Joseph Fawcett was married to his wife Lucretia on 25th
day of Jan. 1801 in the evening. In the town of Harrisburg Rockingham
Co. Va., in the house by the name of the "White House". Sign
of the green tree. She being the daughter of Humphrey and Phoebe
Keys in the 15th year of her age, and he the son of Benjamin and
Dililah Fawcett in the 30th yr. of his age, by the Rev. Mr. Welch
the Methodist preacher of the same place.
Abner Fawcett son of Joseph and Lucretia born the 25th day of
Feb. 1802 about mid-day in the town of Harrisonburg at Graham's
Old Red House.
Lyle Branson Fawcett son of the same was born 8th July 1804 about
sunrise in the same place, Smith's Store House.
Virginia Fawcett daughter of the same was born 29th day of Dec.
1806 between 12 and 1 o'clock in the evening at the same place,
Smith's Store House.
Willis Fawcett son of the same was born about sundown 15th of
July 1809 in the same town of Harrisonburg at Graham's Red House.
Erasmus Rigney Fawcett son of the same was born of Sunday 5rd
of Jan - 1812 about 4 o'clock in the after-noon in Rutherford's
Stone House Harrisonburg Va.
Marcellus Fawcett son of the same was born Tuesday 22nd of June
in 1814 about dark in the house bought of David Kyle Harrisonburg
Henrietta Fawcett daughter of same born of Monday 3rd day of
Feb. 1817 about 6 o'clock in the evening at the house purchased
of David Kyle Harrisonburg Va.
Curtis Fawcett son of same was born 20 min. before 3 o'clock
in the morning on Saturday 19th of June 1819 at the same place
and same house.
Lucretia Catherine Fawcett daughter of the same was born 2nd
of June 1822 at the same place and same house.
Niles Fawcett son of the same was born of Wednesday 15 of Dec.
1824 20 min. after 7 in the evening at the same house and same
Benj. Keyes Fawcett son of the same was born on the 14 of Nov.
1827 about 35 min. after 6 o'clock in the morning in the town
of Harrisonburg in the house commonly called the Castle.
Juliet Fawcett daughter of the same of born 25 min. past 1 P.M.
28th day of Aug. 1830 in the town of Staunton at the "Eagle
Abner Fawcett to Jane Crawford a daughter of William Crawford
at the residence of the latter in Rockingham Co. Va.
Lyle B. Fawcett to Mrs. E. R. C. Bell at the residence of Mrs.
Cocke in Greene Co. Ala. on the 10th of Dec. 1836.
Willis Fawcett to Susan Stabler daughter of Edward Stabler of
Alexandria on the 4th of Apr. 1838 ---
Samuel C. Mc-Cluer to Lucretia Catherine Fawcett 22nd of Dec.
1841 in the town of St. Charles Mo.
Eugene Gauss to Henrietta Fawcett on the 14th of Feb. 1844 at
the residence of J. Fawcett in the town of St. Charles Mo.
Phoebe Keyes the mother of Lucretia Fawcett died at the Chaylebet
Springs commonly called the Yellow Springs in Shenandoah on the
7 of Sept. 1789 --
Delilah Fawcett mother of Joseph Fawcett died at her residence
in Bath of the 31 of Dec. 1819 --
Benjamin Fawcett father of Jos. Fawcett died at the house of
John Whittington near Lynchburg on the 27 of Dec. 1820 --
Juliet Fawcett died on Sunday 27th of Feb. 1831 at the place
she was born about 4:30 in the afternoon.
Abner Fawcett son of Jos. and Lucretia Fawcett died on the 10th
of March 1835 on board the Steamboat Majestic opposite Bainbridge
on the Mississippi and buried near the Grand Tower St. Louis Mo.
Lyle B. Fawcett son of Jos. and Lucretia Fawcett died on the
24th of March 1838 in the town of Gainsville Ala.
Jos. Fawcett died on Wednesday 11 of Sept. 1844 in St. Charles
Lucretia Fawcett wife of Jos. Fawcett died on Friday 19th of
July 1849 in the town of St. Charles Mo--
Curtis Fawcett son of Jos. and Lucretia Fawcett died on the 5th
of May 1849 while crossing the Isthmus on his way to California.
Marcellus Fawcett son of J. and L. Fawcett died on the 8th of
May 1851
Nyles Fawcett son of J. and L. Fawcett was killed in the battle
of Manassas Aug. 30 - 1862 -
Erasmus Fawcett son of J. and L. Fawcett died on 16 of Dec. 1868
in Gonzales Co Tex.
not in the Bible
Benjamin Keyes Fawcett son of J. and L. Fawcett died 16th of Dec.
1870. In Texas. He was killed by a Mexican.
Willis Fawcett son of J. and L. Fawcett died on the 6th of Sept.
1878 (not sure) in Texas.