William, of Birsby in Burgh-upon-Bain, co. Lincolnshire, gentleman, was born ca 1524 as he is listed as age one in 1525. He was matriculated as a fellow-commoner from Pembroke College, Cambridge in Easter, 1544. He married Agnes Lenton, daughter of John Lenton, esquire. In his will dated January 26, 1580/1 and proved November 16, 1581, Williams bequeathed to the poor students of Oxford and Cambridge, to "cousins" (probably means grandchildren) Thomas, Edward and George, to son Francis, during his mother's life, to daughters Mary and Katherine, to daughter [Anne Blox]holme, to wife Agnes, to second son Edwards, to eldest son, William. Please send e-mail to Sam Behling. See lineage of Marbury Family Read the Biography of William's great grandfather, John Marbury Read the Biography of William's grandfather, William Marbury Read the Biography of William's father, Robert Marbury Read the Biography of William's son, Rev. Francis Marbury Read the Biography of William's famous Granddaughter, Anne Marbury Hutchinson Return to Story Page