Roger was born ca 1470, probably at Tingrith, Bedfordshire, England, and died there before September 1, 1516. Roger's will, dated December 15, 1515 and proved September 1, 1516, mentioned his wife Agnes (____) and his son William. In the name of god so be ytt The XVth day of the monyth of Decembr in the yere of our lord god MIIIII XVth I Roger Bunker of Tyngryffe in the Countie of bed with hoole mynde & good remembrance make my testamentt in this man a wuse Furst I bequeth my sowle to all myghty god my make and my saveour and to our blessyd lady the Vrgeb hys mody & to all the copany in hevyn my body to be buryed in the Church yarde of Sayntt Nicholas and Byshopp in Tungryffe a fore seid. Also I biquethe for my Mortuary that att night requirithe Itm. I biquethe to the Cathedrall Church oflincoln ij Itm I biquethe to the hye Awl in the Church of Tyngryffe a fore seid for Tethys & oblacions nligenty wt holden or forgotten in distichargyng of my sowle iiij Itm to the sepulcur lyght in the same churhc a li ["pound" crossed out] Itm [" I biquethe" crossed out] to the lyght be fore the Rode in the same churche a ownde of waxe. Itm I biquethe to Wyllyam my son a quarter of White a quarter of Rye & iiij quarter of barly A matres A pare of Schets A bolster A covlett. Itm I biquethe to the same Wyllyam my son after the deseace of Agnes my wife my best matres my best covlett ij payer of Schets vj pieces of pewter my gretaste pott my gretast pan wt all the hole Cart & Cart gere plowe & plowe gere Itm I biquethe to the same Willyam my son after mydecease ij bullokks if ij yere wenyng Itm I giff and bequethe to the fore seid Wyllyam my son my howse that I bowght of Robt hawkyns Sett in Tyngryffe with all his prtennce Itm I will that Agnes my wiff shall have theTenementt that I nowe dwell yn And a notter Tenemett that John Selby Dwellithe yn duryng his lyeffe So that she kepe hir selfe soyll and mary nott And if so hapen that the seid Agnes my Wiff mary a gayne then I will that Wyllyam my son shall have the howse that John Selby dwellith yn as soon as she ys wed. And she to have thehowse that she dwellyth yn duryng hir lyffe kepyng itt with sufficientt repacion and to make no waste a pon the grownde durynge the seid time. Itm I will that yff itt soo hapen that the seid Wyllyam my son doo decesse with owte eny Eyers of his body lawfully begotten then I will that all the fore lands and tenemts shelbe disposed att disposicion of the seid Agnes my wiffe and att the disposicion of the executors of Wyllyam my Son The Residew of all my goods exceptt be fore exceptt I gyffe & biquethe to Anges my wyffe that she shall dispose them for the helthe of my sowle and all Christs sowls as she thynkiethe best Also I ordeyn and make Agnes my wyfee & Wyllam my Son myne executors that this my last will may be fulfilled & done. Thes beyng wittenes Sr Ric padfield Willyam day John Bolyng Willyam Kyrke wt others. Please send e-mail to Sam Behling. ![]() See lineage of Bunker Family Read about Roger's son, William Bunker Read about Roger's grandson, Oliver Bunker Read about Roger's great grandson, Timothy Bunker Read about Roger's great, great grandson, George Bunker Read about Roger's 3rd great grandson, William Bunker Read about Roger's 4th great grandson, Peleg Bunker
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