I Hannah Pridgen of the aforesaid State and county being of sound mind- but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and declare this my Last Will and Testament.
First. My executor herarin after named shall give my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my friends and relatives and pay all burial exspenses togeather with all my just debts out of the first moneys which my cum into his hands belonging to my estate.
Second. I give and devise to my beloved dauter Frances Pridgen one half of my tract of land on witch I now live with all Houses and Buildings now stand during her natural life and then to my granson Spencer Pridgen with his acres... I give also to my Dauter Frances her choice cow and calf and one sow and pigs one horse the best--I may leave(?) with my Buggy and harness with all my farming toos and one choice bed with stid and clothing her choice leave ? one Blue table-- all my geese and chickens to Frances. If any meat and corn on hand at my death I give it to Francis for the Benefit of the Farm and to take of my other grand children. I give her one trunck. I also leave my Dauter Francis to act gardian for my grand Children Spencer Pridgen, Dereas? Pridgen and Annie Pridgen until they are 21 years aof age and I give to one third of what money I may have on hand for that prupus.
Third. I give and devise to my grand dauter Annie Pridgen one half of my land during her natural life and should she die with out an heir then to spencer Pridgen and Frances is to pay Annie $20 as a defirance in the land. I give to my dauter Annie one cow and calf, one Bed with stid and clothing.
Forth, I give and Devis to my grandson Spencer Pridgen one ox ine Bed with stid and clothing , one trunk.
Fifth, I give and devise to my grand son Duveas ? (spelled differently in both locations) one ox one bed with stid and clothing one horse to be sold and equal devided the money betwean Spencer and Dueane ? (spelled differently for the third time).
Sixth I give to my dauter Morning Jones ten dollars in cash and to son Wallace Pridgen one bed with stid and clothing and ten dollars in cash I give to Jason Pridgen ten dollars in cash I give Isac Pridgen ten dollars in cash. I give my grand son Spencer Pridgen on trunk I give to my grand son Dallas Pridgen ten dollars in cash...(I am pretty sure this isn't the same as the other D...Pridgens mentioned above.) The balance of my money on hand after leaving Francis on third as aforesaid to be ecualy devided between Spencer Pridgen, Annie Pridgen and Dueane? Pridgen. Now therefore I herby appoint my dauter Francis Pridgen to have and to hold the custady the estate of my three grand children spencer Pridgen, Durane? Pridgen and Annie Pridgen until they arrive at the full age of twenty one years.
I hereby appoint my friend J. Byrum my lawful executor to all intent and purpus to execute this my last will and testament according to the true interest and meaning of the same and every part thereof in witness whereof I the said Hannah Pridgen do hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of August 1887.
Hannah Pridgen Her mark
Signed sealed Published and declared by the said Hannah Pridgen to be her last will and testament in the Presents of us who at her request and in her presance do subscribe our names as witness thereto J Bynum or Byrum ????? ??? illegible handwriting