ALLEN. -- William Allen, of Henry
county, Virginia, was married twice. The name of his second
wife was Ann Smith, by whom he had Susan, Robert, Joseph, Pines
and Frances. Susan married William Wells, who was Probate
Judge of Henry county, Virginia. Robert was a talented
man, and a fine orator, and represented his native county in
the State Legislature for many years. He married Celia
Mullens, and their son, William L., was State Senator in Mississippi
for a number of years. Joseph S., the second son of Robert
Allen, was a distinguished Methodist minister. He settled
in St. Charles county in 1828. He was married twice, and
by his first wife he had one son, named William. The name
of his second wife was Rachel May, and they had William M.,
Robert L., Elizabeth M., John P., Joseph J., Susan A., and Rachel.
William M. married Mary M. Shelton, and they had six children.
Mr. Allen represented his county in the House of representatives
four years, and four years in the State Senate. He was
a prominent and influential citizen, and now resides in Wentzville,
Missouri. Robert L. was married first to Anna Pendleton,
by whom he had five children. After her death he married
Louisa B. Harnett, and they had three children. Mr. Allen
was County Judge of Warren county for some time, and represented
that county in the Legislature two years. Elizabeth M.
was married first to Henry Simpson, and after his death she
married J. D. May. She had three children. John
P., who was a physician, married his cousin, Martha L. Allen,
and they had one child. Joseph I. came to Missouri in
1850, and died soon after. Susan A. died unmarried --
Pines, son of William Allen, was married first to Charlotte
Bailey, of Tennessee, and settled in St. Charles county in 1829.
Their children were -- Robert B., Mary J., Joseph J., John B.,
Charles C., and Martha L. Mr Allen was married the second
time to Nancy Hughes, of Virginia, and they had Lucy A., Susan
M., Pines H., William M., Smith B., and Columbus S. Robert
B. married Louisa Chambers, and they had ten children.
He was a prominent Methodist, and an influential citizen.
Mary J. married Marshall Bird, who settled in Missouri in 1833.
They had seven children. Joseph H., married Sarah McClenny,
and they had three children. John B. was married first
to Elizabeth Lacy, by whom he had four children. He was
married the second time to Lucy Harnett, and they had five children.
Mr. Allen is an attorney, and lives near Flint Hill. He
was a soldier in the Black Hawk war. Charles C. married
Fanny Pendleton, and they had but two children. Martha
L. was married first to John Taylor, and they had one child.
She was married the second time to Thomas H. Lacy. They
had no children. [p. 126]
ABINGTON.-- John Abington, of
Scotland, came to America and settled in Montgomery Co., Maryland,
sometime before the revolution. His wife was MARY WATSON. she
died, leaving him a widower, after which he moved to Henry Co.,
VA. the names of his children were Bowles, Lucy, John, Elizabeth
and Henry. Bowles, at the age of 18 years, joined the American
army and served during the Rev. war. He married SARAH TAYLOR,
daughter of WILLIAM TAYLOR and SARAH SCRUGGS, of VA., and they
had 7 children: William N., John T., Susannah, Taylor, Bowles,
Henry and Lucy. William N. was a Methodist preacher, and died
in N.C. John T. married REBECCA TAYLOR, and settled in TN. Susannah
married THOMAS TRAVIS, and settled in St. Charles Co., MO. in
1830. Taylor married AMANDA PENN. Bowles married MARY BALDRIDGE,
and died 10 days after. Hon. Henry Abington, the only one of
the family now living, married MARIA SMITH, and settled in the
western part of St. Charles Co., where he now resides. He is
an influential, public-spirited citizen; has served 3 terms
in the legislature of his state, and has held the position of
Justice of the peace for many years.
AYERS. -- Ebenezer Ayers came from
one of the Eastern States, and settled on what is known as "the
point," in St. Charles county, at a very early date. He
built the first horse-mill in that region of country.
He was also a large fruit-grower; and made a great deal of butter
and cheese. He lived in a large red house, in which the
first Protestant sermon in "the point" was preached. In
1804 he and James Flaugherty and John Woods were appointed Justices
of the Peace for St. Charles district, being the first under
the American government. Mr. Ayers had four children,
one son and three daughters. Two of the latter died before
they were grown. The son, Ebenezer Davenport Ayers, married
Louisiana Overall, and settled where Davenport, Iowa, now stands,
the town being named for him. His surviving sister, Hester
Ayers, married Anthony C. Palmer, who was a ranger in the company
commanded by Captain James Callaway. Mr. Palmer was afterward
elected sheriff of the county, and served one term. He
had a good education, was an excellent scribe, and taught school
a number of years. [p. 127]
AUDRAIN.-- Peter Audrain was a
native of France, but came to America at an early date, and
settled in Penn., where he married MARGARET MOORE. He subsequently
moved to Detroit, MI. where he became an influential citizen,
and was marshal of the territory at the time of his death. He
had 7 children, 3 of whom, James H., Peter G., and Margaret,
settled in MO. James H. was born in PA., Dec. 29, 1782, and
was married to MARY E. WELLS, of Louisville, KY., on Dec. 23,
1806. He settled at Fort Wayne, Ind., and engaged in merchandising.
During the war of 1812, he was commissioned Captain of volunteers,
and saw some hard service. He was afterward appointed Colonel
of militia. In 1816, he moved his family to MO., in a flat-boat,
and after remaining a short time at St. Louis, he settled on
Peruque creek, in St. Charles Co., where he soon after built
a mill and a distillery. The mill was run by a tread wheel,
on which he worked young bulls, and he often had as many as
20 of these animals at one time. This led a loquacious citizen
of the community to give it the name of "Bulls Hell Mill", by
which it became generally known. In 1830, Col. Audrain was elected
a member of the legislature, and died Nov. 10, 1831, at the
house of GOV. CLARK, in St. Louis. His remains were conveyed
to his home in a hearse, which was the first hearse ever seen
in St. Charles Co. When Audrain Co. was organized in 1836, it
was named in honor of Colonel Audrain. Mrs. Audrain died about
3 years after the death of her husband. Their children were
Samuel W., Peter G., James H., Margaret, Benjamin O., Ann A.,
Francis B., Thomas B., and Mary F. The latter was born on the
flat-boat in 1816, while they were ascending the Mississippi
river. Col. Audrain, and his wife were baptized in Peruque creek,
below his mill. The colonel was a very stout man, and won a
wager of $10 in St. Charles one day, by carrying eight bushels
f wheat, at one time, up three flights of stairs.
BIGELOW.-- Moses Bigelow, the
son of Zachariah Bigelow, of Pittsburg, Pa., came to St. Charles
Co., Mo. in 1821. He married PARTHENA BRYAN, eldest daughter
of JONATHAN BRYAN, who was a widow at the time, having previously
married her cousin, JOSEPH BRYAN. Mr. Bigelow had $1,000 in
cash when he came to MO, and by keeping that sum constantly
at interest it made him a comfortable fortune before his death,
which occurred in 1857. Several years before his death, his
wife, while on a visit to a married daughter, was thrown from
her horse while returning from church, and one of her limbs
was so badly fractured that it had to be amputated. She however,
outlived her husband, and died in 1873, of cancer. They had
6 children, James, Rufus, Rutia, Abner, Agnes and Phoebe. James
was married 3 times, first to MARY E. HOPKINS, 2nd to her sister,
HENRIETTA EVERMAN. Rutia married CHARLES E. FERNEY. Abner married
HULDA LOGAN. Agnes died single. Phoebe married FORTUNATUS CASTLIO.
BIGGS.-- Randall Biggs settled in
St. Charles Co. in 1799. He married SUSAN PERKETT. They were
both of German descent. Their children were William, Malinda,
Lucretia, Elvira, Mary and Silas P.
BOWLES.-- John Bowles and his wife
emigrated from England and settled in St. Mary's Co., MD. They
had 7 children: William, John Baptist, Joseph, Jane, Susan,
Henrietta and Mary. In 1789 John Baptist, Joseph, James and
Mary moved to KY and settled in Scott Co. Joseph married ALICE
RALEY, and lived and died in Washington Co., KY. Jane married
IGNATIUS GREENWELL, and their son, Robert, married MARIA TWYMAN,
and settled in St. Charles Co., MO. Mary married WILLIAM ROBERTS,
and their daughter, Elizabeth, married JOHN BURKMAN, who settled
in Montgomery Co., MO. John Baptist married HENRIETTA WHEATLEY,
and they had 8 children: Walter, James, Leo, Clara, Elizabeth,
Catharine, Matilda and Celicia. Walter married ROSA MCATEE,
and settled in St. Charles Co., MO. in 1828. He was a soldier
in the war o 1812, and is still living (1875), in his 87th year.
James married SUSAN LUCKETT, and settled in St. Charles Co.
in 1835. They had 6 children. Leo married TERESA MCATEE, and
settled in St. Charles Co. in 1831. They had 7 children. Clara
married DENNIS ONAN, and they lived in KY. Catharine married
STEPHEN T. MCATEE, who settled in St. Charles Co. in 1834. They
had 8 children. Mr. McAtee and his youngest son, George, died
the same day, and were buried in the same grave. Matilda married
WALTER BARNES, and they lived in KY. Celicia married JAMES W.
DRURY, who settled in St. Charles Co. in 1835. They had 13 children.
BOYD.-- A Man named Boyd came from
the northern part of Ireland, and settled in VA. at a very early
date. In 1772 he was killed by the Indians, and left a widow
and 3 children: William, Margaret and John. william was appointed
Indian agent for the state of Mississippi, where he lived and
died. Margaret married a man named GARVIN, and they settled
in PA., where they raised a large family of children. Three
of their sons, Alexander, John and Benjamin, settled in St.
Charles Co. in 1822. Alexander married ANNA MATTISON, and their
children were Margaret, Anna, Permelia, Jane, Alexander, and
Fannie. John Boyd was quite young when his father was killed,
and he was raised by a MR. GORDON of VA. During the Rev. war,
he served as a ranger and scout in the American army. He was
married in 1800 to ELIZABETH DAVIS, of VA., and they had 9 children:
Gordon D., Cary A., William A., Margaret E., James H., Mary
S., John N., Amasa P., and Maria. Gordon D. was a physician,
and moved to Mississippi. He died of cholera in New Orleans,
in 1832, while on his way to TX. Cary A. married ELIZABETH BAILEY,
and settled in Pike Co., MO. William A. settled in St. Charles
Co. in 1837. He married ELIZABETH POAGUE, of KY., and she died,
leaving 8 children. Her father was a justice of the peace in
St. Charles Co. for 10 years. Margaret E. married MAJOR JAMES
G. BAILEY, a soldier of the war of 1812, and they settled in
St. Charles Co. in 1830. She died, leaving 4 children. James
H. lived in Jackson, Miss., where he engaged in the mercantile
business, and was elected mayor of the town. Mary S. married
EDMOND P. MATHEWS, of KY., and they settled in St. charles Co.,
MO. in 1836. She had 5 children, and is still living in Pike
Co., MO. John N. settled in St. Charles Co. in 1839. He married
MAHALEY HUGHES, and they both died, leaving 2 children. Amasa
P. died in Mississippi. Maria died while a child.
BATES.-- Thomas F. Bates was
an early settler of Goochland Co., VA. He was a Quaker, but
when the war of the rev. commenced, he buried his religion in
patriotism and became a soldier. He married CAROLINE M. WOODSON,
and they had 12 children: Charles, Matilda, Tarleton, Fleming,
Nancy, Richard, James W., Sarah, Margaret, Susan, Frederick,
and Edward. Charles lived and died in VA. where he became eminent
in the profession of law. Matilda married CAPTAIN GETT, and
died, leaving a daughter (Caroline M.), who was adopted by her
uncle, EDWARD BATES, and died in St. Louis. Tarleton was killed
in a duel at Pittsburg, PA. Fleming lived in Northumberland
Co., VA., of which he was county clerk. He left several children
at his death. Nancy married THOMAS H. WALTON, who was killed
by lightning. He left one son, Robert A., who came to MO. and
married a daughter of HON. FREDERICK BATES. Richard studied
law, but died young. He was an intimate friend of GEN. WINFIELD
SCOTT, and had the promise of becoming a distinguished man.
James W. lived and died in Arkansas. He was a delegate to Congress
from that territory before its admission as a state. Sarah never
married, but came with her mother, to MO. in 1818. Mrs. Bates
died in 1845, aged 90 years. Margaret was married twice: first
to JOHN SPEERS, and 2nd to DR. ORTON WHARTON, both of VA. She
was left a widow the second time, and came to St. Charles Co.,
MO. in 1838. Susan died while a young lady, in VA. Frederick
Bates was well educated and became a distinguished man. President
Jefferson appointed him Secretary of the territory of Michigan,
and about the commencement of the AARON BURR conspiracy, he
was transferred to upper Louisiana, as Secretary of that Territory.
He afterward became Governor of the territory of MO., and was
the 2nd Governor of the state after its admission. He married
NANCY BALL, a daughter of COLONEL JOHN S. BALL, who was a soldier
of the war of 1812. Mr. Bates died in 1825, leaving four children:
Emily C., Lucas Lee, Woodville, and Frederick, Jr. During the
latter part of his life he resided in Lincoln Co. His daughter,
Emily C., married ROBERT WALTON, and is now living in St. Charles,
a widow. Lucas Lee married a daughter of SAMUEL CONWAY, and
lives in St. Louis Co. Woodville died in his youth. Frederick,
Jr., married LAVINIA MEREDITH, and died, leaving 1 child. His
widow married SAMUEL CONWAY, who also died, and she then married
a MR. KERNEY. Hon. Frederick Bates was Governor of the territory
of upper Louisiana from May, 1807, to October, 1807; from Sept.
1809, to Sept. 1810; from Nov. 29, 1812, to Dec. 7, 1812; and
he was Governor of the territory of MO from Dec. 12, 1812 to
July, 1813. He was elected second Governor of the state of MO.
in 1824, and died in 1825, before the expiration of his term.
EDWARD BATES, brother of Frederick Bates, served as a private
soldier in the war of 1812, having enlisted before he wa of
age; but he was promoted to sergeant before the expiration of
his term. He settled in St. Charles Co. in 1814m and on the
29th of May 1823, he wa married to JULIA D. COALTER daughter
of HON. DAVID COALTER. They had 17 children. Mr. Bates was a
man of a superior order of talents and held many positions of
trust and influence during his life. He studied law under HON.
RUFUS EASTON, and became eminent in his profession. He was distinguished
for a faithful and conscientious discharge of every duty entrusted
to him, whether great or small, and he possessed the confidence
of all classes of his fellow citizens in the very highest degree.
He represented St. Louis as a delegate in the first constitutional
convention of MO.; served in the legislature and state senate
for a number of years, and was a member of congress in 1826.
At the commencement of PRESIDENT LINCOLN's administration, he
was honored with a seat in the cabinet as attorney general.
He died in 1870, in his 76th year. His widow is still living,
in her 78th year.
BAUGH.-- The Baughs were doubtless
of German descent; but there is no authentic record of the origin
of the family, beyond the act that 3 brothers of that name settled
near Jamestown, VA., at an early date. Abram, a son of one of
these brothers, married JUDITH COLMAN, of Powhatan Co., and
by her he had Joseph, Thomas M., Edsa, William, Alexander, Abram,
Jesse, Mary, Judith and Rhoda. Joseph married NANCY GENTRY,
and settled in Madison Co., KY. in 1781; and in 1816 he removed
to St. Charles Co., MO. He served five years in the rev. war.
His children were William, Benjamin, Judith, Alsey, Nancy, Mary,
Patsey and Lucinda. William married SUSAN CARTER, of KY., and
settled in St. Charles Co., MO. but removed from there to Montgomery
Co. in 1832. His first wife died and he was married the second
time to MRS. NANCY V. HASLIP, whose maiden name was CHAMBERS.
BRYAN.-- William Bryan, a native
of Wales, came to America with Lord Baltimore, about the year
1650, and settled in Maryland. His wife was of Irish descent,
and they had 3 children: William, Morgan and Daniel. Of the
succeeding two or three generations of this family, nothing
is definitely known, but early in the 18th century, WILLIAM
BRYAN, a descendant of the original stock, settled in Roan Co.,
N.C. He married SALLY BRINGER, who was of German descent, and
they had 11 children: William, Morgan, John, Sally, Daniel,
Henry, Rebecca (who became the wife of DANIEL BOONE), Susan,
George, James and Joseph. During the Rev. war, 6 of the sons
served in the American army, and one (probably Joseph) cast
his lot with the Tories. He was promoted to the position of
Colonel, and served with Tarleton during his campaign in the
Carolinas. On one occasion, his regiment of Tories, being in
the advance, was attacked by the patriots and forced to retreat.
As they were falling back in great confusion, they met Tarleton,
who had heard the firing and accompanied by only a few of his
staff officers, was riding leisurely toward the scene of conflict,
blowing his bugle as he came. The patriots, hearing the sound
of the bugle, and supposing that the entire British army was
advancing upon them, gave up the pursuit and retired. When Bryan
met Tarleton, he demanded, in an angry tone, why he had come
alone, instead of marching his army to hi assistance. Tarleton
replied that he wanted to "see how the d----d Tories would fight."
This so enraged the Tory leader that he came near resigning
his commission and retiring from the service, and would probably
have done so if he could have returned home in safety. Two of
the brothers who were in the American army (James and Morgan)
were at the bloody battle of King's Mountain, and from the best
information that we can obtain, their Tory brother fought against
them in the same battle. The war feeling ran so high that they
would have shot him if he had come within range of their rifles.
Three of the brothers, (James, William, and Daniel) followed
Daniel Boone to KY., and built Bryan's station, near Lexington.
Shortly after their arrival, William and two other men left
the fort and went some distance into the woods, for the purpose
of obtaining a supply of game for the garrison. During their
absence, they were attacked by the Indians; Bryan's companions
were both killed and scalped, and he was shot through the knee
with a rifle ball. But notwithstanding his severe and painful
wound, he rode to the fort, a distance of 30 miles, through
the thick woods and brush, and gave the alarm in time to save
the place from falling into the hands of the Indians. They soon
began to suffer greatly for provisions, being so closely watched
by the Indians, that hunting parties did not dare to venture
out, and they were reduced to the necessity of boiling and eating
buffalo hides in order to avert starvation. James Bryan was
a widower with six children at the time of the removal to KY.,
and it was his branch of the family that afterward came to MO.,
the descendants of the other two brothers remaining in KY. The
names of his children were David, Susan, Jonathan, Polly, Henry
and Rebecca. David married MARY POOR, and came to MO. in 1800.
He settled near the present town of Marthasville, in Warren
Co. His children were James, Morgan, Elizabeth, Mary, Willis,
John, Susan, Drizella, Samuel and William K. Mr. Bryan reserved
half an acre of ground near his house for a grave yard, and
it was there that Daniel Boone and his wife were buried. He
also had a large orchard, which he grew from apple seed that
he carried from KY. in his vest pocket. Susan Bryan married
ISRAEL GRANT, of KY. They had 3 children: James, William and
Israel B. Jonathan married MARY COSBOW, a widow with 1 son,
William. (her maiden name was MARY HUGHES) In 1800 he moved
his family to MO. in a keel-boat, and landed at the mouth of
Femme Osage creek, on Christmas day of that year. He settled
first in Lincoln co., near the present town of Cap-au-gris,
but there they were greatly exposed to attacks from the Indians,
and the location proving to be a sickly one, he moved and settled
on Femme Osage creek, near NATHAN BOONE's place, where he lived
during the remainder of his life. In 1801 he built the first
water mill west of the mississippi river. The stones were carried
from KY on horseback, a spring branch supplied the water power,
and an old musket barrel formed the aluice or water race. The
children of Jonathan Bryan were Parthena, Phoebe, Nancy, Elijah,
Abner, Mary, Alsey, James, Delila and Lavinia. Henry Bryan married
ELIZABETH SPARKS, and settled in St. Charles Co. in 1808. They
had 8 children: Susan, Joseph, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Cynthia,
Johannah, John W., and Polly. Rebecca (daughter of James Bryan)
married HUGH LOGAN, of KY. and they had 5 children: William,
Alexander, Hugh, Henry and Mary. Mr. Logan died, and she was
married the 2nd time to JAMES SMITH, of KY. They had 2 children
when he also died; and in 1810, Jonathan and Henry Bryan moved
their sister and her family to MO. She settled on South Bear
creek, in Montgomery Co., and died 20 years later. Her two children
by Smith were named Susan and James. Susan married a man named
KING, and James married SUSAN ELLIS.
BALDRIDGE.-- Robert Baldridge
was a native of Ireland, but emigrated to America and settled
in KY., where he married HANNAH FRUIT. He subsequently moved
to MO., and was one of the first settlers of St. Charles Co.
He obtained the Spanish grant of land on which Pond Fort was
built. His children were Daniel, James, Malachi, John, Robert,
Jr., Alexander, Elizabeth, Mary, Grace and Nancy. Malachi and
two companions, Price and Lewis, were killed by the Indians
while hunting on Loutre Prairie. Shortly after, Daniel, in order
to have revenge for his brother's death, tracked a party of
Indians to their camp at night, and shot their chief as h sat
by the campfire. He then concealed himself in the tall grass,
and watched the Indians searching for hi; but they failed to
find him. James and John were successful business men, and always
had money to loan. A man named HUTCHINGS once borrowed $300
in silver quarters from John, and carried the money home in
a calico bag. Finding that he would not need it, he returned
the money at the end of three months, and offered to pay interest.
But Baldridge said he could not think of accepting interest
from a man who had kept him money safe for him that length of
time; "Because," said he, "If I had kept it, some rascal would
have stolen it". When James died he had several boxes filled
with gold and silver money. Robert, Jr., planted a cherry tree,
and when it grew large enough, he had it manufactured into lumber,
from which he had his coffin made, and when he died he was buried
in it. Robert and John were rangers in CALLAWAY's company during
the Indian war. After the close of the war, John moved to the
Gasconade country, and built a large saw mill in the pineries;
but it did not prove to be a paying investment, and subsequently
passed into the hands of other parties. Elizabeth Baldridge
married JOHN SCOTT, and their son, Hiram, was killed at Callaway's
defeat. He was a man of great daring, and Callaway placed much
confidence in him. Daniel married KATE HUFFMAN. James married
married JOHN HOWELL, and Nancy married FREDERICK PRICE.
BURDINE - General Amos Burdine,
as he was called, was a native of KY., where he married JENNIE
DAVIDSON, and came to MO. in 1811. He settled in Dog prairie,
St. Charles Co., and built his cabin on the JAMES MACKEY claim.
Soon after he came to MO. the earthquakes at New Madrid occurred,
and the shaking of the earth caused the boards that composed the
roof of his cabin to rattle so, that he imagined there were Indians
up there trying to get in. so, arousing his sons (for it was at
night), they secured their guns and began to fire through the
roof, which they so completely riddled with bullets that it would
not turn the rain anymore. He was a believer in witches as were
many of the early settlers, and used to brand his cattle in the
forehead with a hot shoe hammer, to keep the witches from killing
them. He had a flock of geese, and several of the birds died of
some disease peculiar to the goose family. The General imagined
that the witches had been at work; so he built a large log fire
and commenced burning the dead birds, one by one. When the 3rd
bird was thrown on the fire, it gave signs of life, and the general
always declared that all the others came to life and flew around
the fire and drove the witches away. On another occasion, he imagined
that he had been shot in the hip with a hair ball, and called
on a physician to have it extracted. But of course, no such ball
could be found. Burdine was a great hunter, and killed more deer
than any other half-dozen men in the vicinity. He used the skins
of the animals that he killed for beds and bed clothing, which
was a common thing among the people of that day. He had a habit
of naming the trees in the woods where he killed deer, and his
sons knew the woods so well, and the names of the different trees,
that when he went them to bring the game in, they never had any
trouble in finding it. His little pony, Ned, was so well trained
that he knew when to run, walk, or stand still by the simple motion
of the bridle, and, being as fond of hunting as his master, he
never failed to obey commands. The general could mimic the cry
of any animal or bird, and often imitated wolves or panthers for
the purpose of scaring deer out of the brush, so he could shoot
them. a party of hunters heard him one day, screaming like a panther,
and imagining they were in close proximity to one of those ferocious
animals, they put spurs to their horses and rode away for their
lives. He gave names to nearly all of the streams in his vicinity,
and Chain-of- rocks, on Cuivre, owes it appropriate title to him.
Burdine was a man of medium size, but his wife was very large
and heavy. One day he undertook to weigh her with a pair of old-fashioned
steelyards. They were fastened to the rafters of the porch in
front of his house, with a grape vine, and he tied another grape
vine to the hook on the under side of the steelyard for his wife
to sit in. Mounting on a barrel, so as to be high enough to handle
the beam, he signaled to his wife that he was ready, and she took
her seat. But immediately the beam ascended to the roof, carrying
the general with it; and he hung suspended in the air until some
members of the family came to his assistance and helped him down.
Hon. WILLIAM M. CAMPBELL, of St. Charles, began to write a history
of the general's life, but died before the book was completed.
It would no doubt have afforded a rich mine of humor and adventures.
The general's wife died of cholera in 1832. some years afterward,
suit was commenced against him for the land on which he lived,
the title being vested in another party. He lost the suit and
his home and becoming dissatisfied with the new order of things
in MO., he moved his large family to Arkansas, where they were
not crowded with neighbors.
BOYD - John Boyd, of Ireland, came to America
before the revolution. He had 2 sons, John and William. The
latter was a gunsmith, and in the war of 1812 he was commissioned
Captain of volunteers. In his company were 6 of his apprentices,
all of whom were killed in the same battle. Capt. Boyd married
RUTH CARR, of PA., and settled in Spencer Co., KY. in 1792.
In 1829 he came to MO., and selecting a location in St. Charles
Co., for his future residence, he returned to KY., but died
before he had completed his arrangements for moving. His widow
and children came to St. charles Co. in 1830. The names of his
children were Elizabeth, John, Elijah, Hiram, Jane, James, Emeline,
William, Ruth, Alexander T., and Thomas C. John married a MISS
CLEMENS, Elijah married FANNIE THOMAS. Jane was married in KY.
to JOSEPH BROWN. Emeline married JAMES COCHRAN, Aleck T. married
MEDORA MCROBERTS. Thomas C. married RUTH ALLEN. Ruth married
WADE MUNDAY. William went to California, and died there. James
never married and died in St. charles Co. Hiram married REBECCA
DATSON, of Lincoln Co. Elizabeth married ALEX. W. THOMAS, and
settled in KY.
BALL.-- James Ball and his wife,
NANCY SMITH, were natives of Fauquier Co., VA. The names of
their children were Margaret, Judith, Sheltile, Taliaferro,
Lucy, Elizabeth, James, John, and Casay. John, Sheltile, James
and Nancy all settled in MO. John married ELIZABETH ELLIS, of
VA., and settled in St. charles Co. in 1834. He is dead, but
his wife survives. Nancy married WILLIAM ELLIS, and settled
in St. charles Co. in 1835. James married PEGGY SMITH, and settled
in St. Louis Co. in 1835. Sheltile married POLLY ELLIOTT, of
VA., and settled in St. Louis Co., MO. in 1834. He died some
time afterward, and his widow and children moved to St. Charles
Co. The names of the children were John, Bernadotte, Benjamin,
Sheltile, Jr., and Bushrod. The rest of the Boyd children, with
the exception of James, who died of yellow fever in New Orleans,
lived and died in Va.
BRAUN.-- Cipler Braun and his wife,
MAGDALENE KEELER, were of Baden, Germany. They emigrated to
America and settled in St. Charles Co. in 1832. Their children
were Martin, Antoine, Clarissa, Agnes and Godfrey. All of these,
with the exception of Martin, married and settled in St. Charles
Co. Martin, while sick of fever, wandered into the woods, where
he died, and his body was eaten by the hogs. His shirt, which
his name upon it, was found sometime afterward, and except for
that, his friends would never have known what became of him.
BROWNING.-- Daniel F. J. Browning
was a native of KY., where he married a wealthy widow, from
whom he afterward separated. He was always an unlucky man, and
attributed his ill fortune to the fact that he once volunteered
to hang a negro. The sheriff of the county where he lived, being
averse to executing the criminal, offered $10 to anyone who
would drive the cart from under him. Browning accepted the offer,
and drove the cart from under the negro; but after that, his
life became a burden to him. He lost his property, separated
from his wife, and then came to MO., where he supported himself
for several years by teaching school. He taught in White's Fort,
and at several other places. during the Slicker war, he kept
a ferry at Chain-of-Rocks, and was ordered by the Slickers not
to put any anti-Slicker men across the river at that place.
But he paid no attention to the order, and a party of Slickers
went to his house one night to lynch him; but he heard them
coming, and mounting his horse, swam the river and escaped.
sometime afterward, a friend met him in Lincoln County and inquired
where he was going. Browning pulled out a little pistol, about
2: long, and replied that he was "going to kill every d----d
Slicker he met". But the places where he buried his dead have
not been discovered.
BABER.-- Hiram Baber married a daughter
of JESSE BOONE. He was sheriff of St. Charles Co. one term,
and was a reckless, fun-loving sort of a man. He built a brick
residence in St. Charles, and carved over the door, in large
letters, "Root Hog, or Die". He moved from St. Charles to Jefferson
City, and became one of the leading men of the state. He made
a great deal of money, and spent it as freely as he made it.
He would often, in braggadocio, light his pipe wit bank bills,
to show how easily he could make money and how little he cared
for it