Names |
Born |
Died |
Elssbet |
born Abt 1598, Scheftenau,Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Ulli |
born Abt 1600, of Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died Bef 1676 |
Anna |
chr. 1 Apr 1640, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 15 Mar 1675/76, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Anna Barbara |
chr. 16 Sep 1672, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 5 May 1745, Hemberg,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Barbara |
chr. 24 Sep 1643, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Barbara |
chr. 22 Aug 1645, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Barbel |
chr. 14 Feb 1630/31, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Barthli |
born Abt 1585, of Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Catharina |
Claus |
chr. 4 Sep 1671, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 25 Mar 1672, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Claus |
chr. 15 Oct 1673, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 26 Nov 1673, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Clauss |
chr. 28 Feb 1676/77, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1678, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Clauss |
chr. 16 Jul 1678, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Clauss |
born 27 Feb 1631/32, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans Jacob |
chr. 8 Jun 1648, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 4 Mar 1695/96, Staegen,Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hanss |
chr. 27 Jun 1637, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Heinrich |
born Abt 1600, Gedenden,Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 7 Apr 1655, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Margreth |
chr. 5 Dec 1674, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Regell |
chr. 4 Mar 1634/35, Hauwart,Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Uli |
born Abt 1595, Ab Dem Buell,,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Ulrich |
born Abt 1634, of ,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
born 10 Sep 1667, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 12 Jun 1715, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
chr. 6 Jan 1628/29, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
chr. 17 Sep 1642, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Katharina |
born 2 Apr 1729, Mogelsberg,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 13 Apr 1768 |
Anna |
born Abt 1586, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans Heinrich |
born Abt 1752, of Krinau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Kungold |
born Abt 1588, of Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 12 Jun 1662 |
Joerg |
born Abt 1680, Lad,Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Ulrich |
born Abt 1627, of ,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans |
Ursula |
born Abt 1619, of Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Sara |
born Abt 1706, of Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 6 Aug 1747 |
Anna |
born Abt 1613, Alt St. Johann,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Clauss |
born Abt 1568, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Elssbeth |
born Abt 1562, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Galli |
born Abt 1572, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Goerg |
born Abt 1566, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hanss |
born Abt 1564, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jonas |
born Abt 1575, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Joss |
born Abt 1560, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Margreth |
born Abt 1570, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Margreth |
born Abt 1608, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mr. |
born Abt 1535, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. |
born Abt 1538, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Clauss |
born Abt 1571, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Georg |
born Abt 1570, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Jonas |
born Abt 1578, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Joss |
Agatha |
chr. 5 Feb 1674/75, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 2 Jun 1738, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Agatha |
chr. 25 Jan 1621/22, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Anna |
chr. 11 Oct 1597, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Anna |
born 18 Feb 1655/56, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 28 Nov 1701, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Anna |
born Abt 1600, of Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Claus |
born 15 Mar 1626/27, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 27 May 1689, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Claus |
born 8 Nov 1659, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1712, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Claus |
born 15 Jan 1594/95, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died Dec 1646 |
Claus |
born Abt 1568, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 29 Nov 1617 |
Dorothe |
born 9 Jun 1606, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Dorothe |
chr. 23 Sep 1607, Toggenburg,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 25 Apr 1684, Toggenburg,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Elsbeth |
chr. 3 Oct 1619, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 13 Jun 1701, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Elsbeth |
born Abt 1560, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Elsbeth |
born Abt 1538, Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Elsbeth |
born Abt 1510, of Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Felix |
chr. 8 Mar 1667/68, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 24 Jun 1670, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Felix |
chr. 2 Feb 1672/73, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 29 Dec 1738, Kappel,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Felix |
chr. 15 Mar 1626/27, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1693, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Felix |
chr. 5 Sep 1593, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 27 Jun 1680, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Felix |
born INT 1530 (Abt 1530/1547), Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 18 Jul 1614 |
Felix |
born Abt 1502, of Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1 Apr 1564 |
Galli |
born 1615, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 2 Nov 1687 |
Galli |
born Abt 1564-1570, ,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1608 |
Georg |
born Abt 1565, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 5 Feb 1595/96, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Haini |
born Abt 1455, of Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans |
born Abt 1563, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 6 Aug 1629, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans |
born Abt 1504, Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans |
born Abt 1532, Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans |
born Abt 1476, of Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1505, ,,Switzerland |
Hans Jacob |
chr. 19 Sep 1665, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 11 Mar 1743/44, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jacob |
born 12 Aug 1624, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 5 Jan 1700/01 |
Joerg |
born Abt 1536, Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Joerg |
born Abt 1508, of Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jonas |
chr. 23 Jan 1632/33, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 17 Jan 1690/91, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jonas |
born Abt 1572, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Joni |
born Abt 1590, Toggenburg,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jorg |
chr. 7 Mar 1662/63, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 27 May 1744, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Josef |
born Abt 1534, Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Josef |
born Abt 1506, of Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Joss |
born Abt 1558, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1605, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Margreth |
chr. 22 Feb 1629/30, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 19 Jan 1690/91, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Margretha |
born 12 Jan 1600/01, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 11 Jun 1677, Toggenburg,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Maria |
chr. 14 Feb 1676/77, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 26 Feb 1678/79, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Hans |
born Abt 1508, Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Hans |
born Abt 1480, of Neulanden,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Jonas |
born Abt 1577, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died Abt 1608 |
Mrs. Joni |
born Abt 1592, of Ennetbuehl,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Joss |
born Abt 1560, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Rudi |
chr. 21 Jan 1604/05, Toggenburg,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Susanna |
born Abt 1562, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Susanna |
born Abt 1600, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
born 18 Jan 1670/71, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
chr. 2 Dec 1657, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died Bef 1671, Krummenau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
born 30 Jul 1617, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
born 18 May 1603, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
born Abt 1561, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1626, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Anna Elisabeth |
chr. 30 Aug 1767, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 25 May 1839 |
Anna Elisabeth |
born 16 Jan 1753, St. Gallen,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 20 Feb 1817 |
Anna Margaretha |
born Abt 1760, <Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland> |
Barbara |
born Abt 1601, of Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 5 Dec 1671, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Christian |
chr. 5 Dec 1762, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Christoph |
born 8 May 1711, St. Gallen,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 26 Dec 1793 |
Hans Jacob |
born 1 May 1740, St. Gallen,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 3 Jun 1770 |
Hans Jacob |
chr. 16 Dec 1764, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Hans Joerg |
chr. 9 Mar 1766, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Helene |
born 10 Sep 1750, St. Gallen,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 15 Sep 1797 |
Jacob |
born of St. Gallen,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Johannes |
chr. 12 Jul 1769, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Lucas |
born 13 May 1736, St. Gallen,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 14 Feb 1750/51 |
Magdalena |
born 20 Dec 1731, St. Gallen,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 6 Mar 1804 |
Rudolf |
chr. 3 Sep 1775, Wattwil,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 16 Jul 1778 |
Mary |
born Abt 1676, of Halifax,Yorkshire,England |
Anna |
born Abt 1567, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Barbel |
chr. 10 Nov 1619, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
bur. 18 Dec 1698, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
born Abt 1617, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Wiberth |
born Abt 1625, of ,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Anna |
born Abt 1565, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Barbell |
chr. 23 Mar 1600/01, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 15 Dec 1681, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Claus |
Heinrich |
born Abt 1671, of Stein,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jacob |
born Abt 1561, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jacob |
chr. 18 Jan 1583/84, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
died 1584-1585, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Jacob |
chr. 24 Jan 1584/85, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Margreth |
chr. 22 Nov 1588, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Moritz |
chr. 17 Nov 1583, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Jacob |
born Abt 1565, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Mrs. Jacob |
born Abt 1589, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Raegeli |
chr. 28 Jan 1587/88, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Ragell |
born 28 Jan 1587/88, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Ursula |
chr. 26 Jun 1594, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Verena |
chr. 14 Aug 1591, Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Carolina Sophie |
born 28 Dec 1868, Rothrist,Aargau,Switzerland |
died 11 Apr 1944, Willard,Box Elder,Utah |
Uoli |
born Abt 1635, of Alt St.Johann,St. Gallen,Switzerland |
Heini |
born Abt 1658, of Nesslau,St. Gallen,Switzerland |