In the name of God Amen I Mathew Pridgeon of the State of North Carolina & County of Sampson [not readable] weak in body but of perfect mind & memory calling to mind the mortality of my body & that it is appointed for all men must die do make & ordain this my Last will & testament & first of all I sur mmend [surrender, commend?] my soul to God who gave it & my body to the Dust to be buried in a decent christian burial at the discretion of my [not readable] nothing doubting but I shall receive [?] the same again on the morning of the resurrection by the Power of of [sic] [not readable] & as touching the worldly Estate whereof it hath pleased the Lord to bless me with I do dispose of in the following form & manner & first of all I lend to my beloved wife Rebecca all my worldly Estate during her natural life after her decease I give & bequeath the same in the following form & manner & first I give my daughter Pegy a certain negro woman called Jude & her daughter Tabitha & to my Daughter Ann Jane I lend a negro woman called Venus & her daughter Satira & one feather bed & furniture for her natural life after her decease I give this [not readable] her children equally & to my Daughter Jem___ [another source has Jemima?] I give a certain negro girl Dinah also I have given to my Daughter Rebecca J. [or I.] mar ganfield [Marganfield?} [not readable] hundred Dollars as Ruseted [or Ruerted?] & dated March 11, 1817 also to my son Luke I have given seven hundred Dollars worth in Land & a negro fellow called Jacob & I give to him another negro fellow called Brister, also to my Daughter Deborah I lend a negro woman called Tobitha & a boy called _toke [?] & another called Charles during her natural life after her decease I give them to be equally divided unto her children. Also to my son Mathew I lend all my stock House [not readable] kitchen furniture plantation Tools Should my daughter Deborough become a widow & destitute & sees [?] cause I will her the privilege of one one hundred acres to Settle & live on during widowhood The land lying between my house & William Millers also I lend to him [?] the following negroes Aberdeen, Bill, & Simon during his [?] natural life after his decease I lend Bill & Simon to my daughter Deborough during her life & I give them to her children equally at her decease should my daughter Pegy become a widow & destitute I will her the priviledge to settle on my land House plantation & the negroes named To my son Mathew during her widowhood if she sees cause & will take good care of her Brother Matthew Mean Time after exposing [sic] of my property in the aforesaid mentioned manner I choose & desire Alfred Wood & Robert Ward to execute this my will & I do hereby atterly [utterly] revoke, renounce & disannul all former wills Leg____ bequeaths E____ before before by me made but declare & denounce [sic] this to be my last will & testament. In witness whereof I in the pris_n__ of & in the presence of ____other hath hereunto set my hand seal This the nineteenth day of October 1820.
John Carlton
Mathew Pridgeon
Nathan Jones
Then was the within will proven in open court by the oaths of John Carlton & Nathan Jones & ordered to be registered. Jas. Holmes, C. C.