Fall, 1995
Volume 4, Number 4
Edited and published by
Paul H. Replogle, 112:411:312
13042 Hoyt Drive
Battle Creek, MI 49017-9508
Subscription $5.00 per year.
In June, 1995 I received a 16 page list of all the people in America with the surname Replogle or Reprogle. The list includes about 800 names, altho some are duplicated due to listing both office and residence. This list could form the basis for a census of the family. I've not attempted to correlate the names on the list with names in my computer database; such a process would be interesting but the cost in postage expense would be about $256 to send one letter of inquiry to each person on the list. I have never attempted to keep my computer database up to date regarding current address, because people move so often addresses become obsolete. I am willing to look up addresses and telephone numbers of persons on the list.
Speaking of lists, my "Unknown" Replogle - Reprogle List (persons with surname Replogle or Reprogle who I've not been able to connect to the family tree) is now 10 pages in length and lists about 560 names. It includes persons from the Social Security Death Master File and people mentioned in correspondence to me. Anyone desiring a copy of the list please let me know.
As those of you who have a copy of The Replogle - Reprogle Genealogy (1984) know, the lineages in that book are traced back to Andreas Reblogel who was born about 1656, based on his age of 87 years upon his death on 14 September 1743 at Soultz Sous Forets, Bas-Rhin District, France. Andreas was the oldest ancestor for whom we seemed to have firm grounds for identification in the family structure. For that reason I have tried to provide lineage lines for descendants mentioned in this newsletter going back to Andreas.
But others with the surname Reblogel have been reported as living in that same area. Many were listed in that same book in the section "Unknown (Unidentified) Reblogel Family Members and Descendants in Alsace." Some of them are included in the following list:
Name - ID - Date of birth
__ U-72.1 ? ? 1711
__ U-72.2 Betw 1713-
__ U-72.3 ? ? 1722
__ U-72.4 Betw 1725
__ U-72.5 Betw 1726
__ NA Abt 1650
Andreas ? ? 1656
Anna Barbara Margaretha 27 May 1687
Anna Louisa 18 12 Feb 1733
Anstatt UA-1 Abt 1601
Balthasar UA-3 ? ? 1682
Christina 14 18 Oct 1717
Eva NA 22 Nov 1691
Hans UA-13.1
Hans Michael NA 28 Oct 1701
Hans "Schaffhansel" UA-5
Jacob UA-13.4
Johann Balthasar 12, UA-3.2 24 Dec 1722
Johann Jacob UA-3.1 ? ? 1712
Johann Jacob U-72 ? ? 1688
Johann Philip 15 1 Oct 1724
Johann Reinhard 11 8 Dec 1720
Johann Reinhard 110
Magdalena UA-13.3
Margaretha UA-13.2
Margaretha UA-3.3
Maria Barbara 16 8 Jun 1729
Maria Eva 13 18 Nov 1716
Matern (Mattern) UA-13
Philip 1 16 Jul 1688
Philip 17 3 May 1731
This list gives some idea of the extent of the family during that era.
Upon my request, Peres provided a chart showing the lineage of the family backwards from Andreas. The chart she prepared shows the lineage proceeding back from Andreas (Andreas / Hans / Anstatt / Hans / Mattern). I have been reviewing this information from Peres and it seems to be logical and convincing, although proof of all of these relationships seems to be lacking so far. Mattern Reblogel died "before 1617," according to the Protestant (Lutheran) church book for Soultz Sous Forets, so a fair assumption would be he was born sometime in the 1500s. The church records for Soultz began as early as 1595, and according to Peres Mattern (Matern) Reblogel is mentioned in the first record -- meaning the first church book -- of that town.
A recent research report covering the paternal ancestry of Johann Reinhard Reblogel (1720 - 1796) said:
"The Reblogel family resided in Sulz unterm Wald, ElsaB-Lothringen, Germany, now known as Soultz-sous-Forets, Bas-Rhin, France. All searches were made in the records of the Protestant church in that village (Evangelische Kirche Sulz unterm Wald. Kirchenbuch, 1595-1793. FHL #796,890-895).
"Unfortunately, there were many gaps in these records during periods which were crucial for research to progress very far. Also, the quality of the handwriting and original church books made for a difficult search..."
The report validated and confirmed the Peres information as to John Rinehart's lineage: John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas. But according to the report, "The earliest generation known is Andreas Reblogel, born about 1656..."
The summary of the research report is as follows:
"Further research on this family can not be made in the Sulz parish records, as gaps in the church books prevent the location of crucial records. In order to progress further on this line, the marriage and/or baptismal records of Andreas Reblogel would need to be found, giving at least his father's name. All of the early records could be searched for the Reblogel name, but even if some were found, it is unknown if Andreas Reblogel actually originated in this parish. The marriage for Philipp Reblogel also falls in the records gap, so his wife's maiden name remains unknown.
"It is somewhat odd that records are not available for the years needed to research this family, as earlier records have survived. It is possible that for some reason rites were not being performed in the Sulz church during those time periods, and that the records might be found in a neighboring parish. An area search could be conducted to test this theory, is so desired.
"Lineages, Inc., Paul A. Schmidt, Genealogist."
As an aside, on p. 2 of this report is shown the death record for Philipp Reblogel (father of Johann Reinhart Reblogel), and one of the witnesses to the death is given as "Joh. Reinh. Koenig, pastor." This appears to be an abbreviation for Johann Reinhart Koenig. It seems probable that Johann Reinhart Reblogel, son of Philipp and immigrant to America, was named after Johann Reinhart Koenig who apparently was pastor of the parish in Alsace at that time (27 October 1760). Johann Reinhart Reblogel married Maria Barbara Koenig on 8 October 1753 at Hanover, York County, PA. Maria Barbara Koenig was the daughter of Abraham Koenig who came to America on the ship Janet in Philadelphia, PA on 7 Oct 1751 and who resided York, PA in 1762. The exact relationship of Maria Barbara Koenig to Pastor Johann Reinhart Koenig is unknown.
While browsing the catalog of the local library I came upon a book titled The Mother of all Car Books by Rod Reprogle (1945 - ) and Sherry Reprogle (1945 - ), published 1995 in California. Is Rod the son of Paul Byron and Grace Eckman Reprogle? If so, I have him in my database with first name Rodney and ID as 11C:729:322, but no other information. I'm aware of only a couple of other published authors in the family.
(Lineage needs to be established for these people.)
Lists from Anna Hoff, Logansport, Indiana, undated but received about 1979. These Anna Hoff lists are full of fine data but it has been difficult to identify these people. In some cases I had noted the old ID used in the 1964 and/or 1974 typescripts. In the 1984 book and computerized books of 1994 - 1995 a new numbering system was used. Anna Hoff's question noted on the list was: "Can you connect any of these people with families?" Anna, 11A:633, was the daughter of Mary Ellen Replogle 11A:63, who was probably the dau. of George & Sarah (Justice?) Replogle, 11A:6. Identification of these people is made more difficult because they didn't stay in one place, which is normal for most Americans even now. Persons on the lists that have been identified as to lineage have been omitted here. Some of these people may use the surname Reprogle instead of Replogle. All were spelled Replogle on the list.
1840 Census:
20. David Replogle, Wayne Co IN. (Old ID 1195? At Henry Co. IN.)
21. Jacob Replogle, La Porte Co IN. (Jacob, Jr., old ID 1135? Moved to La Porte Co IN in 1833.
22. Jacob Replogle, Pulaski Co IN. (Adam, Jr., old ID 1113 was at Pulaski Co IN in 1850.)
23. John Replogle, Carroll Co IN. (Old ID 11C5?)
24. Peter Replogle, Carroll Co IN.
1840 or 1850 Census (Anna was not specific):
25. Daniel Replogle, Elkhart Co IN.
26. Daniel Replogle, St. Joseph Co IN.
27. David Replogle, Elkhart Co IN.
28. George Replogle, St. Joseph Co IN. (George M., old ID 1139, Clay Twp., St. Joseph Co. IN in 1850.)
29. Jacob Replogle, St. Joseph Co IN.
30. John Replogle, Elkhart Co IN.
31. Peter Replogle, St. Joseph Co IN.
32. Rinehart Replogle, St. Joseph Co IN. (Old ID 1132?)
Marriages, Carroll Co Indiana:
(Children of Peter, old ID 11C, moved to Carroll Co IN.)
37. William Replogle - Mary Galla, 3 May 1865. (Unknown ID U-587.)
38. William Replogle - Lizzie Galla, 12 Dec 1870. (Unknown ID U-587.)
40. Chester Replogle - Emma Pavey, 13 Nov 1820 (1920?). (Unknown ID U-588.)
41. Mary Replogle - Daniel E. Perrin, 15 Oct 1814 (1914?). (Unknown ID U-589.)
White Co. Indiana Deaths
42. Abram Replogle, d. 24 Apr 1811, Union Twp. (Should be 1911?)
43. Carl L. Replogle, d. 22 Mar 1810, Montecello. (Should be 1910?)
44. Frank Replogle, d. 9 Apr 1814. (Should be 1914?).
45. L--- W. Replogle, d. 9 Mar 1820 (1920?), age 57 (b. 1863?).
46. Lloyd Replogle, d. 1 Feb 1805 (1905?), 9 mo.
47. Minnie Replogle, d. 7 Mar 1820 (1920?), 57 (b. 1863?).
48. Rebecca Replogle, d. 29 Jun 1805 (1905?), 76 (b. 1829?).
49. Violet M. Replogle, d. 2 Jan 1825 (1925?).
Marriages, probably White Co. Indiana:
(Anna Hoff's note: "Who are all these people?")
57. Charles Replogle - Norma L. Rogers, 4 Dec 1915 (?).
62. Jennie Replogle - Frank Fordice, 25 Sep 1915 (?).
64. John T. Replogle - Mary Grubb, 3 Aug 1881.
71. L.M. Replogle - Willis Blanter, 1 Aug 1908 (?).
73. Martha Replogle - J. H___, 11 Sep 1873.
74. Mary Replogle - John Grubb, 31 Dec 1873.
77. Perry Replogle - Catherine West, 13 Jan 1859.
From MARY E. DEVIES of 12205 Marlboro Ave., Alliance, OH 44601, dated 10 July: "Re: Identification of Jacob Replogle - Stark Co., Marlboro (or Marlborough) Twp., lot code C 49 (acres), found on p. 6, Summer 1995 RRGN. According to John Danner's book Old Landmarks of Stark County, 1904: Marlborough Twp. was divided from Lexington Twp in 1821. Election of first trustees was in 1822 (Marlborough). Hence: (b) Jacob Replogle res. Lexington Twp in 1820 (ID U-537) and (a) J. Replogle res Marlboro Twp after 1820 (ID U-535), are one and the same and also are (c) Jacob B. / Rinehart / John Rinehart (ID 114:2). He was the father of Martin Replogle, my grandfather (ID 114:23) and my great grandfather..."
From ROBERT AND GENEVA REPLOGLE of Rt. 4 Box 350, Broken Arrow, OK 74014, dated 11 July 1995 (Robert Eugene Replogle / George Dewey / George Washington / Samuel / Richard - Rinehart [?] / Jacob C. / John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas ) : "Enjoyed the letter and info you sent to Raymond Replogle. He is Robert's cousin. We are working together on this info."
From MARLENE DIANE REPROGLE MARSHALL DARDEN CIERNIAK of Box 1228, Lone Pine, CA 93545-1228, dated 28 June, 1995 (Marlene Diane Reprogle / Wayne Richard / Clark Loss / George B. McCullen / Peter / John / John / John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas ) : "On vacation & this isn't the best -- but best I could do -- Theresa Reprogle said this needed to be in by end of month... Clark L. Reprogle, b. 9 Mar 1892, d. 27 Mar 1953 in IL... Have all his brothers & sisters info if you need it, children & etc..." She sent along much data on her branch of the Reprogle family and it has been entered into the computer database.
From JOAN RUTH MCMORRIS FRYE BULLARD of 1525 Plum Ave., Merritt Island, FL 32952, dated 16 June 1995 (Joan Ruth McMorris / Clifford Lester McMorris / Edna Belle Field / William Mathias Field / Anne Elizabeth Replogle / David B. / Jacob, Sr. / John Balzer Jr. / John Balzer Sr. ) : "Enclosed are family group sheets for my families. I plan to go north this summer to visit my mother. If I find out more information I will send you the information... I did contact Harold Huntington... " Anne Elizabeth m. Daniel Tomson Field. Joan is interested in extending her Field lineage back from Daniel Tomson Field. She sent along information on her lineage from Anne Elizabeth. Joan sent data on her lineage from Anne Elizabeth Replogle and it has been entered into the computer database.
From THERESA MARGARET FAUPEL REPROGLE, wife of LAYTON JUNIOR REPROGLE of 2687 Lenee Lane, Wentzville, MO 63385-5965, dated 19 June 1995 (Layton Junior Reprogle / Layton Lee Jr. / Layton Lee / Truman Ward / George B. McCullen / Peter / John / John / John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas ) : "...There are several twins in George B. McClelan's descendants and I have highlighted them. Stephanie and Shannon Haring are the only identical twins. The other four sets are fraternal twins... my maiden name and Gary Myers' wife's maiden name are the same. This is because sisters, Theresa Faupel and Carol Faupel married cousins - Layton Reprogle and Gary Myers. This makes for some confusion exactly how we are all related.
"Marlene Ciernaik has done extensive research on the George B. McClelan Reprogle and Lorenzo Dowe Reprogle descendants... She has contacted someone in Lorenzo's descendants who has the Lorenzo Dowe / Catherine McDonald family bible and she is going to send you copies of it also..." Theresa sent data on the descendants of George B. McClelan Reprogle and it is in the computer database.
From RAYMOND LEE REPLOGLE of Rt. 3, Box 551, Broken Arrow, OK 74014 (Raymond Lee Replogle / Sam Walter / George Washington / Samuel / Richard - Rinehart [?] ) dated 7 July 1995: "Please find enclosed the information you requested. Some of the data is still missing, but I hope to fill all the holes over time.
"Rev. E.M. Replogle's full name is Eddie Manuard Replogle. He was born in Norman, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, in 1901 or 1902. He is my uncle.
"I have included the unknown list which I have highlighted the Replogles that are related to me.
"...I will be sending you information from time to time as I am able to complete various projects. I have only been tracking the family history for a couple of years, but I am learning fast."
The data Ray sent has been added to the computer database.
From RONALD G. REPLOGLE of 1632 Sarkesian Dr., Petaluma, CA 94954-4514 (Ronald Gary Replogle / Allan D. / John Raeburn / Jacob Zook / David Long / Rinehart / Rinehart ["Jr."] / John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas ), dated August, 1995: "Friends visited Ireland last month and brought us home something called the 'Family Name History' from 'The Historical Research Center' and I thought you might be interested in what if said" about the surname Replogle. This article states the name is a combination of "rebe" meaning vine (others say in Alsace "rebe" meant wine grower) and "legel" means a small plot of land (other say in Alsace "legel" meant a container for grapes). The different meanings may stem from usage in different European locations and in different eras. We know the family name -- Reblogel in German -- was used in written church records in Alsace at least by 1600, and probably sooner.
The article also said there is no record of arms for this name, which agrees with what we know about the family in early days -- a family of farmers and smalltime tradesmen.
Ron continues: "I have used the software program Family Tree to record my 'roots' and have found this program to be easy to use and very thorough.
"We are expecting a new Replogle this month, born to Jon Reyburn Replogle and also I have the honor to announce the wedding of our daughter Elisa Martine Replogle to Joseph Jude Tachis. This month promises to be a very busy month for Mary Alice and I and we look forward to a vacation in Hawaii next spring." Any Replogles over there?
"I am enjoying my retirement and have gone back to college to study computers."
From STAN HEAD of AAC Staff, 2239 Sylvania Ave., Toledo, OH 43613-4426 (internet address: Instr [email protected]), an internet message dated 17 August 1995: "Have an Altoona (PA) Mirror Long obit on a Keagy with many mentions of various Replogles around Altoona and Holidaysburg (PA). Keagy is my wife's line and I have PA data, I could U.S. Mail to you if you want. We were at the Replogle Funeral Home in January for my mother-in-law's funeral. I use K5.2 for genealogy work."
In another message dated 18 August 1995, Stan Head said: "Just got a xerox of the machine Abe Keagy Mill later called Replogle mill from a Pa. newspaper... I need a connection between Eliz Hershey in York Co Pa. and Abraham Keagy (must be 25 of them in Pa. in early 1800s). No Hershey people have been able to help me. I have the 1899 Kagy book and the Keagy - Kagi - Kegay and a few more ... several migrations from Switzerland ... Mennonites mostly, later 'River Brethren.' More to follow. (My) wife is Elaine Keagy, hunting for her folks."
From PAUL R. NOYES of 519 South College St., Carlisle, PA 17013-3712 (The lineage is: his wife / his wife's mother / Catherine Claycomb Robbins / Mary Replogle Claycomb / ? ), dated 31 August 1995:
"I am digging into family genealogy and there is a grandmother in my wife's family that I am trying to tie down. Her last name was Replogle and I am 99% certain she is a part of your family. Recently I purchased a copy of your genealogy publication on the Replogle genealogy ... and I think I know the line into which she fits ... In any case, here is what I know.
"My wife had a grandmother named Catherine Claycomb who lived in Hedgesville, Berkeley County, West Virginia and married a man named Job Robbins. Catherine was born on November 17, 1784 and died March 22, 1841 in Hedgesville. They were married September 13, 1806.
"Her father was Conrad Claycomb Jr. and he was born in 1745 or 1748 and died August 11, 1839. In addition to Catherine, Conrad had four other children: Elizabeth who married John Green, Mary who married John Myers Jr., Frederick who married, first, Eliza Lowman, and second, Catharine Tabler; and Barbara who married Jacob Myers.
"According to an Aunt of my wife, Conrad Claycomb Jr. married a 'Miss Replogle' who was born in 1763 and died February 5, 1839. From a book on West Virginia estate settlements at the Newberry Library in Chicago, I found that Conrad Claycomb Jr.'s wife's name was Mary. Her estate was probated February 14, 1842.
"Conrad Claycomb Jr. was one of the eleven children of Conrad Claycomb Sr. who was born in Germany. He had come over to this country about 1753 and at one point was in Carnarvon Twp. in Lancaster Co. (PA). He came to Berkeley County, VA in about 1773. The name was originally spelled in various ways such as Kleckom, Kleckomb, Cligham, Cleckam, Kleckham, etc. I have seen several spellings with the 'K' and others beginning with 'C'.
"My belief is that the 'Miss Replogle' was the daughter of (one of the children of) John Rinehart Replogle and Barbara Konig, that daughter being Maria Eva (#118) on page 6 in your book. You show nothing on the descendants of Maria Eva but I hope you might have some knowledge of her family and descendants that were not included in (the) book.
"In the early marriage records of Berkeley County (WV), there was a Mary Claycomb who married a man by the name of Adam Bare on April 7, 1785 but I believe she was one of the eleven children of Conrad Claycomb Sr. and was born in 1757.
"Conrad Claycomb Jr. and his wife Mary ('Miss Replogle') Claycomb had a legal separation as of June 23, 1812 as recorded in the records of Berkeley County. This probably explains why she was not listed in his will as she was still living when he died. Both his will and hers list the same children but there is no mention of a spouse sharing in the estate.
"Berkeley County West Virginia (or at the time, Virginia) is relatively close to Frederick County, MD. Today, Jefferson County is between the two but at this point in history, Jefferson County, I don't believe, had been split off from Berkeley County. As I recall you make mention of Maria Eva having been baptized in York County, PA which is adjacent to Lancaster County, PA. Conrad Claycomb Sr. was in the general area.
"As a post script, the Henry Claycom on page 48 of your book was most likely the eldest son of Conrad Claycomb Sr., Henry having been born in 1741. This points out that there was some Claycomb / Replogle family relationship...
"If you have information that would help to tie my end with yours, I would be most thankful. If we can tie them together, I will fill you in on the descendants of Job Robbins and his wife, Catherine Claycomb which was my wife's line and what information I have on some of the other descendants of Conrad Claycomb and Mary 'Replogle.'
From STEPHEN F. KELLER of 441 Pattingill, Westland, MI 48185, dated 5 September, 1995: "I have been doing genealogy study of my family for some 20 years. One branch is from the Troy - Sidney area of Ohio. The Replogles. Note the enclosed obituary. George S. Replogle's wife was Carrie Van Tuyl (Tyl). Her mother, Mary Frances Somerville, was a sister of my grandfather John Fletcher Somerville, Jr. I just (this last August) found where you and Edith have written a book on the Replogles!
"One relative at the family reunion had your name and address. I thought I'd write to see if any copies were for sale and if you were collecting 'side branches.'"
From JOYCE THORNTON of 810 1/2 E. 3rd St., Mishawaka, IN 46544 dated 13 September 1995: A "Certificate of Genealogy" of the Elkhart County IN Health Dept., concerning Albert P. Replogle, b. at IN, father's name Daniel Replogle, mother's name Catherine Shetron. Albert died at Middlebury, IN on 5 Dec. 1950 at age 72 (therefore born in 1878), buried in Oak Ridge Cem., Middlebury, IN (or Bristol, IN). He was married, probably to Lulu __, he resided at Middlebury, IN and his occupation was nursery employee.
I cannot establish the lineage of Daniel Replogle, Albert's father, and have put Daniel on the unknown list as U-586.
In another letter dated 16 Sept. 1995, Joyce Thornton sent data regarding the line: Emma E. Replogle Schock / George M. / Jacob C., Sr. / John Rinehart / Philip / Andreas ).