Monseigneur of Soultz
Mary de Bode
Monseigneur de Soultz

Resume de l'ouvrage
October 1775, the Karl-August von Bode baron, officer in a regiment to the service of XVI Louis, marry to Kynnersley Mary Londres Park Loxley of, descending duke of Gloucester, sons of the III Edouard king d'Angleterre. In 1787, after 30 military life years, Auguste of Bode sells his in charge of colonel and leave the army. It thinks to be able to live of its revenues and to enjoy a life quiet and calm family, but this is without counting on the tireless impulse of his spouse that does for him to buy a saline in Alsace to Soultz-under-Forests. Little of times after, Auguste of Bode obtains the fief of the same name and becomes the new one «Lord of Soultz». But eight months after his investiture, the French Revolution burst and the baron of Bode is not more than the «Bode citizen», designated cible of the patriotic courts!

At the time of the massive exodus of 1793, the family flees the l'Alsace and itself réfugie to the d'Altenberg couvent in Germany. This is there that she learns that II Catherine opens all big ones carry them Russie to the émigrés. Mary of Bode, army only of his courage and of his témérité, nantie of several introduction letters German classes for the courtyard of Russie, leaves in recognition to Holy-Pétersbourg. She is there royalement welcomed by II Catherine, his courtyard and his coterie. The family next will be endowed earths, property and official loads. To the death of II Catherine, Mary remains in good terms with Ier Paul, the tsar to the sick brain. After the assassination of this last one, she will be protected it of his widow, born Sophie-Dorothée of Wurtemberg. This is next the young Louise of Bade, become the Alexeïevna tsarine Elisabeth, marry Ier d'Alexandre, that will spread his benevolence on the family. Mary of Bode dies to Moscou in May 1812, some weeks before the entry of troops of Napoléon in Russie. After the Coming Congress, his elder son, been born in GREAT BRITAIN and therefore of English nationality, next the son of this one, will attempt désespérément to do itself indemniser of the loss of the fief of Soultz-under-Forests, thanks to the dédommagements substantiels versed by overcome France. They lose health and fortune in a process that will last more of 45 years and will become a « Cause celebrate », unique in the British judicial annales. The L'écoeurement is total in the British press and the public opinion. One will go even to to accuse ouvertement, and non without reason, the George IV d'Angleterre king of have done to effectuate important d'agrandissement works to Palace Buckingham with the destined bottom to indemniser Bode!

D'Ydewalle Nicolas, descending to the 6 generation of the Mary baronne of Bode. Sons of the Obolensky princess Hélène, rear-granddaughter of Tolstoï Bride, sister of the writer.

6 x 24 cm - 316 orderlies
numerous illustrations

To appear fine February, to the occasion of the Foire of the Book of Brussels

«This biography reads itself from one end to the other with the same pleasure of the discovery. The feather warns of our épistolière and the l'érudition of the author return the perfumes for us and the remugles of an era squarely chambardement. Exploiting written them contemporary mémorialistes and guided by his perfect knowledge of the Russian corporation, d'Ydewalle Nicolas, that descends by his mother the Obolensky Hélène princess, we dive in a fascinante era, the one of a Europe without borders where the fastes the more dazzling constantly are threatened by the rumor that climbs crowds in anger and by the fracas of thecanon.» - Olivier Marquis of Trazegnies

Auguste de Bode
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