July 2, 1880.
We are having an old-fashioned wet spell. It
rains without any trouble. The Lord reigns. How hard it
is to bear wet or dry weather. We are so impatient under trial.
The great lesson for the Christian to learn, and it can be learned only
by grace, is cheerful submission to trial under Providence. The
Lord reigns. Let the earth rejoice.
July 4, 1880. Sabbath.
The governor has appointed tomorrow to be observed
as the legal Fourth or holiday. But the German Societies have
three celebrations today. They hold very loose ideas of the Sabbath,
both Catholics and Lutherans. The open violation of the Sabbath
in traffic and open beer and liquor saloons is seriously corrupting
the morale of our people. Fred has moved into the old Yosti (French)
house at the corner of Main and Clay. Johnson and he use one part
for offices and elective bathroom.
July 8, 1880.
In afternoon I called on Mrs. Alf Stonebraker and
mother and Mrs. King, and by invitation my wife, Lizzie and I took Tea
at Mr. Robert Parks.
July 10, 1880.
Went up to the Democratic mass convention at Wentzville
today. Large meeting. The principal matter of interest was
in the congressional matter. There was an effort to defeat Judge
Buckner. His friends were out in force, and sent a strong Buckner
delegation to Mexico. Met General Marmaduke and Colonel Crittenden,
candidates for Governor.
July 16, 1880.
This is the day for the great barbecue at Flint Hill
in this county. It is a great gathering of Democrats from three
counties, Lincoln, Warren and this county. Crittenden and Senator
Cockrell expected to speak.
July 22, 1880.
The State Democratic convention at Jefferson City
nominated Crittenden for Governor, a very good man. My peaches
are getting ripe.
July 23, 1880.
I have just read a little book, a history of the
Virginia Convention of 1776, by Grigsby, which has afforded me intense
delight. What grand men were the leaders in that assembly of giants.
They were the men to set in motion the grand Revolution that let [sic]
to American independence. They urged the congress to declare independence.
He gives graphic sketches of the leading men of that convention and
the leading men of Virginia who were prominent actors in our Revolution
and in inaugurating our present form of national government,- Randolph,
Tazewell, Harrison, Pendleton, Mason, Carrington, Madison, Henry and
Jefferson. What Glorious Worthies - what wisdom in council, what
eloquence in debate and what self-denial and sacrifices they made to
accomplish this work of constitutional republican states. Oh,
that we, their descendants, may have wisdom, moderation and virtue to
maintain and perpetuate what they bequeathed to us at so great a cost.
July 31, 1880.
We received a letter from George today. He
has a prospect of employment in the office of the Evening News, Philadelphia.
Aug. 2, 1880.
Called in afternoon at William Parks'. Saw
Mrs. Reed. Knew them 44 years ago in Oxford, Ohio (attended Miami
University there).
Aug. 3, 1880.
Mercury this morning 58°. Feels like October.
Aug. 5, 1880.
All summer our grandchildren have made the house
and yard lively as it used to be years ago with our own children.
Lizzie and her children left on 5 o'clock train. Such is life,
coming and going.
Aug. 6, 1880.
House feels lonesome today without Lizzie and her
Aug. 8, 1880.
Dr. Tanner finished his fast of 40 days yesterday
at noon. He drank water during the time. He is a man of
powerful endurance and very strong will. He suffered a good deal
in the last ten days. He is an enthusiast. I see no practical
benefit to result from it. If he recovers, he will made a fortune
lecturing, he has become so notorious.
Aug. 12, 1880.
We have had very fine soft peaches for two weeks.
There is a small soft peach in lower part of orchard that is very delicious.
I think it is a seedling.
Aug. 13, 1880.
Having my fences and kitchen white-washed by Perreau,
an old Frenchman.
Aug. 15, 1880, Sabbath.
Fred and Glover went over to the Marvin Cam Meeting
after dinner.
Aug. 17, 1880.
Mattie and Shirley Borden came as we expected.
She looks very well and is as bright and lively as ever. at 4:00
p.m. the mercury is 101°.
Aug. 24, 1880.
Ellen Cowan, my niece, came from St. Louis.
She looks well. She has great energy. By her exertions she
does a good deal to support her Aunt and Uncle Brown.
Aug. 25, 1880.
We have abundance of fine grapes.
Aug. 26, 1880.
Ellen Cowan returned home today. She certainly
looks better than I ever saw her, remarkably fresh and young.
She is 38 years old, same age as my daughter Louisa Morgan.
Sept. 1, 1880.
I called at Judge King's on Bob King's wife from
Jerseyville, Illinois. She is the daughter of Reverend Mr. Munson
who married a sister of Judge Andrew King and was pastor of this church
when I came in 1844.
Sept. 2, 1880.
I called on Naomi Barron at her sister Cora's (Mrs.
Holke). She has been nearly two years in Texas, near San Marcos,
near Austin. She doesn't like Texas at all. Too hot and
too cold and too dry, and no fruit. Too many fleas. Glover
received a letter from George yesterday. He has made an engagement
with the "Evening News".
Sept. 5, 1880.
A good many ladies called to see Mattie today.
Sept. 8, 1880.
Mattie went to St. Louis to see Mrs. McCarty.
Glover went to Hamburg with Wilson. My wife making peach marmalade.
Sept. 10, 1880.
Dr. Rogers died yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
He died of rapid consumption, though he has been in poor health for
ten years.
Sept. 11, 1880.
We expect George today from Philadelphia.
Sept. 13, 1880.
George did not come until last night on late train.
Sept. 14, 1880.
Sociable last night at Mrs. Joseph H. Alexander's
in honor of Mrs. Strother who is visiting her after an absence of seven
years. Old Mr. Charles Johnson is visiting his son, Dr. Gum Johnson.
I called on him this afternoon. He is 90 years old and is remarkably
preserved. He is very active in mind and body.
Sept. 15, 1880.
A few days ago I received a letter from an old classmate,
M. M. Brown, with whom I graduated forty years ago at Miami University.
I had not seen or heard from him since. He is a preacher in the
United Presbyterian Church and is now living at Greenwood, Jackson Co.,
Missouri. Of the 25 of us who graduated then, I suppose more than
half are dead. What memories of the last [past?] his letter awakens.
Sept. 19, 1880. Sabbath.
Doug Martin took dinner with us. Fred and Annie
came to tea.
Sept. 23, 1880.
We have the freestone Heath peaches for supper every
day. It is a very fine peach. Rev. William Paxson, Agent
of American Sunday School Union, took dinner with us. He is full
of this great work, the greatest institution of the age, the establishing
Sunday Schools in destitute neighborhoods in the land, a pure missionary
Gospel work.
Sept. 24, 1880.
Glover returned this evening from Kansas City where
he went to attend the River Improvement Convention. He thinks
it is a great place, full of stir and business.
Sept. 26, 1880.
Mr. Martin went up to Columbia to preach for Mr.
Wilkie. Reverend Dr. Farris preached for us today. He preached
a grand sermon on I Peter, 2d Chapter, 9th verse, "Ye are a chosen generation,
Sept. 27, 1880.
Very unexpectedly Reverend Rutherford Douglas came.
We walked out to Lindenwood in afternoon and went to the observatory
and looked at the country around, - so beautiful. I spent a pleasant
evening with him at Mr. Gauss'.
Sept. 28, 1880.
Rutherford Douglas returned to St. Louis.
Sept. 29, 1880.
Glover and George went out to Dardenne to fish.
I went with Fred to the County Asylum. Comfortable place for poor
Oct. 1, 1880.
We are having sweet potatoes every day. The
White Queen of South yields best ant the Yellow Spanish.
Oct. 5, 1880.
This is the night of the Veiled Prophet making his
grand procession in St. Louis. Fred and George went down in buggy
this afternoon. Glover, Annie and the Misses Martin to go tomorrow
to the fair.
Oct. 6, 1880.
Clear, cool, delightful morning. Fine weather
for the Fair. Annie went to the Fair this morning and we brought
Mary Glenday up here. She was sick most of the day.
Oct. 7, 1880.
I unexpectedly found some peaches on a seedling tree
in chicken yard. There are [sic] a white freestone peach like
the white Heath. Rev. Rutherford Douglas came up to Judge King's
yesterday. I rode out with him to the cemetery this afternoon
and he takes tea with us. Glover went down below Portage with
Ed Gill and returned about nine o'clock at night.
Oct. 10, 1880. Sabbath.
Beautiful Sabbath morning, mild. Mary, our
servant, returned from St. Louis last night. Shirley has been
sick for several days, has a good deal sick stomach. we had a
very precious sermon from Rutherford Douglas this morning. It
was a great comfort to me to have such a sermon from one whom I received
into the church 28 years ago, when he was a boy.
Oct. 11, 1880.
Received a barrel sugar, keg syrup, and hominy today.
Oct. 12, 1880.
Some of the forest trees show the sere and yellow
leaves of autumn. How greatly the season of the year corresponds
with my feelings at my time of life (61), calm and serene, not melancholy,
bright and sober; sweet and sad memories of the past, mingled with some
bright hopes of eternal life.
Oct. 14, 1880.
Our Presbytery meets at Dardenne Church tomorrow
and I expect to go, God permitting.
Oct. 18, 1880.
I have just returned from Presbytery at Dardenne
Church. I went up last Friday with Mr. Martin and William Parks
in his carriage. We had a heavy rain in afternoon. We stayed
most of the time at Mr. Sam McCluer's. With exception of rain
and the cold, we had a delightful time. We had very fine preaching
from Drs. Brank, Rutherford Douglas, Farris and martin and large audiences.
Some of the best people in that church I ever knew. I spent part
of the time at Judge Dates', a most charming family.
Oct. 19, 1880.
Dr. martin and Mr. Alexander left for Fulton to attend
meeting of Synod.
Oct. 21, 1880.
Received a note from Louisa today saying her little
Harry had died. Thus the dear little ones pass from earth to heaven.
Oct. 22, 1880.
Nat Reid fell from a pecan tree yesterday and was
Oct. 24, 1880. Sabbath
Attended the Mission Sabbath School in Frenchtown
and organized it by electing Professor Howland superintendent - 42 scholars.
Oct. 26, 1880.
The Merchants' Hotel burned up last night between
tow and three o'clock.
Nov. 2, 1880.
This is election day for president and all other
state and county offices. I acted as judge and Glover and George
as clerks.
Nov. 3, 1880.
Garfield, the Republican, has carried the election
for President. This is a sad disappointment to the Democrats,
who has so much faith in their political principles, the principles
of Jefferson and Madison, and so much faith in the purity of popularity
of their candidate, General Hancock, that they thought they must win.
But such is the weakness of human calculations. The Lord reigns
and we trust he will overrule it for good.
Nov. 4, 1880.
How fast the leaves are falling. The forest
trees show the dark rich colors of autumn. I wrote a letter tonight
to Cousin Louisa Patton at Huntsville, Alabama. She was a Miss
Walker and I knew her well when we were at Memphis 45 years ago.
Nearly all her family and mine have died since that time. Her family
and mine lived near together in Virginia and her mother and mine were
Nov. 7, 1880. Sabbath.
After sermon this morning Mr. Martin requested the
male members of the congregation to remain a few minutes. He informed
us that he had received an invitation to the church in Shelbyville,
Tennessee. That it was well known that this church was not paying
a sufficient support and if they could not do any better it was his
duty to his family to go where he could get a support. The church at
Shelbyville had offered him a support and he had promised to visit them
on the next Sabbath. He greatly preferred to remain here if the
church could support him. It will be very difficult to increase
his support here. No dissatisfaction with him, but the peculiar
condition of things in this community are very unfavorable to the growth
of our Protestant American churches. The American population diminishes
gradually. Our young people go away as they grow up. The
Germans have the predominancy. When Dr. Martin came here eleven
years ago, we paid him $1500.00 and house per annum. Now we can
only pay $800.00. Dr. Martin has a very interesting family and
our people will part with them all very reluctantly.
Nov. 11, 1880.
I received a letter from a most unexpected
quarter, a most pleasant surprise. It was from Cousin Mary
Rice at Huntsville, Alabama. I haven't seen her for 42 years.
she is not [sic] 77 years old and in perfect health. She
lost her husband many years ago and all her children. She
is very wealthy and has travelled a great deal in Europe and this
country. She is the daughter of my Uncle Lewellyn Jones,
my mother's brother. Her letter has afforded me great pleasure
in giving a good deal of information about my relations, the Winstons
and Jones. My grandfather Jones' brother, Jack Jones, married
a Winston and his sister also married a Winston. Governor
Winston of Alabama was one of this family. [See Copyist's
Nov. 14, 1880. Sabbath.
Dr. Farris preached for us today. Called with
Dr. Farris to see Mr. J. E. Stonebraker who is very sick.
Nov. 15, 1880.
Glover went to St. Louis this evening to have his
eyeglasses fixed.
Nov. 18, 1880.
I wrote a long letter today to my cousin, Mary
Rice, Huntsville, Alabama. (letter
follows) [I have placed the letter with the Johns letters
-- SDC]
Nov. 19, 1880.
Colder this morning by 2 degrees -- 4° above
Nov. 21, 1880. Sabbath.
Dr. Martin returned yesterday from Tennessee and
preached today.
Nov. 24, 1880.
Fred and Annie and baby came up in sleigh after supper.
Nov. 25, 1880.
Cloudy and wintry - six inches snow on ground.
Mercury 15° above zero. This is Thanksgiving Day all over
the country. It is too much observed as a mere holiday.
We have so many blessings as a nation that we can scarcely enumerate
Nov. 27, 1880.
George and Glover are considering the project of
establishment of a Democratic paper here in connection with the Bodes,
who conduct the German "Demokrat".
Nov. 29, 1880.
Glover and George have this day entered into an arrangement
with the Bodes to edit and publish a Democratic paper to be called the
St. Charles Journal.
Dec. 2, 1880.
Glover and George went to Wentzville and Foristell
to get subscribers for their new paper, The Journal. I called
on William Parks in afternoon. Glover and George returned home.
They had good success with the paper. Went to Lindenwood in evening
to hear Dr. Gauss lecture on the Bible. The different writers
of the Bible during a space of 4,000 years all point to Christ the Great
Dec. 3, 1880.
Called out at E.C. Cunningham's. He is not well.
Dec. 4, 1880.
Snow gone except on north side of hills. Glover
went to Wentzville about his paper.
Dec. 5, 1880. Sabbath.
Rev. Thomas Watson of Dardenne preaches for us today.
Mr. Martin went to Mr. Watson's church. I attend the Children's
Missionary meeting at 3 o'clock p.m. This little society Keeps
alive, has been in existence 27 years. We talk to the children
and read to them of missionary operations in heathen lands. They
raise thirty or forty dollars a year and it amounts to something.
It does us good and the children too. The Lord will bless the
feeblest efforts in his cause.
Dec. 6, 1880.
Cold, west wind, mercury 15°. Glover and
George started through the country to get subscriptions for their paper.
Dec. 7, 1880.
Cold and cloudy, commencing to snow. Killed
hogs today. Cut and salted them after night. Had four hogs,
two of them good size, about 700 lbs in all.
Dec. 14, 1880.
Mercury 36°. Beautiful day, Parrot, a young man
who is engaged to marry Miss Marietta Garvin, was found to be deranged
Dec. 15, 1880
Last night there was a grand wedding at our church.
Barton and Hattie Overall. Great crowd present and grand reception at
Mrs. Overall's. Arthur came up to the wedding and left this morning.
Looks like falling weather, Cloudy and raw. John Atkinson and Miss Jessie
Hodgeman were married this afternoon.
Dec. 21, 1880,
Mrs. Whitney had a stroke of paralysis night before
Dec. 24, 1880
I gave my wife a clock tonight as a Christmas present.
It is a fine bronze eight-day clock. The first clock we have bought
in 29 years - since 1851. It commenced snowing tonight at six o'clock.
Arthur came on the late train and found us up. He brought a fine student's
lamp for his mother.
Dec. 25, 1880.
Cloudy, good deal of snow on ground, mercury 30°
. We had a happy time this morning giving and receiving presents, At
dinner we had all the boys with us, the first time for a long time on
Christmas Day. George has been at college for four years on that day.
Parents' lives and happiness are greatly wrapped up in their children.
Good children brighten so much a home circle. Parental love is so strong
and filial love is grateful and pleasant. Mattie sent me as a Christmas
present the Life of Dr. Hodge, the great theologian.
Dec. 26, 1880. Sabbath.
Another cloudy dull-looking day. Doug Martin took
dinner with us.
Dec. 28, 1880
Cold and snowing this morning, mercury 3° below
zero. This is real winter. Glover went to the wedding of Eliza Twyman
and John Cox at J.C. Stonebraker's tonight.
Dec. 29, 1880.
Intensely cold and clear, 14° below zero. This
will probably kill the peach buds, The snow will be great protection
to the wheat. In afternoon mercury went up to 6° below zero. I have
not been down town for two days - too cold.
Dec. 31. 1880.
This is the last day of 1880. How many blessings
we have had during the year, almost constant health in the family. May
we so number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom!