histories of families in St. Charles county were obtained after
the preceding pages of this work had gone to press.
ALEXANDER.-- The Alexanders
were among the early colonial settlers. They located in VA.
prior to the rev. and John Alexander, the first of whom we have
any definite record, was an officer of the American army during
the struggle for independence. His son, James H., who also was
a VA. farmer, came to MO. in the fall of 1829, and settled on
a farm in the lower part of Dardenne Prairie, where he resided
until his death, which occurred in 1836. His wife died in 1833.
They left four children, two sons and two daughters, that latter
being the younger. One of the sons, William Archibald, better
known by the familiar name of Arch, was 12 years of age when
his father died, having been born in Rockbridge Co., VA., June
15, 1824. He was taken back to VA. by a family of relatives,
and educated for the legal profession. He devoted three years
to study in the literary department of Washington College, now
Washington and Lee University, when he returned to St. Louis
and entered the law office of SPAULDING & TIFFNEY, as a
student. The following year he was admitted to the bar, and
began the practice of his profession in the office of HON. WILLIAM
M. CAMPBELL, where he remained until the death of the latter.
He then returned to VA. and spent a year in traveling through
the south, when he came back to MO. and located in St. Charles.
there he met with marked success, and was soon elected Public
Administrator. He was subsequently elected to the office of
Commissioner of Public Schools, and i 1870 was chosen Mayor
of the city of St. Charles, an office which he filled with great
credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents.
In 1872 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney of the county, and
was re-elected in 1874. He possesses a pleasant address, a fine
flow of language, a handsome personal appearance, and is universally
popular. He was married Dec. 10, 1861, to AGNES BEHRENS, daughter
of DR. HENRY and BERTHA BEHRENS, of St. Charles.
ANDERSON.-- Robert A. Anderson,
of KY., settled in St. Charles Co., MO. in 1838. His wife was
RACHEL GIVENS, of KY., by whom he had Harriet J., Margaret A.,
America, Alexander G., and Sarah L. Sarah and Margaret married
PRESTON B. SCOTT, at present of St. Louis. America married ALCANA
DELANA FORTUNATUS FLEMING TROUT, of Warren county, who was noted
for his unusually numerous names and eccentric disposition.
Major A. G. Anderson was married in Vernon County, to MARY ROBERTS,
and they now live in St. Louis. He was a major in the famous
first Missouri Brigade, on the confederate side, during the
late war, and is well known all over the state. He is a man
of fine address and more than ordinary ability.
ATKINSON.-- John Atkinson moved
from Louisville, KY., and settled in St. Charles about the year
1843. Prior to that time, he was extensively engaged with his
brother in the milling business at Louisville, KY., and Richmond,
VA. He bought the large stone mill on the river bank in St.
Charles from GEORGE COLLIER, and operated it successfully for
many years. The flour manufactured by him attained a high reputation,
in the south, and in New York and Liverpool; and it might be
said with propriety that he was one of the first millers in
the west who helped establish the reputation of St. Louis and
St. Charles flour, and gave it that high standing it has since
enjoyed, both at home and abroad. Contemporary with him, were
EDWARD WALSH, A. W. FAGIN, and DENNIS MARKS, prominent millers
of St. Louis, who, with him, may be said to have been the founders
of the present immense milling business in St. Louis and St.
Charles; an interest that has grown to such gigantic proportions
and which has contributed so largely to the wealth and commercial
prosperity of the two localities. About 1830 Mr. Atkinson purchased
a large mill in Pekin, Illinois, intending to carry on both
establishments, and had just completed thorough and extensive
repairs on the property, when it was destroyed by fire, inflicting
on him a severe loss from which he never fully recovered. He
returned to St. Charles, and operated the mill there till about
the breaking out of the war, after which he did not again engage
in active business. During his business life in St. Charles,
his operations were on a large scale, and gave employment to
a great number of men in his mill and in connection with it.
He was one of the most prominent and highly esteemed citizens
of the place, and his memory is held in kind remembrance by
the older people here, who knew him, and esteemed him in the
highest degree or his sterling qualities as an upright, honorable
business man, and for his genial and social traits. He married
his first wife, VIRGINIA DAVIDSON, of Petersburg, VA., in Louisville,
KY. She bore him 8 children, of whom only 3 are living: Robert
and John, well known and prominent merchants of St. Charles,
and Virginia, wife of E. E. CHASE, ESQ., an extensive hardware
merchant of Edina, MO. His 2nd wife, formerly MISS LOCKWOOD,
of Binghampton, N. Y., survives him. Mr. Atkinson was a gentleman
of the old school, with the strictest sense of honor, a man
of warm and generous impulses, charitable and kind hearted.
He was a public spirited citizen, contributing liberally to
all deserving enterprises, and taking a warm interest in all
undertakings tending to advance the interests of his section
of the country. He was one of the original projectors and a
strong friend of the North Missouri Railroad, and lent his aid
and influence toward securing its success.
BARADA.-- Louis Barada was born
in St. Louis, and settled with his parents in St. Charles about
the year 1800, where he resided during the rest of his life.
He died in March, 1852 and his wife died in Feb. 1873. Mr. Barada
followed various occupations, but devoted most of his time to
the butchering business and milling. He assisted in the building
of the famous old stone flouring mill, in which he at one time
owned an interest. He also helped to build the old stone Catholic
church, and was one of its trustees for many years, serving
in that capacity until his death. He married ELLEN GAGNON, by
whom he had 11 children: Louis, Jr., Dansciene, Louise, Ann
N., Mary, Pierre, Benoist, Ellen, John B., Lucille, and Eulalie.
Louis, Jr., Dansciene, Benoist and Eulalie died in childhood,
and Pierre died at the age of 10 years. Louise married DAVID
KNOTT, who died in St. Louis in 1848. His widow still resides
in that city. Ann N. married ANTOINE LEFAIVRE, who died in 1853;
she is still living. Mary married CHARLES CORNOYER, who died
in t. Louis in 1871, and his widow still resides there. Ellen
was married twice; first to JOHN LEFAIVRE, who died two years
afterward, and she subsequently married JOSEPH WIDEN, who died
from injuries received from the explosion of the steamer George
C. Wolf. His widow lives in St. Louis. John B. was a clerk on
the steamer Robert, and died in St. Louis of yellow fever, contracted
in new Orleans. Lucille married LUCIEN F. LACROIX, and died
in St. Louis in 1863. Mr. LaCroix married again, and is living
in Helena, Montana, publishing the Daily Independent.
BOYSE.-- Matthew R. Boyse was born
in Wexford Co., Ireland, in 1788. In 1814 he married ANN CULLIN,
and in 1825 they emigrated to the United States. They settled
first in Wheeling, VA., but came to St. Louis, MO. in 1827.
In 1837 they removed to St. Charles, but returned to St. Louis
in 1843, where they resided the rest of their lives. Mr. Boyse
died Dec. 25, 1864, and his widow died in 1874, aged 79 years.
They had 15 children, of whom the following lived to be grown:
Mary, Ellen, John, Clement, Martin, Ann, Matthew, Jane and William.
Mary married SAMUEL MAXWELL, of St. Louis, and died in 1872.
Ellen married DANIEL EMERSON, of Dog Prairie, St. Charles county.
John married MRS. MCKINNEY, whose maiden name was CELESTE CORNOYER,
and died in 1868. Clement married MARTHA A. DRURY. Martin married
JOHANNA CASEY, of Washington county. Ann married MICHAEL MCGUIRE,
of St. Louis. Matthew married ELLEN MURPHY OF St. Louis, and
died in 1857. Jane married JOHN O'BRIEN, of Lincoln Co.
CUNNINGHAM.-- Col. Thomas
W. Cunningham came to St. Charles, from VA., in 1830. His life
has always been governed by motives of purity and honesty, and
there is no man in the county or state who enjoys the esteem
and respect of his fellow-citizens in a higher degree than does
Colonel Cunningham. Public duties entrusted to him have been
as faithfully and carefully attended to as if they were his
own private affairs; and it can be truly said of him that he
has never shirked a responsibility or evaded a duty. He is now
in his 77th year, has laid aside the cares of business, and
enjoys himself in the society of his family and the companionship
of his books. He has been a close student for many years, and
his library is one of the rarest in the county. The first civil
office to which the Colonel was elected was that of Public Surveyor
of St. Charles county, a position which he filled for a number
of years in the most satisfactory manner. He was subsequently
chosen mayor of the city of St. Charles, and made one of the
best executive officers the city ever had. During the Black
Hawk war, he served as colonel of a regiment, and retained his
sword until the late war between the North and South, when he
was forced to reluctantly surrender it to the military authorities.
Colonel Cunningham married ELIZABETH A. CHRISTMAN, of Lincoln
County, and they had 6 children: Josepha, Theresa, Henry A.,
John C., Thomas S., and Bettie Barr. Josepha married J. H. AIKIN,
of VA., and at present, resides in Warren Co., MO. Theresa and
Bettie Barr died in infancy. Henry A. is a prominent attorney
of St. Louis. He graduated at St. Charles College and studied
law in his father's office. His success at the bar has been
brilliant, and though a young man, he has acquired a considerable
fortune. He has managed a number of cases with great ability
in the United States Supreme court, is at present, a prominent
candidate for Judge of the court of appeals of MO., and will
probably be elected, as he is supported by Democrats and Republicans
without regard to party affiliations. He has traveled extensively
in the United States and Europe, is polished and gentlemanly
in his manners, and universally popular. John C. Cunningham
died at the age of 27 Thomas S. studied law in his father's
office, was admitted to the bar, and is meeting with good success
for a young attorney. He was elected to the office of Public
administrator two years ago.
CUNNINGHAM - Edward C. Cunningham
was born in Frederick County, Maryland, Feb. 22, 1809. He married
MARGARET BUXTON, of Montgomery Co., Maryland, on the 27th of
Jan., 1831, and emigrated to MO. in 1836. He remained one year
inn St. Charles county, and then removed to Warren, but remained
there only a short time, when he came back to St. charles, where
he has since resided. In the spring of 1838, Mr. Cunningham
was appointed Collector of revenues for the city of St. Charles,
and the following August, was elected Constable of the township.
In 1844, he was elected sheriff of the county, as an independent
candidate, and was re-elected in 1846. since the expiration
of his second term of office, he has been employed in various
branches of business, such as farming, stock raising, dealing
in stock, and butchering; and at present he is cultivating his
farm near St. Charles, attending to the butcher's business,
and operating a coal mine. He purchased the WARDLOW farm in
1847, and is still proprietor of the place. the stepping plank
to the horse-block at his front gate was placed there by MR.
WARDLOW, fourty-four years ago, and it is still sound and used
for the same purpose. In 1845, Mr. Cunningham introduced a new
variety of wheat, from Frederick County, Maryland, called the
Zimmerman, which has since become the standard wheat of St.
Charles county, and has given a reputation to the wheat and
flour of that county, which extends over a large portion of
the civilized world. In 1840 he imported from Albany, N. Y.,
the first Berkshire hogs that had ever been introduced into
St. Charles county, and since that time, the county has become
celebrated for its fine pork. By his first wife, Mr. Cunningham
had 4 children: mary, Nancy E., Charles W., and Margaret S.
Mary and Margaret S. died in infancy. Nancy E. died in her 13th
year and Charles W. died in his 18th year. Mrs. Cunningham died
Aug. 28, 1836, and her husband afterward married ELIZABETH SLAGLE,
of Frederick Co., Maryland, by whom he had Sarah N., Frederick
S., Edward L., Ann E., John M., and Elizabeth S. Ann F., Elizabeth
S. and Sarah N. died in infancy. Frederick S. married ANN TAYLOR.
He was at one time postmaster of St. Charles, but, being in
bad health, he resigned the office and went to California, where
he died on April 23, 1865. His widow afterward married CHARLES
A. CUNNINGHAM, and now resides in Carrollton, MO. Edward L.
married MARY STEWART, and lives in Texas. John M. is in business
with his father. Mrs. Cunningham died May 1, 1854, and on the
21st of Dec., 1854, he married TERESA JOHNSON, of Cumberland,
Maryland, who died Aug. 16, 1855.
CRUSE.-- Francis and Elizabeth
Cruse were natives of Prussia. They emigrated to America and
settled in St. Charles county in 1834, and were married soon
after. They had 5 children. Mrs. Cruse died in 1844, but Mr.
Cruse survived until 1853. Their eldest son, Joseph, was born
Oct. 20, 1837, and is now a prominent citizen of his native
county. He learned the carpenter's trade at the age of 16, with
F. SMITH & CO., of St. Louis; but preferring agricultural
pursuits, he purchased a farm in Cuivre township, where he has
since resided. He has been three times elected to the office
of Justice of the peace in his township, and was appointed notary
public by GOV. FLETCHER in 1871. In 1870 he was elected one
of the judges of the county court, and at the expiration of
his first term, was re-elected to the same position. He has
made a faithful and efficient officer, and enjoys the confidence
and esteem of his fellow-citizen. He is a leading member of
the Catholic Church, and possesses a friendly, sociable disposition.
He was married in 1860 to JOSEPHINE BECKMAN.
DURFEE. -- Rev. Thomas Durfee came
to St. Charles from Fall River, Mass., in 1827. He was
a graduate of Brown University, Rhode Island, and of the Theological
Seminary at Andover, Mass. In 1828 he was married to Miss
Ann Glenday, who was a niece of Thomas Lindsay, and then living
with him. Mr. Durfee lived several years after his marriage
in callaway county, as pastor of the Presbyterian Church at
Auxvassee. He afterward returned to St. Charles, and was
agent of the American Bible Society, and in 1833 -- the great
cholera year -- he died at the house of Thomas Lindsay.
Mr. Durfee was a man of great worth and a fine preacher.
He left two daughters, Jane S., who afterwards was married to
John Jay Johns, and Margaret Lindsay, who is now the wife of
E. P. Borden, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Durfee, after the
death of her husband, continued to live with her uncle, Thomas
Lindsay, till his death in 1843. At her uncle's death
she was, by his will, possessed of his old homestead, where
she continued to reside till 1850, when she went to live with
her son-in-law, John Jay Johns, with whom she still resides.
She is a great enthusiast on the subject of education, and is
using her means freely in educating her grand children.
Her eldest daughter, Mrs. Johns, was educated at Monticello,
Ills., and Mrs. Borden at Bradford Seminary, in Massachusetts.
[p. 202]
HILBERT.-- Jacob F. Hilbert and
wife came from Carlile, Cumberland Co., PA., to St. Charles
county in July, 1836. For about 7 years after his arrival in
that county, Mr. Hilbert was engaged in the distilling business
with his brother, John; but it did not prove remunerative, and
he removed to the city of St. Charles, where he remained until
his death, which occurred May 7, 1848. In 1843 he acted as deputy
sheriff of the county, and Councilman for the city of St. Charles.
He was afterward elected assessor of the county, and was performing
the duties of that office at the time of his death. He married
CRESENTIA YEALLY, of PA., before his removal to MO., and they
had 5 children, three of whom are living, viz: Julius, Jerome
and Jacob. Mr. H. was upright and prompt in all his transactions
with his fellowmen, and his death was an irreparable loss to
the community. His estimable widow lives in the house that he
purchased 33 years ago. John Hilbert, a brother of Jacob, settled
in St. Charles county in 1836. He came from Elizabethtown, PA.
During his residence in St. Charles, he held the various offices
of constable, councilman and mayor, and always discharged his
duties in a conscientious manner and to the best of his ability.
He possessed considerable force of character, and was firm in
his adherence to principle and the measures which he deemed
just and right. He married ELIZA CLOSE, and they raised 5 children.
He died in 1871, and his widow resides in St. Louis. Aloyscus
Z Hilbert, another brother, came from Rochester, N.Y. to Franklin
Co., MO., in 1826, where he married SARAH JOHNSON, and with
his wife, removed to St. Charles. He had the reputation of being
one of the best millers in the west and did the first stone
dressing that was ever done on the buhrs of the old COLLIER
mill. He was a member of the firm of WOODS & HILBERT, flour
manufacturers, of New Orleans, twenty seven years ago; and during
MAYOR PRATT's administration, he was flour inspector of st.
louis. His first wife died, and he afterward married MRS. MARTHA
SPENCER, who now resides in Iowa. Mr. Hilbert was killed in
St. Louis, in 1873, by a fall down a flight of stairs at the
hotel where he was stopping. He received a wound in the head
from which he died in an hour. He had gained an extended reputation
as a miller, and among his effects were found strong letters
of recommendation from Messeurs. CHOUTEAU, JULES and FELIX VALLE,
and J. & E. WALSH, the latter stating that the popularity
of their brand of flour in the south and south America was due
in no small degree, to the skill and intelligent services of
Mr. Hilbert.
MCROBERTS.-- John McRoberts and
wife settled in Lincoln Co., KY., about 1785. They had a son
named George, who married SALLY EMBREE, by whom he had Milton,
Fannie, Harvey, Nancy S., Preston, John, Harrison, Julia A.,
and Mary B. In 1824 they removed to MO. and settled in Boone
county, where Mr. McRoberts and his son, Harvey, died the same
year. The widow and the rest of the children then returned to
KY., but in 1828 they came back to MO. and settled in St. Charles
county. In the meantime, Milton had married HARRIET LOGAN, and
settled in St. Charles co. in 1826. Nancy married FRANK HUN,
who settled in St. Charles county in 1830. Preston married FANNIE
WADE, of Lincoln County. John returned to KY., married NANCY
MASSEY, and remained in that state. Harrison was married twice;
first to HARRIET J. ANDERSON, and second to RACHEL E. PHILLIPS,
Julia A. married BENJAMIN WALKER.
PHILLIPS.--Jenkin Phillips, of
VA., married RACHEL GRUBB, by whom he had Rhoda, William, Benjamin,
Rachel and Jenkin, Jr. Mrs. Phillips died in Va., and her husband,
with his son, Jenkin, Jr., and daughter Rhoda, settled in St.
Charles Co., MO. in 1838, where he died in 1837. Jenkin, Jr.,
was married twice; first to MARGARET KINNEAR, who died in 1844;
and second to MARTHA SMITH. Rhoda died single, in 1844.