I, Acksey Ricks of the county of Nash and State of North Carolina being of sound mind but considering the uncertainly of my earthly existence do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say, First that my executor hereinafter mentioned shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my relatives and friends and pay all my funeral expenses together with my just debts howsoever and to whomsoever owing out of the first monies that may come into his hands as a part or parcel of my estate.
Item: I give to my loving son Wm J. B. harper, one feather bed and its necessary furniture to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give to my loving daughter Mary B. Atkinson one feather bed and its necessary furniture to her heirs forever.
Item: I give to George Harper son of my grandson John H. B.Harper one feather bed and its necessary furniture to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give to my friend Elizabeth Redding one feather bed and its necessary furniture and the sum of one hundred dollars to her and her heirs forever.
My will and desire is that the balance of my property of every kind and quality consisting of negroes, stock of all kinds, household and kitchen furniture be divided in the following manner that is to say I give to my son Wm.J.B. Harper, one third part of my property of every kind (not heretofore disposed of) during his natural life and after his death to his lawful begotten children to them and their heirs forever.
Item I give to my daughter Mary B. Atkinson one third (1/3) part of my property of every kind as in the last item preceding this during her natural life and after her death to the lawful begotten children of her body to them and their heirs forever and further should either of the above children (referred to in the last or above) die without lawful issue then and in that case the survivors shall inherit their shares.
Item. Of the remaining one third (1/3) of my property I give in the following manner that is to say one third (1/3) to my grandchildren children of Alford Joyner to wit William D. Joyner, Guilford Joyner, James Joyner, Mary E. Joyner, Malvina Joyner, Ashley Joyner, and Henry Joyner. Now in case that ... of the above named children die without lawful issue then and in that case the share or shares shall go to the survivors and the remaining two thirds of the one third in the last item I give to George Harper son of my grandson John H.B.Harper to him and his lawful begotten children forever and in case the said George Harper as above should die without lawful issue then and in that case the said two thirds shall go to the said children of Alford Joyner as named above to them and their heirs forever.
And I do hereby appoint my son William J. B.Harper as trustee and guradian to the above named children. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son W.J. B. Harper my lawful executor to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every clause thereof. Hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I the said Achsey Ricks do hereunto set my hand and seal this the 2nd day of May A. D. 1863. Signed sealed and published and declared by the said Achsey Ricks to be her last will and testament in presence of us who at her request and inher presence to subscribe out names as witnesses thereto.
W. W. Boddie, James Bunting
Achsey Ricks (her mark)