William, a husbandman, was born ca 1497 at Tingrith, Bedfordshire, England, and died there before October 13, 1558. William's will, dated September 30, 1558 and proved October 13, 1558, mentioned his wife Ann (____) and his son Oliver. In ye name of god Amen I Willm Bouncker in ye pishe of Tingreyfe & in ye Countie of Bedford Husbandman beynge sicke in boddie but whole & pfecte in memorie consideringe ye unstablenes of this world & uncertayne tyme of death make this my last will & testamet in this man & fourme foollowinge. yt is to saye Fyrst I bewth my soule to allmightie god to or blessed lady St. Marye & to all ye hollie companie of heaven & my boddie to be buried in ye Parishe Churcheyerd of TIngreyffe afforesaid. It I geve to ye mother churche of Lincoln ijd Itm I geve & beqth to ye churche of TIngreyffe vid Itm I geve & bbewth to my wyffe a howse called Fourds howse with ye apptenance yt belongethereunto So long as she kepethe he selfe a weedowe. Itm I geve to Ann my wyffe ij mylche beaste & a gelt a harrowe hog & one stone hog & and all ye ducks & hends in ye yerd excepte a cocke & a henne & ducke & a drake for Willim my sone. Itm I geve to Anne my wyffe vi platters & dyshes iij saucers a saltsellar & ij Candlesticks & a lattd chaffyngdyshe. Itm I geve to my wyfffe a cupboard a fourme & wyded Stole & a little pewter pot. Itm I geve to my wyffe a bras pot ij great kettles & ij myddle kettlers & ij little kettles & a posnet Itm I geve to my wyffe ij coverlets & ij blanckets v shetes of flax iiij towells & a table clothe a matters my best bolster & ij pillowes. I geve to my wyffe ij coffers yt she brought with her & a leap a great boll & a myddle boll ij little bolles a lyne whele & a wulle whele. Itm I geve to my wyffe iiij ayned clothes in my chambers & iij in ye hall & iij quarters of barley ij quarters of pease vij bushell of Tye & a bushell of wheat, & halfe a quarter of otes a chayre & iiij quyshions. Item I geve to my wyffe a tubbe a skymer a boultynge whitche & a cherne & a calfe of this yeres weanyng. Itm I geve to Tym my sonne a cowe bullocke of ij yeres old & upwards ij quarters of barley & a quarter of pease. Itm I geve to Ptryke my sone a cowe bullocke of ij yeres old & a quarter of barley & another of pease. Itm I geve to Bridget my doughter a stere bullocke of a yere old. Itm I geve to Avis my doughter a stere bullocke of a yere old. Itm I geve to Joane my dougher a mylche cowe ij kandleticks a little bras pot & a payre of shetes & one yt her grandmotherdyd geve her. Itm geve to Joan my doughter a quater of barley & a halfe a quarter of pease a little bras pan & ij platters & a another browne pann to be sold and ye money to be devyded brtwene Olyver my sone and Joan my doughter. Itm I geve to Olyver my sone a cowe & ij steres & ij quarters of barley a quarter of pease & halfe a quarter of otes & a pyre of shetes a pewter platter & a Kandlesticke a porryge pot & a whit bras panne Itm I geve to Bridget & Avys a quarter of barley betwene the twayne & eche of hem a platter & a candlesticke And moreover I will yt yf enne of my youngest childre shuld dye before they cn to lawfull age yt then his of her stocke to remayne amoungst ye residewe of ye childre yt lyvethe longest. Itm I geve & beqth to Wyllm my eldest sone all my Free lands within ye pishe of Tyngreyffe. Itm I geve & bequthed to my wyffe & my childre In this my last will & testamet my debts beynge paid & my bodde honeetsly brought one yerthe & all ether ordinarye & extraordinarye charges allowed & paid Itm I geve to Willym my sone iij horse ij oxe a sowe & iij steres & my cartes & carte gere & ploughe and ploughe geres & an ewe & a lamb & all other goods of my goods & cattalls not given nor bequeathed in this my last will & testamet beynge moveables or unmoveables execpt yt wch I have geve & bequeathed to my wyffe & my chodre All ye residue I geve to Willym my sone fo rye wealthe of my sowle. I have institue & made this my last will & testamet & I make my executors RIchard davye if Fozfeild in the pishe of Eversholt & he to have for his paynes takynge vjs viijd & Olyver my sone to be ye other And I make ye oversears of this my last will & testament Stephen Accres & John Loven & they to se his my last will & testament be pformed & kept as Far as in them lyethe. In witenes whereof I have sette my hands ye last daye of September in the fyfte & vjth yeres of he raigne of oure Soveraigne Lord & Ladye Kynge Phillip & Quene Marye ye date of or lord god 1558. Wittnesses to this will Robert Turner Clarke of Eversholt. Please send e-mail to Sam Behling. See lineage of Bunker Family Read about William's father, Roger Bunker Read about William's son, Oliver Bunker Read about William's grandson, Timothy Bunker Read about William's great grandson, George Bunker Read about William's great, great grandson, William Bunker Read about William's 3rd great grandson, Peleg Bunker