.
Oct. 2, 1882.
Cloudy and foggy in morning, very warm, mercury 80° in middle of
day, clear and very hot in sun at noon. The great Fair in St. Louis
commenced today.
Oct. 3, 1882.
Foggy and cloudy this morning and very warm. George went to St. Louis
this morning on the accomodation train. He goes to see Veiled Prophets
tonight. Had a letter from Annie today.
Oct. 4, 1882.
Cloudy and foggy this morning, warm. I went on the early train this
morning to the St. Louis Fair with Mary (our servant) Shirley and Louise
Martin. We had to walk out from Gamble's Station , the street cars were
so crowded. Thousands of people at the Fair. There is everything there
of the finest that the art of man can devise, machinery, all sorts for
everything, the finest of every breed of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs.
You grow weary looking. Very hot day, we came back on the early train.
Oct. 5, 1882.
Clear and warm, this is a very hot spell for the season, no frost yet.
I set out 400 strawberry plants 3 weeks ago and half of them dead, too
dry. Mercury 82° at noon today. James Lindsay called this morning.
Oct. 6, 1882.
Clear and still warm. Saw the comet this morning at 5 o'cl. It is very
large and in the east. Albert Gauss came over before breakfast to tell
us that Miss Virginia Fawcett, old Aunt Geeny was dead, she died suddenly
at Mr. Sam McCluer's on Dardenne Prairie. She is nearly 76 years old.
One of the best old ladies I every new, she has lived to do all she
could to make those around her comfortable and happy. Funeral tomorrow
at 11 o'cl at Mr. Gauss' house.
Oct. 7, 1882.
Clear and warm. At 11 o'cl this morning the funeral of Miss Virginia
Fawcett took place at Mr. Gauss' house. Reverend Thomas Watson preached
and Reverend Rutherford Douglas prayed. A good woman is gone from earth.
George went up to o'Fallon to Democratic County Converntion to nominate
a candidate for legislature. Rutherford Douglas is staying with us.
Henry Lackland was nominated for the legislature.
Oct. 8, 1882. Sabbath.
Cloudy, cooler. Rutherford Doublas preached today. He will preach every
night during the week at our church. About 1 o'cl this afternoon we
had a heavy shower of rain. Rain much needed. Henry Gauss and Eugeen
[sic] came down yesterday.
Oct. 9, 1882.
Clear and cooler. I went up to Wentsville today to see Mr. Pearce about
arranging for Mary and Tome coming up from Arkansas. They can get Ed
Pearce's place They are in extreme poverty in Arkansas. We have preaching
every night by Rutherford Douglas.
Oct. 10, 1882.
Clear and ooler. Got a load of corn from Dierker. George went to St.
Louis on evening train, and returned at 10 o'cl p.m. They commenced
Monday to repair the church.
Oct. 11, 1882.
Cloudy, cool, very dark and cloudy all day and quite cool. Saw Dr. George
Johnston today. Just came from San Antonio, Texas. Annie and children
got to his house last Thursday night. He gives a very favorable account
of Fred's propects in Uvalde County, Texas.
Oct. 12, 1882.
Clear, bright, cool morning, mercury 55°. very windy and very hot
during day, appearance of rain. Called with Mr. Martin at John McDearmon's.
Commenced raining at half past 7 o'cl p.m.
Oct. 13, 1882.
Clear and cooler this morning, had a good rain last night. This has
been a delightful day, cool. George went up to Wentzville this morning
and then on to St. Louis in evening and returned on late train. A terrible
tragedy occurred in St. Louis yesterday evening, Colonal Slaybeck was
killed by Cockrell, Editor, Post Dispatch.
Oct. 14, 1882.
Clear and very pleasant. Rutherford Douglas left this morning. He has
spent a week with us and we have enjoyed it very much. Preached with
great acceptance every night.
Oct. 15, 1882. Sabbath.
Clear and pleasant. Arthur came last night. reverend C. E. Cunningham
of Elizabeth, N. J., preached for us. He is a young man, an acquaintance
of Mr. Alf Stonebraker and his mother, Mrs. Watson. Cloudy in evening.
Oct. 16, 1882.
Raining this morning. Arthur left on early train. Continued to rain
all day. Reverend C. E. Cunningham of Elizabeth, New Jersey took tea
with us.
Oct. 17, 1882.
Cloudy and cool. I attended by invitation the centenniel birthday of
William and Robert Parks' father and mother at William Parks. We had
a fine dinner. There were present, Wm. C. Clark and his wife and three
daughters, Robert Parks, wife, two daughters and two grandchildren,
Mrs. James Dougherty and children, Joseph M. Alexander and wife, Dr.
Ed Martin and myself. I had known the father and mother 46 years ago
at Oxford, Ohio. They were eminently pious people, the mother a woman
of great strength of character. It was a very pleasant affair. George
went to St. Louis this afternoon.
Oct. 18, 1882.
Partly clear, cool, light white frost this morning. I expect to go to
Fulton today to attend the meeting of the Synod of Missouri. The semi-centennial
is to be celebrated at this meeting.
Oct. 24, 1882.
Clear and cool. I returned yesterday evening from Fulton. We have had
ten days of the most lovely weather, clear, bright autumn days and frosty
nights. I attended the semi-centennial meeting of the Synod of Missouri.
It was a most glorious meeting from beginning to the end. The memorial
services occupied all of Thursday. The history of the college by President
Hersmantt was a noble effort and he is a grand man. He has grown up
with the college. The history of the Synod by Dr. Robinson who is an
old pioneer and very vigorous for a man of seventy-six. History of the
old pioneer elders by Dr. Lacy. The memorial sermon by Reverend Thomas
Watson of the Dardenne, this county, who has been forty years in the
ministry in the same church, a man of great modesty and great intellectual
power. Also a speech by Dr. John Montgomery in his own peculiar masterly
manner on the old pioneers of the synod. He is one of the fathers, feeble
in body, a very small person but a giant in intellect, the eye of an
eagle and a voice of great power. We were all stirred up to the depths
of our souls by the wonderful things we heard. Westminster College is
in a very prosperous condition, full of students, with a noble faculty
and out of debt. Steps were taken to increase the number of professors.
The Female College is very full. Fulton is our Presbyterian Jerusalem.
The people crowded the services of the synod and did all that was needed
to make the members of the synod welcome and comfortable. This meeting
of the Synbod will be long remembered by all who enjoyed it and I hope
will be the beginning of a new and more glorious era of prosperity to
our churches and colleges. On my return I found all my family well.
May the Lord enable me to be more faithful in all my religious duties
in view of the great privilege I enjoyed in attending this precious
meeting of synod.
Oct. 25, 1882.
Some clouds, warmer, warm day, cloudy, gathering my apples here, two
trees, one Newton Pippin and the Gonitan.
Oct. 26, 1882.
Clear and warm, this is a most delightful spell of weather. Got a young
cow from E. C. Cunningham (loaned). Put seven bushels of winterapples
in the cellar, made some cider from Genitan apples. Dierker brought
me seven bushels apples and ten bushels corn.
Oct. 27, 1882.
Clear and mild. Had my Mangel-Wertzel beets put up, very fine, about
15 bushels. Sent John Pearce his winter clothes by Mr. Alderson.
Oct. 28, 1882.
Cloudy. Georgbe went to St. Louis on the accommodation train. Had a
heavy rain by 9 o'cl this morning, a thunder storm. The rain continued
till after 1 o'cl. We received a very satisfactory letter from Fred
today. Most of the church ceiling is on.
Oct. 29, 1882. Sabbath.
Clear and cooler, mercury 46° this morning, very pleasant day. Learned
today that old Mrs. McAfee, an Irish lady member of our church, was
very ill. I called on her at her daughter's in afternoon, read Bible
and prayed with her, she is perfectly willing to die. Heard Dr. Thomas
Gallaher preach in Jefferson Street church at night.
Oct. 30, 1882.
Cloudy and warm. George came home on the late train last night. Thunder
storm passed west and north of us this morning. Hot warm wind, very
strong, has been blowing all day from south.
Oct. 31, 1882.
Cloudy and cooler this morning, had a rain with thunder and lightning
in south and east tonight.
Nov. 1, 1882.
Dark, cloudy morning, thunder and rain, cloudy all day, cooler in evening.
Letter from Mary today, saying they are getting ready to come up. Political
meeting at the Court House (democratic) Cam Clark spoke and H. C. Lackland.
Nov. 2, 1882.
Clear and cooler, cloudy on afternoon. Called on Mrs. Ross.
Nov. 3, 1882.
Cloudy and cool, no frost. Having my garden manured. Ladies Sewing Society
met here this afternoon. They have made $60 in seven months and propose
to put a new portico on parsonage.
Nov. 4, 1882.
Clear and mild. George went to St. Louis in afternoon and returned on
late train. Arthur came.
Nov. 5, 1882. Sabbath.
Cloudy and wet, rain last night, mild and clearing in forenoon. How
very mild the weather continues, bright afternoon. Mr. Goodlet, principal
of Public Schools, took dinner with us. Missionary meeting in afternoon.
It is the great work of the Christian church to spread the Gospel over
the earth. Arthur returned to St. Louis this afternoon. In a week he
goes to New Orleans to be married to Miss Laura Tutt. I pray it may
be a happy and useful marriage.
Nov. 6, 1882.
Clear and cooler this morning, cloudy through the day and cool. Spading
Nov. 7, 1882.
Clear and cool, white frost, mercury 42° early this morning. This
election day and I have to act as Judge of election. The prospect is
that the Democrats will carry the states of New York and Pennsylvania.
Nov. 8, 1882.
Cloudy and warmer. Still counting votes. The news from New York, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts and other places is a tremendous Democratic majority.
We finished counting tonight. Raining hard tonight. Eleanor Martin stayed
with us tonight.
Nov. 9, 1882.
Cloudy but clearing, warm. This is a remarkable fall, breat deal of
rain and very warm, tomato vines still green.
Nov. 10, 1882.
Cloudy and wet, warm, good deal of rain, thunder, lightning during the
night, cleared up during day, very warm, like summer. Covering my raspberry
Nov. 11, 1882.
Clearing, very warm, mercury 90° this morning. George went to St.
Louis this morning to buy presents for Arthur's wedding. He (Arthur)
expects to leave St. Louis tonight for New Orleans to be married next
Wednesday to Miss Laura Tutt. This has been a summer day, mercury up
to near 80°. Called on old Mrs. Sheppard in afternoon, she thinks
her trials greater than anybody else's. I she only knew how to do good
to others with her money she would be happier. Letters from Fred and
Mary. Commenced raining before night and has rained heavily ever since.
Nov. 12, 1882. Sabbath.
Yesterday was summer and today winter, mercury 80°, today 40°,
heavy rain last night. Cloudy today, wind west. George came on late
train last night. Dr. Martin preached old Mrs. McAfee's funeral sermon
Nov. 13, 1882.
Clear and cold, mercury 30°, hard freeze this morning. This is a
genuine touch of winter suddenly, heavy snows in the northwest. What
extremes, Saturday, summer, today, winter. My cabbages are out. Covered
my cabbages today. Finished covering raspberries.
Nov. 14, 1882.
Clear and cold, mercury 33°, three degrees higher than yesterday,
will moderate today, wind south. Got booler in afternoon, wind strong
from west. Called on Mrs. Wilkie.
Nov. 15, 1882.
Mr. Ben Pearce took dinner with us. Ed Pearce was to come today from
Texas. Clear and cool.
Nov. 16, 1882.
Cloudy and warmer. Gorden and Ida McDearmon to be married today. Raining
now at noon. Attended the wedding at the church and reception at John
McDearmon's. Rain most of day and rain still at bedtime, warm.
Nov. 17, 1882.
Cloudy and drizzling, cold mercury 40°. Doug Martin stayed all night
with us. Damp, unpleasant day. Letter from Arthur in New Orleans day
before his marriage.
Nov. 18, 1882.
Clear and bright in morning, cool, mercury 38°, soon clouded up.
George is seriously considering selling out the Journal and going to
St. Louis, the field is too small here, no room for expansion, poor
location for a young American, too much German.
Nov. 19, 1882. Sabbath.
Cloudy day, cool and damp. Called yesterday evening on Mrs. Alf Stonebraker
and her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of New York.
Called this afternoon on Mrs. Page at Robert Pourie's. She and Ed Pearce's
wife on the way to Texas.
Nov. 20, 1882.
Partly cloudy, afternoon clear and pleasant. Called in afternoon at
Mr. Salvete and Mr. Higginson's.
Nov. 21, 1882.
Clear, fine, cool day. We look for Arthur and his bride this eveing.
Nov. 22, 1882.
Partly cloudy, milder, circle around the moon last night, delightful
Nov. 23, 1882.
Cloudy and colder this morning, wind west and clearing. Nothing from
Arthur yet. Called this afternoon at Mrs. Parks. Will is sick.
Nov. 24, 1882.
Clear and coldest morning we have had, mercury 28°. Expecting Arthur
and his bride this morning, they reached St. Louis yesterday. Arthur
and his bride came this forenoon. She is a very fine looking, very fine
person, above the medium size, sweet expression, gentle and sprightly
in manner, winning ways, a very sensible and good woman. We think Arthur
has been very fortunate. Mr. Martin, Doug, Nellie and Minnie McDearmon
called after tea.
Nov. 25, 1882.
Cloudy and cool this morning, not so cold as yesterday. In afternoon,
cold rain.
Nov. 26, 1882. Sabbath.
Rained a good deal last night, cloudy and colder this morning and clearing.
Arthur and wife still with us, we like her very much, she is a sweet
woman. Letters from Fred and Mattie today. Fred seems to be getting
along finely. Clear and bright most of day.
Nov. 27, 1882.
Cloudy and cool, mercury 27°, Arthur and wife left and my wife left
early this morning. My wife goes to Sedalia to be with Lizzie in her
Nov. 28, 1882.
Cloudy and cool, mercury 26°, white frost. Feel lonely in the absence
of my wife. What an inestimable blessing is the good wife and mother
in a household. May the Lord bless her in her mission of love. Every
day I realize more and more the value of my good, sensible, kind, industrious,
neat, careful, loving wife. Commenced snowing late this evening.
Nov. 29, 1882.
About four inches of snow on the ground this morning and still snowing
some, not very cold, the ground isn't frozen, some appearance of clearing,
sun shone most of the day, snow melted some, wind in north.
Nov. 30, 1882.
Clear and cold, mercury 24°. Got a cow from Mr. J. E. Stonebraker
today. This is Thanksgiving Day. How great has been the goodness of
the Lord to me and mine, his benfits are more than I can account. Service
in the Jefferson Street Church, Reverend Marshall.
Dec. 1, 1882.
Clear and warmer, mercury 38° this morning. Received letter from
my wife today in Sedalia -- Lizzie has a fine boy. Warm day.
Dec. 2, 1882.
Cloudy and cold this morning, strong west wind, in afternoon, clear
and more pleasant. We had a letter today from Annie, giving her account
of that part of Texas (Uvalde County, Rio Frio). Climate delightful,
pretty country, people very ignorant and very lazy and dirty.
Dec. 3, 1882. Sabbath.
Clear and col, moderated during day, wind south. Succeeded Saturday
night in getting the City Council to remit back taxes on our church
parsonage lot. Reverend Mr. Steen of the Northern church preached our
union services at our church last night. George went to St. Louis in
afternoon and returned on late train.
Dec. 5, 1882.
Rain this morning and last night, mild, got cooler during the day.
Dec. 6, 1882.
Cloudy, damp, chilly morning, wind east. This is the day of the transit
of Venus across the sun but cloudy day has prevented its observation
in this region. About half past two this afternoon, the wind shifted
suddenly to the northwest and commenced snowing, wind blowing very strong
and very cold. More like winter than anything we have had.
Dec. 7, 1882.
We are in Greenland this morning, one of those tremendous changes
that occur in this climate, yesterday at noon, mercury 36° and this
morning 6° below ZERO. Clear this morning, light snow on the ground.
Some of the flowers froze in the parlor.
Dec. 8, 1882.
Cloudy and cold, mercury 4° below ZERO, wind changed to east, cleared
during day and moderated a good deal. This cold wave has been general
over the country. The ground is covered with a light snow.
Dec. 9, 1882.
Cloudy, chilly, damp day, some drizzling in afternoon.
Dec. 10, 1882. Sabbath.
Clear and cool. Mr. Franz, who was killed at car shops was buried today.
George went to St. Louis this afternoon, returned on late train. Letter
from Jane, Lizzie not very well.
Dec. 11, 1882.
Clear, fine, frosty morning, mercury 25°. Called at Mrs. Frayzer's
in afternoon.
Dec. 12, 1882.
Cloudy and warmer today. Killed three hogs today, they are very fat,
though young. Rather warm and very cloudy in afternoon. Served on grand
jury today, indicted two boys for stealing and two other desperate men
for burglary and larceny at New Melle. They bound the clerk, and and
foot and gagged him and left him in that condition. Had a shed built
for my buggy. Succeeded in settling the church back tax case by which
we saved over $200.00.
Dec. 13, 1882.
Clear, cold, frosty morning. Hogs in fine condition for cutting, very
fat. Eleanor Martin came out in afternoon.
Dec. 14, 1882.
Clear and cool, in afternoon got much colder and cloudy. Finishing up
the church.
Dec. 15, 1882.
Clear and cold, mercury 16° early in morning, continued very cold
all day, wind northwest.
Dec. 16, 1882.
Cloudy and cold. We are cleaning up the church so as to have services
in it on Sunday.
Dec. 17, 1882. Sabbath.
Cloudy morning, milder, before noon cleared and bright. The church looks
very fine and greatly improved in appearance and comfort. We received
a postal from Henry Gauss saying that little Mattie was seriously ill,
dangerously ill.
Dec. 18, 1882.
Clear, frosty morning. Had a dispatch this morning that little Mattie
died yesterday. This is a great affliction. How many of their children
have died. She was a very bright, sweet child. Only about a year ago
our dear Glover died there and not long before they lost their little
Dec. 19, 1882.
Cloudy and mild. George went to St. Louis this morning. Mary and her
children came from Arkansas. They have been there four years, living
in miserable cabins and very poor and yet they are strong and healthy
while Henry Gauss's children and Louisa Morgan's who had every comfort
have died. Strange Providence. A letter from Jane today giving an account
of little Mattie's sickness and death. She died in the third chill of
congestion of liver and kidneys. The doctors mistook her disease.
Dec. 20, 1882.
Steady rain all day. George returned from St. Louis on the late train
last night. He had an interview with Colonel Cockerel of the Post Dispatch
and he gave him great encouragement and promised to give him a situation
by the middle of January. Mary has a very fine set of children.
Dec. 21, 1882.
Cloudy and mild, mercury 42°, some cooler during the day. Got a
postal from Henry Gauss today saying that my wife would come down today.
She has been absent nearly four weeks.
Dec. 22, 1882.
Cloudy and cool. My wife came from Sedalia last night. She left them
better. Lizzie feels deeply the loss of little Mattie. John Pearce came
down from Wentzville this evening. He hadn't seen his mother and the
other children for more than a year.
Dec. 23, 1882.
Clear, bright, frosty morning. This has been a real October day, most
delightful. Getting Christmas gifts has been the absorbing talk for
several days. Children and old people too enjoy the giving and receiving
of gifts. What joyful times! among poor and rich. What happy times in
the households of the land Christmas brings but how few realize that
all that is good in this life comes from the birth, death and resurrection
of Christ. We received a box of Christmas presents today from Mattie
in Philadelphia. What a thoughtful, kind-hearted girl -- something beautiful
or useful for everybody in the house; also a box of nuts and candy from
Arthur. All these things make sunshine in this dark world.
Dec. 24, 1882. Sabbath.
Clear, bright morning, heavy, white frost. We had a large congregation
at church this morning. Cloudy in afternoon, rain tonight. This is certainly
very soft weather.
Dec. 25, 1882.
Cloudy and warm. This is Christmas and how excited the children are.
Mary's children are here and they have had no Christmas for years. After
breakfast and prayers we all went to the parlor, where the presents
were all spread out and George distributed them to each one. All the
family had something, many of them came from Mattie. These things cheer
and brighten the life of old and young. My earnest prayer is all may
have the greatest of all gifts, the gift of eternal life through our
Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dec. 26, 1882.
Cloudy and chilly, sent off some furniture for Mary.
Dec. 27, 1882.
Cloudy and cool, no freezing. Mary and her children go up to Wentzville
Dec. 28, 1882.
Cloudy and colder, mercury 30°. We have had a long speel of cloudy,
damp, chilly weather. This closes the career of the Journal. George
sold out to the Cosmos. It has been a success as a country paper, it
has done good service to the city and county. It has been bold and outspoken
agains official wrongs and encouraged all measures for the public good.
Its subscription list has increased steadily and has grown in favor
with the public but there is no money in the newspaper business in this
town and a young man who has any ability and ambition in that line must
go to better fields.
Dec. 29, 1882.
Clear, frosty morning. Went with Mr. Alderson down to Mrs. Shafer's
and spent day. Called at Charlesworth's on way back. A very bright day.
Dec. 30, 1882.
Clear, bright frosty morning, mercury 26°. George went to St. Louis
this morning. My wife and I called at J. K. McDearmon's in afternoon.
Eleanor Martin was out to see us. They day is lovely.
Dec. 31, 1882. Sabbath, and the last day of the year 1882.
Cloudy and chilly, a light drizzle falling fells like snow, in afternoon
some snow and cooler. The sands of the old year are nearly run out,
three more hours and it is gone. How the years fly, the faster, the
older we get. But for the precious hope of an eternal life of joy what
would this world be for its joys are so fleeting and so unsatisfying
and its troubles so many and so great. Now in a retrospect of the past
year I have much regret in neglect and unprofitableness in God's service
but how much I have to be thankful for in the unnumbered blessings I
have received from the hand of my Heavenly Father. As a family we have
had uninterrupted health, we haven't had a doctor in the house during
the year. Our gardens, orchards and fields have yielded the greatest
abundance. The only death in any branch of the family was that of little
Mattie Gauss, Lizzie's child. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow
us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever. The Lord's name be praised.
NOTE: This completes eighteen months of daily living
as recorded by John Jay Johns. It should show during the period the
hazards of life in those days. Starting with 1883 we will copy the important
items and probably extremes in termperature and anything that might
interest the readers. [Florence Johns]

- John Montgomery Gauss was born on November 29, 1882
- Martha Gauss (little Mattie) was born on September 24, 1879, died on
December 17, 1882.
- The other Mattie mentioned was the daughter of John Jay Johns and Jane Amanda Durfee.