Black Book
Jay Johns Journal
on Families:
of John Jay Johns
Families of MO
Charles, MO
Friedrich Gauss Page
Ahrens Speech
of Letter from Gauss
Waldo Dunnington Article
Sanderson, Simmons
ESTELL, Benjamin Estell of KY, married
ANNA CLAUGHNAUGH, and settled in Boone Co., MO. They had 10 children
and one of their sons, named James, married MATILDA VANBIBBER, daughter
of Major Isaac VanBibber, and settled in Montgomery Co. Their children
were Horatio, Elizabeth A., William K, Isaac V., Pantha, Colelia C.,
Robert G., Jonathan, Arrata, James W., Benjamin and Sarah N. Philemon
Estell, a brother of James, settled in Montgomery Co., and was married
three times.
ELLIS, Benjamin Ellis settled on South Bear
Creek in 1815. He was a wheelwright and chair maker, and also had a
hand mill. He had 10 children. James Ellis settled on Bear Creek in
1819. He married ELIZABETH BOWEN, and they had 6 children... Edmund,
Benjamin, Leeper, William, Fanny & Martha. Benjamin married CATHARINE
MCGARVIN, and now lives in Callaway Co.
FULKERSON, (This name in the native
tongue, was VOLKERSON, but after the removal of the family to America,
they began to spell it as it is pronounced.) James Fulkerson, of Germany,
came to America at an early date and settled in North Carolina. There
he became acquainted with and married MARY VANHOOK, and subsequently
removed to Washington Co., VA. The names of their children were Peter,
James, John, Thomas, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, William, Polly, Catharine,
Hannah and Mary. Peter married MARGARET CRAIG, and they had Polly, Robert
C., James, Benjamin F., Jacob, Peter, Jr., John W., Margaret, Rachel,
David C., and Frederick. Of these children, Robert CC., Benjamin F.,
and Frederick settled in MO. The former, (Robert C.) was born in Lee
Co., VA., Aug. 27, 1794. He served as a soldier in the war of 1812,
and afterward elected Colonel of militia, and took part in the Black
Hawk war in 1834. He first came to MO in 1816, with MAJOR BENJAMIN SHARP,
but remained only a short time, when he returned to VA where he resided
until 1828. During that period he served his county for 7 years in the
capacity of sheriff, an office which at that time was beset wit many
dangers and hardships, requiring a man of nerve and determination to
discharge its duties. So faithful was he in the performance of his labors,
that he received the special commendation of the judge who presided,
by an order entered upon the records of the county. He was married in
1827 to LAVINIA DICKERSON, and the following year he came with his family
to MO. He settled first in Randolph Co., where he remained only a short
time, and then removed to Grand Prairie in Callaway Co. In 1836, he
removed to Montgomery Co., and lived for a short time on the old Isaac
VanBibber farm. In 1840 he purchased and removed to a farm near Danville,
where he resided until his death, with the exception of a portion of
the years 1851-52, when he crossed the plains to Oregon. He served as
Treasurer of Montgomery Co. for 10 years, and the people never had a
more faithful and vigilant officer. His first wife died in 1852, and
the following year he married the WIDOW DAVIDSON, who survives him.
He had 7 children, whose names were Peter, John, Robert, Margaret, Rebecca,
Amanda and Anna. Only three of the children are living, two sons, one
in Oregon and one in MO., and a daughter, Mrs.. SAMUEL A. WHEELER, who
lives on the old homestead near Danville. Colonel Fulkerson died at
the latter place on the 17th of March, 1876, and was buried in the family
graveyard, close by the side of a number of the intimate associates
of his earlier life. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by the Masonic
fraternity, of which he had long been an honored member. He had also
been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for a number
of years, and died in the full faith of the Christian religion.
FREELAND, Nelson Freeland, of VA., married
MYRA WOODRUFF, settled in Montgomery Co., in 1828, and died the same
year. Their children were Sultana, John W., William M., Mace D., Ann,
Amanda, and Hiram. William F., a brother of Nelson Freeland, married
SUSAN WOODRUFF, and settled in Montgomery county in 1828. They had Robert,
Charles, Amanda, and Eveline.
FARROW. - The parents of George Farrow
came from Scotland, and settled in Fauquier Co., VA., where George was
born. He was a soldier of the war of 1812. He married a MISS MASSEY,
and they had George, Jr., Nimrod, John and Benjamin, and also two daughters.
Benjamin married LUCY SMITH of VA., and they had John P., George, Mortimer,
Joseph, Margaret, Sarah, Liney M., Mary L., and Amanda M. John P., Sarah
and Margaret came to MO. Sarah married WILLIAM BROWNING, and settled
in St. Charles Co., but afterward removed to Lincoln Co. Margaret married
JAMES B. BARTON, and settled in St. Charles Co. John P. was married
in VA. to SUSAN M. SMITH, and settled in St. Charles Co. in 1836. He
subsequently removed to Troy, where he was employed in a store, and
in 1844 he settled in Montgomery Co., where he was elected judge of
the county court and held the office for 20 years. He afterward removed
to Crawford Co., MO
FIPPS, William Fipps, Jr., son of WILLIAM
FIPPS AND REBECCA KENDRICK, of Washington Co., VA., married the widow
of JOHN KING, whose maiden name was BARBARA A. STROUP. They removed
to Montgomery Co., MO. in 1836, where Mr. Fipps died in 1857, at the
advanced age of 111 years. He had voted for every President from Washington
down to Lincoln. He had 12 children, John, Mary A., Sarah, Elizabeth,
Rachel, William, Jr., George, Joseph, David, Robert, Susannah, and Margaret...
all of whom lived to be grown except Robert, who died when he was 15
years of age. John David, Sarah, Susannah, Joseph and Mary, all live
in Montgomery Co. Mrs. Fipps died last spring, at the residence of her
son, Joseph, three miles wet of Montgomery City, aged 106 years. She
lived to see the fourth generation of her descendants, and at her death
she left surviving her, six children and 140 grandchildren of the second,
third and fourth generations. Her youngest child was born when she was
in her 54th year. She had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church
for 53 years, and was a consistent Christian woman, dying in the full
faith of that religious belief.
FITZHUGH, Richard Fitzhugh was born in
North Carolina, but while he was a boy, his parents removed to Davidson
Co., TN, where he was raised. He married MARY WATSON, who was also born
in N.C. and raised in TN. They came to Montgomery Co., Mo in 1818, and
settled on the east side of Loutre creek. Mr. Fitzhugh was a hard-working
man, and he and his son, Hopkins, sawed a great deal of lumber with
a whipsaw, and old it in Danville. He once met with a misfortune by
which he had several of his ribs broken, and after that he would eat
nothing but milk and mush, which he imagined kept the broken ribs in
their places. His children were Hopkins, Mary A., Matilda, Louisa J.,
John S., Thomas B., and Catharine.
FORD, Calvin Ford came from Ireland, and
settled in Charlotte Co., VA, where his son, Hezekiah was born. The
latter married ANN GARRETT, by whom he had 13 children, eleven of whom
he raised. Their names were Calvin, James, Claiborne, Laban, Marley,
Thomas, William. Elizabeth, Morning, Susan and Martha. William, James,
Elizabeth and Martha came to Montgomery Co. with their mother, who was
a widow in 1835. William was married first to MARTHA A. EPERSON, of
Virginia, and after her death he married MARGARET H. NETTLE. James was
married first to MARY ROBINSON, and after her death, he married the
WIDOW NATTON. Elizabeth married JOHN BUSTER, of VA., who settled in
Montgomery Co. in 1835. Martha married SIMEON HOVEY, of VA., and after
his death, she was married the 2nd time to ANDREW BRITT, of VA.
FARTHING, William Farthing, of Albemarle
Co., VA., married POLLY VAUGHN, and settled in KY. They had Sarah, Elizabeth,
William, John, Thomas, and Shelton B. Sarah married JAMES HUNT, who
settled in Montgomery Co. in 1836. Elizabeth married WILLIAM P. HILL,
of KY, who also settled in Montgomery Co in 1836. William married NANCY
WOOD, and settled in Iowa. John married LUCENA J. MORAN, and settled
in Missouri City, Missouri. Shelton B. married LUCY A. GLENN and settled
in Montgomery co. in 1836.
FISHER, Solomon Fisher, of VA., married
MARY A. PETTY, by whom he had Adam, George, William, John, Solomon,
Jr., Eunice, Maxmillian, Parthena, Selemer and Emmarilla. All of the
family came on a keel-boat to Louisiana, MO. Adam married DULCINA POWERS,
of VA., and settled in Pike Co. in 1824. They had Mary A., Sally, William
P., and Joseph. William P. married and lives in Montgomery Co. George
Fisher died in California, and Solomon died in the United States army.
Mr. Adam Fisher laid off the town of Frankford, in Pike Co. GRAY, George
Gray, of Scotland, emigrated to America previous to the revolution,
and when that war began, he joined the American army and served during
the entire struggle. He had several brothers in the British army during
the same war. Before leaving Scotland, he married MARY STUART, and they
settled first in Philadelphia, but afterward removed to North Carolina,
and from there to Bryan's Station in Kentucky. Here their son, Joseph,
married MARY FINLEY, and settled in Warren Co., KY. In 1818, he removed
to MO., and settled on Brush creek in Montgomery Co., where he died
in 1830. His children were Hannah, William, Isaac, George, Sarah, Rachel,
James and Mary. Hannah married ASA WILLIAMS, who was an early settler
of Montgomery Co. William, Isaac and George married sisters named PRICE,
of KY. William had three children who settled in MO after the death
of their parents. Isaac and George also settled in Montgomery Co., but
the latter removed to Clark Co., in 1837, where he still resides. Sarah
married STEPHEN FINLEY, who settled in Wisconsin in 1846. Rachel married
JOHN P. GLOVER, who settled in Oregon. James married MARGARET WILLIAMS,
of Ohio. Mary married PRESLEY ANDERSON , who died in 1848, and who was
sheriff of Montgomery county at the time. He left a widow and five children,
who still live in Montgomery Co.
GENTRY, David Gentry, of Virginia, married
JANE KENDRICK, and settled in Madison Co., KY. They had Bright B., Pleasant,
David, Dickey, Martin, Bailey, and five daughters. Bright B. married
MARTHA JONES and they had James, Margaret, David, Jonathan J., Eliza,
susan, Albert and Fanny. David settled in Montgomery Co. in 1853, and
married POLLY A. GROOM. Jonathan also settled in Montgomery Co. in 1833,
GROOM, William Groom, of England, emigrated
to America and settled in KY., where he married SALLY PARKER. They had
Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jacob, Aaron, Susan, Elizabeth and Sally. All
except Susan came to MO. Abraham and Isaac settled in Clay Co. Jacob
and Aaron settled in Montgomery Co., in 1810. Jacob was a ranger under
CAPTAIN CALLAWAY, and in company with JACKEY STEWART, was scouting in
the wood the day Callaway was killed. A man named DOUGHERTY was killed
the same day, at Salt Peter Cave, not far from Groom's farm. After they
had killed him, the Indians cut his body into pieces, and hung them
on a pole. As Groom and Stewart approached the cave, they discovered
the horrible spectacle, and about the same instant, were fired upon
by the Indians. Both horses were wounded, Stewart's mortally, and he
also received a gunshot wound in his heel. After running a short distance,
his horse fell, and soon expired; and he being unable to walk, on account
of his wound, Groom generously helped him onto his own horse, and they
both succeeded in making their escape to Fort Clemon. Groom was an uneducated
man, but generous hearted and possessed of strong common sense. He was
a leading politician of his day, a democrat of the Andrew Jackson stripe
and was elected to the Legislature several times. He was a member of
the first State Legislature, which met in St. Charles in 1821-2. He
dressed in a buckskin suit, wore a band of hickory bark around his hat,
and always had independence enough to express his honest convictions
on every subject that came up for discussion. He married SALLY QUICK
and they had Aaron, Maria, William, Lucinda, Sally A., and two other
daughters, oe of whom married a MR. HUBBARD, and the other, a MR. MCGARVIN,
all of whom lived in Montgomery Co.
GILL, Samuel Gill, whose father lived in
Maryland, settled in Virginia, where he was married twice, one of his
wives being a MISS KIDWELL. His sons, James and Presley, came to MO.
in 1831. The former settled in Callaway co. and married MATILDA DARNES,
by whom he had 8 children. Presley settled in Montgomery Co., and lives
at New Florence. He learned the trade of a gunsmith and is also a doctor.
GRAVES, Peyton Graves, of Pittsylvania
Co., VA., married CHARLOTTE PINKARD, and they had nine children. Jane,
the eldest, married THOMAS JEFFERSON, a nephew of President Jefferson.
William, John and Washington, sons of Peyton Graves, came to MO and
settled in Montgomery Co. William married LUCY BERGER. John married
MILDRED GEORGE. Washington married MELCINA BERGER. The rest of Peyton
Graves' children, with the exception of one, lived and died in Virginia.
GRAHAM, John Graham, of KY., married a
MISS DUGAN, and they had Robert, John, Alexander, Catharine, and Isabella.
Alexander died in KY, and John died in Mississippi. Catharine married
TOCAL GALBRETH. Isabella married ALEXANDER COLLIER. Robert, who was
a physician, married ISABELLA GALBRETH, a daughter of Tocal Galbreth
by his first wife, and settled in Montgomery Co. in 17816. He bought
a Spanish grant of land, situated on Loutre creek, from DANIEL M. BOONE,
and built an elm bark tent upon it, in which he lived four years. The
Doctor was a very small man, but of determined will and a nerve that
could not be shaken. He was a staunch democrat, a voluminous reader,
and a great admirer of Benjamin Franklin. He was the only physician
in that part of the country at that time, and had as large a practice
as he cared to attend to. He was fond of hunting, and devoted much of
his time to that occupation. One day a large wolf got caught in one
of his steel traps, broke the chain, and dragged the trap away with
him. The doctor, JOSEPH SCHOLL, and MAJOR VANBIBBER tracked the wolf
and came upon it where it had gone into the creek and was struggling
in the water. Graham waded into the creek for the purpose of killing
the wolf with his knife, when it caught one of his hands and bit it
nearly off; but he succeeded i killing it. On another occasion the doctor
and a party of hunters ran a large bear into his cave, and tried to
smoke him out, but could not succeed. and finally shot him. After the
bear was dead, the doctor was the only one of the party who had nerve
enough to crawl into the cave and drag the carcass out. Wolves were
plentiful then, and one day while out hunting, he killed 13 of them.
The children of Dr. Graham were John F., Alexander W., James W., Benjamin
R., Robert D., Franklin D., Doctor F., Patrick H, Maria, Catharine and
Clara A.
GLENN, James Glenn and his wife, SARAH GRIGG,
with their two children, James and Nellie, came from Ireland to America,
and settled in Virginia. After their settlement there the following
children were born... Polly, William, Thomas, and Whitehill. Mr. Glenn
and his three sons, William, Thomas and Whitehill, moved to Ohio; the
rest of the children married and settled in KY. James William and Thomas
were in the war of 1812, and the former was killed at the battle of
New Orleans. The other two were with the armies that operated in Canada
and the northern part of the United States. After the war, Thomas married
LUCINDA T. KENDALL, of KY., and came to MO in 1815. He came in a wagon,
which contained, in addition to his family and furniture, a set of wheel-wright's
tools, a gun and a dog. Mr. Glenn settled first on Cuivre River, but
made about twenty settlements in all before he could find a location
to suit him. These were all within the present limits of Montgomery
County. He was a great hunter, and during the first year of his residence
in MO., killed fifty-six deer, one elk, and one bear. The names of his
children were Julia A., Emily H., Sarah E., James m. and William I.
GODFREY, George Godfrey lived at Ritford,
England. His son, Peter, married DOROTHEA LEAREY, of England, by whom
he had Thomas, John, Edward, George, Charles, and Mary. Thomas came
to America and settled in Canada. John went to California, and died
on his return to England. Edward lives in Mercer Co., PA. George married
MARY OSTICK, of England, and settled in Pittsburg, pA., in 1830, in
St. Louis in 1836, and in Montgomery Co., where Jonesburg now stands,
in 1838. His children are Mary A., George, Edward, William O., John
W., Henry M., and James A. Mary A. married REV. GEORGE SMITH, a Methodist
minister, who came to Montgomery county in 1836. Mr. Godfrey has been
a devoted Methodist for many years, and a leading member of his church.
His brother, Charles, settled in Louisville, KY., and his son, Charles
Jr., lives in Fulton, MO.
GAMMON, Benjamin Gammon, of Madison Co.,
VA., married SARAH MADDOX, and settled in (now) Montgomery County, MO.
in 1812. They had John, Henry, Anderson, Stephen, Jonathan, Benjamin,
Jr., Harris, Elizabeth, Julia and Sarah. John Anderson and Benjamin
all died unmarried. Jonathan married MARTHA DICKERSON, and lives on
Hancock's Prairie, in Montgomery Co. Sarah married ALFONZO PRICE. The
other children married and settled in different states. Mr. Gammon,
Sr., built a hand-mill on his farm, which was the first in that part
of the country, and it supplied his own family and his neighbors with
meal for some time. The meal for his own family was generally ground
just before it was required for use, and he allowed two ears of corn
for each individual; but one day, JACOB GROOM took dinner with them,
and they had to grind THREE ears for him, as he was very fond of corn
bread. The grinding was done by the children, and it was said that Mr.
Gammon "broke all his children at the mill".
GREENWELL, John Greenwell, Of KY, had
a son, Joseph, who married a MISS TAYLOR, and they had Ellen, Richard,
Joseph, Jr., John, and William Richard was married first to EVELINE
RAYMOND, of KY., and second to MRS. COUNTS, whose maiden name was RACHEL
DAVIDSON. The rest of the children married and remained in KY.
HUGHES, Major Thomas Hughes, of Bourbon
Co., KY., married LUCY TANDY, and their children were William, Gabriel,
Thomas, Henry C., Elliott M., James and Susan T. The Major's first wife
died, and he subsequently married her sister, who was a widow at the
time. Major Hughes held the position of Justice of the peace in Paris,
for forty years, and all his decisions were sustained by the higher
courts. He also represented Bourbon Co., in the KY Legislature. His
eldest son, William, married his cousin, MARGARET HUGHES, and settled
in Boone Co., MO. Elliott M., received a classical education, and came
to MO when a young man, and taught school in and near Danville for several
years. He then returned to KY where he married JANE S. MCCONNELL, and
soon after, came back to Montgomery Co., where he remained until his
death, which occurred on the 14th of Jan., 1862. He exercised a large
influence in his community, and was a general favorite with all who
knew him. He wa fond of practical jokes, was full of wit and humor,
and became a prominent member of the Evanix Society of Danville. The
names of his children living in 1876 are Blanche a., Duncan C., Susan
C., Elliott M., Jr., R. H., Arnold and Tandy. Elliott M., Jr., is Prosecuting
Attorney of Montgomery Co., and is a rising young lawyer, with a promising
future before him.
HUNTER - This name in German is Yager,
but when translated it means Hunter. Andrew Hunter, and his wife, of
Germany, came to America and settled in Greenbriar Co., VA., where they
had John, Tobias, Philip. William, Peter, Elizabeth and Sarah. Peter,
who changed the family name from Yager to Hunter, married MARGARET WOOD,
and settled in North Carolina in 1816, and in 1819 he and his family
and his two sisters, Sarah and Elizabeth, came to MO and settled in
Montgomery Co. The change of the name was the cause of the family losing
a large estate in Germany, as the heirs could not be traced after the
change was made. Peter's children were James, Robert, Andrew, Ephraim,
William, John N., Ti-leson (Tilleson?), Nancy, and Elmira. He married
and lived in Montgomery Co.
HALL, William Hall and ELIZABETH HICKS, who
was his second wife, came from East Tennessee and settled in Montgomery
co. in 1817. Their children were Sarah, Elizabeth, Dorcas, Nancy, Laney,
David and Henry. Sarah married JOHN MORROW, and they had 13 children.
Elizabeth married ELIJAH WADDELL. Dorcas married MARK COLE, who was
the first hatter in Montgomery Co. Nancy Hall married JOHN R. CRAWFORD,
who built his cabin in Montgomery Co., in 1818. Among others who were
present and assisted him to raise the cabin were DANIEL BOON and his
sons, NATHAN & JESSE. LEWIS JONES killed the game and cooked the
dinner, and found a bee tree not far distant, from which they obtained
fresh honey for their dinner. Crawford was noted for his ability to
tell humorous yarns and entertain a crowd. Laney Hall married EPHRAIM
HUNTER. David married FANNY MORROW. Henry married his cousin, POLLY
HOWARD, Charles Howard, of Halifax Co.,
VA., married NANCY LEWIS, and settled in Warren Co., KY. One of their
sons, named Joseph, married MALINDA LENNOX, and settled in Montgomery
Co., MO. in 1818. Their children were Sylvesta, Cynthia E., Elijah,
Rachel, Estelle, Cordelia and Malinda. Mr. Howard's first wife died
and he was married again to PHOEBE SAYLOR, by whom he had John and George.
She also died and he married a lady named MCCORMACK, by whom he had
Greenup, Nancy and Matilda. He was married the fourth time to SYDNEY
HALL, by whom he had Joseph W., and a daughter. He was married the 5th
time to NANCY BLANDENBURG, but they had no children.
HARPER, Capt. John Harper was a native
of Philadelphia, and followed the sea for many years after he was grown.
In 1750 he settled in Alexandria, VA., where he died in his 87th year.
He was married twice, and had 29 children, 18 sons and 11 daughters.
Charles, the youngest son by his first wife, married LUCY SMITHER, who
was os Scotch descent, and by her he had 2 children. He was married
the 2nd time to a MISS JANUARY, by whom he had 9 children. The second
son of his last wife, whose name was Charles B., was born in Culpepper
Co., VA., in May, 1802. He was married in 1823 to ANNA C. PRICE, of
Pittsylvania Co., VA., and settled in Montgomery Co., MO., in 17830.
He was engaged in merchandising at Danville for 5 years, and 1 year
on his farm. He brought the first demijohns to Montgomery county, and
sold a great many of curiosities, most of the inhabitants having never
seen anything of the kind. Soon after his arrival in Montgomery, he
went over to Callaway Co., one day, to get a load of corn, and wore
his usual everyday clothes, made of home-spun cloth. On his way back,
the road led him by a house where JABE HAM was preaching, and he stopped
to hear the sermon. During the services, the minister called on the
congregation to kneel in prayer, and all knelt except Mr. Harper, who
leaned his head upon his hand and remained in that position. Ham noticed
him, and prayed that the Lord would bless "that Virginia man, who
had on store clothes, and was afraid or too proud to get down on his
knees". Mr. Harper represented his county four years in the state
senate, and has always been a good citizen. He had 8 children.
HAM, Stephen Ham lived and died in Madison
Co., KY. He was the father of John, Jabez and Stephen Ham, Jr. John
was born in KY in 1786, and came to MO in 1809, and settled in St. Charles
Co. He joined Nathan Boone's company of rangers, and served during the
Indian war. In 1816, he and JONATHAN CROW, built a bark tent on Auxvasse
Creek, now in Callaway Co., and lived in it for some time, while they
were engaged in hunting. They were, therefore, probably the first American
settlers within the limits of Callaway Co. Ham cut his name on a lone
tree in the prairie, which has since borne his name. He was a Methodist
preacher. He was married twice, first to a MISS BENNETT, by whom he
had two children. She died when their children were quite small, and
their father took them to their relatives in KY., performing the journey
on horseback, with one of the children before him and one behind. When
he came to water courses that were deep enough to swim his horse, he
would tie one of the children on the bank, swim across with the other,
tie it, and go back for the one he had left. He after married a MISS
THOMAS, and they had 6 daughters. Mr. Ham was a daring hunter, and there
were but few who possessed nerve enough to follow him in all his adventures.
He once smoked a bear out of its cave and then knocked in in the head
with an ax. In 1823 he built a house on the Auxvasse, about five miles
above its mouth; and the following year the big overflow came and washed
away his smoke house, filled with bear and deer meat. He followed it
in a soap trough, which he used as a canoe, and overtook the floating
house where it had lodged against a large elm tree. He took his meat
and hung it in the tree, and when the water subsided, he had to cut
the tree down in order to get his meat. Mr. Ham subsequently removed
to Illinois, where he died in 1869. Jabez Ham, brother of John was born
in Madison Co., KY in 1797, and came to MO. in 1817. He had no education,
was of a roving disposition, and did nothing for several years but hunt
and fish. His mind was naturally bright, and if he had been educated
he would have made a remarkable man. REV. ALEY SNETHEN, and LEWIS JONES
taught him the alphabet and learned him to read, and in 1824 he began
to preach, having united with the Old of Hard Shell Baptist Church.
In 1826 he organized a church of that denomination on Loutre Creek,
and called it New Providence. For some time after he began to preach
he always carried his gun with him when he went to church, both on week
days and Sundays, and often killed deer on his way to and from his preaching
places. He also manufactured powder, which he had a ready sale for at
high prices; and by this means and from the proceeds of his rifle he
made a living and did well. He was a large, stout man, and often added
emphasis to his opinions by the use of his fists. On a certain occasion
he forgot the text that he had intended to preach from and when he arose
in the pulpit he announced the fact by saying to the congregation that
he had a text when he left home, but had lost it, and he had looked
for it, and Hannah (his wife) had looked for it, but they could not
find it; but to the best of his belief it was "somewhere in the
hind end of Job or thereabouts, and it went about this way--- "Do
any of you all know the good old woman they call Mary, or Sal or Tarkus,
who said you must not put new wine in old bottles for the bottles will
bust and the good stuff will all be spilled'." Mr. Ham often compared
his sermons to an old shotgun loaded with beans, which, when it went
off, was almost sure to hit somebody or somewhere. He died in Callaway
Co. in 1842, and was buried at New Providence Church, in Montgomery
co. His wife was HANNAH TODD, of KY., and they had 14 children, Rev.
Stephen Ham, brother of John and Jabez, married JANE JOHNSON, of KY.,
and came to MO in 1828. He settled in Montgomery Co., where he still
lives in his 72nd year. He also is a Baptist preacher. He had 8 children,
and John and Hardin Ham, the well known and popular merchants of Montgomery
City, are his sons.
HUDNALL, William Hudnall, of England,
married FANNIE MCGEORGE, of Ireland, and their children were John, Thomas,
William and Richard. The latter was a soldier of the Revolutionary war.
He married a MISS CRESEY, and they had a son, Jack, who settled in MO
in 1835. William was married twice. By his first wife, he had Polly,
Catharine, Lucy, and Elizabeth. He was married the second time to a
widow, whose maiden name was NANCY WILLIAMS, and by her he had Jabez,
Samuel, Patsey, Nancy, Parthena, Susannah, and William R. Catharine
and Lucy married and settled in Howard Co., MO. Samuel (now living in
Callaway Co) married JULIA A. HEWETT and settled in Montgomery Co.,
in 1837. He got a good ducking in Loutre creek, one day, in the following
manner. He was sitting on his horse, about the middle of the creek,
talking to NED HUDNALL and WILLIAM ELLIOTT, who were engaged in a playful
scuffle on the bank. Ned finally threw Elliott into the water, which
amused Hudnall so that he became convulsed with laughter, and rolled
off of his horse into the creek. He happened to roll into deep water,
and had to swim to the bank, while his horse swam out on the other side.
Mr. Hudnall says he will never forget the first deer he killed. The
weather was very cold, and the deer froze fast to him while he was carrying
it home on his shoulder. When he got to the house he had to build a
fire and thaw it before he could get away from it. Susannah Hudnall
married WILLIAM ELLIOT, who settled in MO. in 1835. MCFARLAND, Joseph
McFarland, of Ireland, came to America before the revolution, and settled
at Norfolk, VA. He joined the American army when the war broke out,
and was killed in battle. He left a widow and one son, Robert, who settled
in Madison Co., KY., where he married RHODA QUICK, and they had Sarah,
Joseph and Rachel. Mr. McFarland's first wife died and he subsequently
married EVA FARMER, of VA., by whom he had Eleanor, Lucinda, Elizabeth,
Permelia, Eliza and Robert. Joseph McFarland settled in Montgomery Co.,
in 1825. He married POLLY CUNDIFF. Lucinda married JAMES MCGARVIN, of
Montgomery Co. Eliza married JONATHAN G. GENTRY.
HARDING, Alexander Harding, of Halifax
Co., VA., married MARY HIGHTOWER, and they had Archibald, Anna, Benjamin,
Elizabeth, Mary and Sally. Mr. Harding died in 1816 and his widow married
JOSIAH RODGERS, and moved to Alabama. Archibald married in VA., and
settled in MO in 1833. Anna married JAMES ANDERSON, and settled in Montgomery
Co. in 1831. They had but one child, who died when nineteen years of
HENSLEY, Samuel and Benjamin Hensley were
sons of an English family that settled on the Potomac river in VA at
an early date. Samuel married a MISS LANDERS, and they had Samuel, Jr.,
and William. His first wife died and he was married again to SUSAN TAPLETT,
by whom he had several children. William, son of Samuel, Jr., by his
first wife, married ELIZABETH APPLEBERRY, of VA., and they had James,
Benjamin, William Jr., Thomas, Fleming, Judith and Elizabeth. James,
William Jr., Thomas & Fleming came to Montgomery Co. in 1826, and
all except Thomas afterward married and settled in Jefferson Co., MO.
Thomas Hensley was born in Albemarle Co., VA. in 1796, and when 18 years
of age, he enlisted as a soldier in the war of 1812. He afterward married
who was the daughter of JAMES BAILEY AND NANCY SMITH. Mr. Hensley with
his wife and 4 children, embarked in a keel boat of his own make, on
the Pocotalico river, and floated down to the Big Kenhawa, and thence
to the Ohio, on their way to Missouri. They reached Louisville in safety,
but just below that place their boat sank, and it was with the greatest
difficulty that they succeeded in reaching the shore in safety. Here
they built a cabin and remained one year, in order to recruit and built
another boat. At the end of that time, their boat being complete, they
re-embarked and proceeded on their journey. When they reached the Mississippi
they found the current so strong that they could not stem it, so Mr.
Hensley gave his boat away, embarked his goods and furniture on a French
barge, and conveyed his family by land to Jefferson Co., MO., where
they remained one year, and then settled in St. Louis Co., seven miles
from the city of St. Louis. Here he entered 80 acres of land which he
still owns, and which ha become very valuable. Mr. Hensley and his wife,
had 9 children and they now reside in Montgomery City, MO. He has been
a Baptist minister for many years, having made a solemn promise while
on a bed of sickness, which he expected would be his last, that if allowed
to recover, he would go to preaching and devote the remainder of his
life to the service of the Lord. He recovered, and has faithfully kept
his promise. His courtship and marriage were somewhat romantic, and
happened in this wise, as related by Mrs. Hensley herself: The first
time she ever saw him, he stopped at her father's house to inquire the
way to a place he was trying to find, and during the conversation, she
stepped to the door, dressed in a home-made striped lindsey dress, with
a frying pan in her hand, from which she was sopping the gravy with
a piece of bread. The next day, Mr. Hensley returned, "lost again",
and made some additional inquiries. A week from that time, he came back
again, but not to see her father. This time he wanted to know if she
was engaged to anybody else, and if not, how she liked his looks. His
inquiries were satisfactorily answered and it was only a few weeks until
the minister's benediction was given to help them on their way through
HASLIP,, Robert Haslip was a native of
Maryland, but settled and lived in VA. He had 2 sons, Samuel and John.
The latter was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married LUCY JOHNSON,
by whom he had Robert, James N., Samuel, John, William, Malinda, Jane,
Elizabeth and Polly. James N. settled in Montgomery co., MO in 1838.
His wife was ESTHER CLEMENTS, by whom he had 10 children. Robert, brother
of James, settled in Lincoln Co. in 1837, and in 1860, he was killed
by a wagon running over his body.
HENLEY, Hezekiah Henley, of VA., had a
son named Thomas O., who was married first to MARTHA BUGG, by whom he
had William, Samuel, Thompson, John, Nancy, Martha, and Polly. After
the death of his first wife, he married MARY HERNDON, by whom he had
Allen, Wilson, Thomas, Archibald, Schuyler, Sarah, Lucinda, Amanda,
and Catharine. Samuel was married twice and settled in St. Charles Co.
Allen settled in Montgomery Co., in 17838. He married LUCY THOMAS, and
they had 10 children.
HUGHES, Thomas Hughes, of Abingdon, VA.,
settled in Tennessee, where his son, William, married SALLIE GREEN,
and settled at Middletown, Montgomery County, at an early date. They
had 13 children.
HARRIS, James Harris, of Wales, married
his cousin, a MISS HARRIS, and settled first in the eastern part of
Virginia, but afterward removed and settled in Albemarle Co. Their children
were Wise, Thomas, Joel, James and Nathan. Thomas married SUSAN DARBY,
of VA., by whom he had Anna, Elizabeth, Garrett, William, Robert, Mary,
Sarah, and Thomas Jr. Anna and Elizabeth came to Montgomery County and
the latter married BERNARD B. MAUPIN. Garrett married JANE RAMSEY, and
settled in Montgomery Co., in 1837. Their children were William R.,
Mary B., Anna J., Garrett T., Margaret M., Sarah E., and Susan D. William
R. is an influential citizen of Montgomery Co. He is at present, probate
judge, has served 8 years as county judge and several terms as representative
in the legislature. He is a substantial upright citizen and enjoys the
confidence and respect of all who know him. He married MARGARET N. BETHEL,
of VA., Joel, son of James Harris Sr., married ANNA WALLER, by whom
he had Clifton, Ira, and Joel, Jr. Clifton married MARY LEWIS, by whom
he had Decatur, who married his cousin, ISABELLA HARRIS, and settled
in Montgomery Co. Waller C., Charles W., Mann H., Merriwether L., Susan,
Catharine B., Matilda and Caroline, children of Ira Harris, settled
in Montgomery Co. William, son of Thomas Harris, Sr., married PATSEY
MAUPIN, and settled in Montgomery Co; also his brother, Thomas, who
HENTON, Jesse Henton of Logan Co., KY.,
was in the war of 1812. He married SARAH HUGHES, of KY., and settled
in Pike Co., MO in 1827. His children were John, James L., William,
David, Wesley S., Rolla W., Mary J., Benjamin, Sarah A., Elizabeth E.,
and Harriet D. Rolla W. married ELIZABETH L. JAMISON, of Pike Co., and
settled in Montgomery. Samuel, son of John Henton, settled in Pike Co.,
in 1826. He married MARY ESTENS, and subsequently settled in Montgomery
HICKERSON, John Hickerson, of Fauquier
Co., VA., married ELIZABETH BAKER, and their son, Thomas, came to MO.
in 1816, as teamster for JOHN FERGUSON, who settled in Darst's Bottom.
In 1818, Hickerson moved to Montgomery Co. and settled on the west bank
of Loutre creek, near Loutre Lick. He soon after married SUSAN VANBIBBER,
daughter of Major Isaac VanBibber, by whom he had 13 children... Melissa,
Thomas A., James, Isaac V., Robert L., Alfonzo and Susan J. The other
six children died in infancy ... Ezekial HECKERSON, a brother of Thomas,
married ELIZABETH HAYDEN, of KY., and settled in Pike Co., MO in 1823
and in 1827 he removed to Illinois. His children were Elihue W., William
B., Nancy A., James, Samuel, Silas L., Joseph L., and Mary A. Silas
L. married JANE ALLEN, of Callaway Co., and now lives in Mexico, MO.
HOPKINS - The parents of Price, William,
John and Patsey Hopkins, were natives of Queen Anne County, Va., but
settled and lived in Bedford Co. Their children married and lived near
the old home place, in the same county. Price was married twice; first
to a daughter of REV. JAMES PRICE, a pioneer preacher of VA., and second
to a MISS SLATER. By his first wife he had William M., John, Ann and
Sally; we have no record of the names of his children by his second
wife. William M. was born July 14, 1802, and wa married to NANCY HUDNALL,
of Bedford Co. in 1832. In 1837 they bade farewell to their native place,
and started toward the setting sun to find a new home. They settled
on Loutre creek, in Montgomery Co., near Bryant's store, in the fall
of the same year, and Mr. Hopkins set diligently to work in the cultivation
and improvement of his farm. He was an industrious, honest, upright
man, and enjoyed the esteem and respect of his fellow citizens in the
highest degree, who manifested their confidence in him by repeatedly
electing him to the important position of Justice of the peace. He was
an excellent farmer, and rarely ever complained of short crops or hard
times, as his barns and cribs were always full of grain, and his stock
never had to live on short allowances. He remained on his farm on Loutre
until 1855, when he removed to a farm near Montgomery City, where he
resided until his death, which occurred on the 11th day of August, 1875.
He became a member of the Baptist Church some twenty years before his
death, and ever afterwards lived a consistent Christian life, doing
all he could for the cause of morality and religion in his community.
He took an active interest in everything that promised to advance the
good of the people with whom he ha cast his lot, and when he was called
away, his neighbors felt that they had lost a friend and counselor whose
place could not easily be filled. His widow and six children survive
him. He had 9 children in all, but three preceded him to the grave.
By his frugality and industry, he was enabled to leave his family in
good circumstances, and they can now attribute the prosperity which
they enjoy to his kind and fatherly interest in their future welfare.
HANCE, Adam Hance was born in Coblin, a
French province of Alsace, and, as usual with the people of that country,
spoke both German and English. He came to America and settled near Germantown,
Pa., in 1722, where he married a German lady and raised a large family.
His younger son, also named Adam, married a MISS STOEBUCK, of PA., in
1768, and settled in Montgomery Co., VA. When the Rev. war began, fired
by the prevailing patriotic feelings of the day, he joined the American
army under Washington, and served during the entire war. He was in the
battles of Brandywine, Yorktown, and several others, and experienced
a great deal of very hard service. He had 6 children. Henry, Peter,
Martha A., Priscilla, William and john. Henry was Sheriff of his native
county for a number of years and afterward became a successful merchant
in Newburn, N.C. Peter was married first to ELIZABETH HARPER, of VA.,
by whom he had Mary, Anna, Margaret, Sabrina, William and James. After
the death of his first wife, he married MRS. JULIET HEWETT, whose first
husband was drowned in KY about 1815. By her he had Robert, Elizabeth,
Harvey and Juliet. Mr. Hance settled in Montgomery Co., MO. in 1829,
on what is now the Devault place. (Children of Peter Hance). Mary never
married and died in VA at the age of 60 years. Sabrina married ISAAC
C. BRATTON, of VA., who settled in Greenville, Tennessee in 1831, and
while living there had a suit of clothes made by ANDREW JOHNSON, who
afterward became President of the United States. Mr. Bratton settled
in Montgomery Co., MO. in 1833. Several of his children live in Kansas,
and his son, Peter, who is a great fox hunter and conversationalist,
lives near Montgomery City. Anna Hance married DR. SAMUEL H. GORDON,
of Gordonville, Va., who also settled in Greenville, Tn., in 1831, and
had a suit of clothes made by Andrew Johnson. In 1836 he removed to
MO., and settled in Montgomery Co., where he practiced medicine and
taught school for a number of years. In 1846 he removed to St. Louis.
His children were Philip Doddridge, James, H., Nathaniel D., Mary E.,
Louisa H., and Isabella V. Margaret Hance married WILLIAM H. ALEXANDER,
of Tennessee, who settled in Montgomery Co., in 1833. His children were
Robert, Elizabeth (Mrs. J. P. BUSBY), Thomas, Marston and James G. William
Hance settled in Illinois about 1825 and raised a large family. James
Hance settled at the Virginia lead mines, Franklin Co., in 1838, where
he married EVELINA HURST, and died soon after. They had one son, James
R., who was born after the death of his father, and is now an enterprising
merchant of Montgomery City. Robert Hance married and settled in Rushville,
Ill., and is supposed to have been killed in the Confederate Army. Elizabeth
Hance married REV. JACOB SIEGLER, a Methodist minister, and a merchant
at Shelbyville, MO., by whom she had 3 children. Harvey Hance married
MARY CAPLINGER, and settled in hannibal, Mo., where he died. Previous
to his death he was intimate with SAMUEL L. CLEMENS, better known as
MARK TWAIN. Juliet Hance married JOHN MARMADUKE, at that time a merchant
in Shelbyville, Mo., but at present, a resident of Mexico Mo. (Children
of John Hance) John the son of Adam and brother of Peter Hance, married
KITTIE HEWETT, and settled in Montgomery Co., MO in 1832. Their children
were Henry W., Charles, Edward, Virginia C., Jane, Martha and Melcina.
Henry W. lives in St. louis. charles was in the Confederate army during
the late war and lost an arm. He is at present county clerk of Randolph
co. Edward is a painter by trade. Virginia C. married JOSEPH C. BRAND,
and is now a widow, living in St. louis. Jane married a MR. FREEMAN,
and died at Glenwood, Mo. Martha married BENJAMIN DOUGLAS, a farmer
of St. Louis Co. Melcina married CHARLES LEWIS of St. Louis Co., and
is now a widow.
HUDSON, John Hudson and his wife, who was
a MISS ALLEN, lived in North Carolina. They had 6 sons Isaac, Drury,
Thomas, William, John and Jesse. Drury and Isaac were in the revolutionary
war. The latter settled in Georgia, where he married POLLY SHIPPER.
He afterward removed to South Carolina and from thence, to KY., and
in 1818, he came to MO. The names of his children were Elizabeth, Nancy,
Sally, John, Thomas, William and Charles. Elizabeth married LEMUEL COX.
Nancy married GARRETT INGRAM. Sally married JAMES OWINGS. John was married
3 times; first to LUCINDA MORRIS, of KY., 2nd to NANCY HOLLOWAY, and
3r to a widow lady named CAROLINA W. KING. Thomas married POLLY HAMMOND,
and settled in Pike Co. Charles and William married sisters and settled
in Lincoln Co. William's first wife died and he afterward married SARAH