Summer, 1993
Edited and published by
Paul H. Replogle
13042 Hoyt Drive
Battle Creek, MI 49017-9508
Subscription, $2.00 per year
The chart on p. 1 shows some Alsace Reblogel families taken from the 1983 Alsace research reports. Dotted lines with “?” are possible connections between families mentioned. Horizontal lines separate the family groups according to a range of dates. It was drawn in 1983 based on the limited information in the reports. More genealogy research needs to be done in the archives at Strasbourg, France to validate the assumptions shown as dotted lines.
JERRI BURKET (see the newsletter for Fall, 1992, p. 4) has sent a list of books mentioning the surname Replogle; these books are available for rent from the Hoenstine Rental Library, 414 Montgomery St., P.O. Box 208, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. The list shows library number, title, and deposit price. I’ve not yet used the list, but it appears to be a valuable resource. Jerri also wrote: “You may receive letters from people you never heard of before. I belong to the PRODIGY computer network, and every once in awhile, REPLOGLE becomes a topic on the genealogy bulletin board.” She also sent a copy of a 45 page book, “Genealogy Descendants of Daniel S. Replogle Compiled to commemorate The Cousin’s Outing July 8th & 9th, 1972.” This contained much data on Daniel (Gen I.D. 114:432) and family. Robert and Carol Replogle provided this for copying.
EMMETT WILSON TARDY, 63 Colorado Ave., Arcadia, FL 33521-4026 (Genealogy I.D. was 122:621 now 122:626; Emmett Wilson Tardy / John Oliver Tardy / Sarah Virginia Replogle / Jacob, Sr. / Balzer (Johann Balthasar) 12 & UA-3.2 / Balthasar Reblogel UA-3 ? ) sent me expanded information for his entry in the 1984 book. He has children of 122:62 John Oliver Tardy as Lucy, Jackson, Maria, Lula, Samuel, Emmett, Morgan, John Oliver, Harry, Harvey, and one unnamed child.
Madelon Raymond sent to me a newspaper article from “The Spokesman -- Review” with the headline: “In search of Hemingway, Birthplace may become museum,” datelined Oak Park, IL. The house in which the writer Ernest Hemingway spent his early years was acquired by the Hemingway Foundation, with financing from the Oak Park Development Corp. According to the article, “The president of that agency, Arthur Replogle, often pastes on a white beard to play Hemingway at Foundation events...” Subsequently I received a family group sheet from ARTHUR SEEDS REPLOGLE who was mentioned in the article, of 746 Monroe Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 (I.D. 114:352:11, Arthur Seeds Replogle / Arthur Meadville / Charles Brumbaugh / Rinehart Long / Rinehart / Rinehart (Jr.) / John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas / ? ) He has three children: Scott Luther, Mark William, and Susan Mary.
JOYCE WOODRUFF TERRANA (see Newsletters for Fall 1992, p. 6, and Winter, 1993, p. 6) writes as follows: “Numerous deeds have now been located, of 1830 to 1871, by either Catherine and Frederick Replogle (I.D. 112:3, Frederick M. / John Philip / John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas / ? ), or their children, or their estate in various counties in Tennessee. Most are from Madison or Gibson Counties, TN ... Some documents have been located from ‘County Court Minute Books’ of Madison Co., TN which I abstracted ... I really like ‘County Court Minute Books’ (not Circuit Court, nor Judicial Court, etc.) ... They often include data re estates, often about women who usually didn’t leave wills ... I submitted my Revolutionary War Ancestor (Daniel Bowman, father of Catherine Bowman who m. Frederick M. Replogle) to D.A.R., and it was accepted. Not as easy as that, however! Took 140 pages of documents to prove lineage from myself back to him.” Joyce also provided a copy of a page from an old Tennessee newspaper with an item: “Estrays, Rutherford County ... Taken up by Henry V.H. Replogle in the 23d District 1/2 mile South of Jas. Yourie’s, a pale Clay bank filly; supposed to be 8 years old next spring. No brands perceivable. Appraised to $25.00 ... March 13, 1841.”