The reader will find in the following pages, the biographies
of a few leading men and pioneers of the region of country
embraced in the plan of this work, with several sketches of
an interesting character. Also a life of the celebrated Indian
Chief, Black Hawk, with an account of his exploits as a warrior
in Lincoln and St. Charles Counties, taken from his autobiography
as published in 1836 by ANTOINE LECLAIR, at that time, U.
S. Interpreter for the Sac and Fox Indians, and to whom Black
Hawk dictated the matter contained in the book. A history
of the Black Hawk war, so often referred to in these pages,
is also given in that connection.
Life of Bishop Marvin
History of the Methodist Church
Colonel J. F. Jones
Adventures of Francis Skinner
Francis Duquett
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Church of St. Charles Borromeo
Maj. George Baughman, the Montgomery Co. Hermit
The Slicker War
The German Immigration
The Town of Troy, Lincoln County
The Black Hawk War
Life of Black Hawk