Family Group
Subject* Jacob Leonard REPLOGLE (4719, 114:312:5)
Birth* 06 May 1876 New Enterprise, PA.
Occupation* __ ___ ____ (Industrialist, General Supervisor Cambria Steel Co., later rose through the ranks to become head of Replogle Steel Co).
Marriage* 10 Jan 1905 Johnstown, PA.
Residence* __ ___ 1936 FL.
Death* 25 Nov 1948 New York, NY.
Sources* __ ___ ____ Rev. C.W. Karns, Historical Sketches of Morrisons Cove (Altoona, PA: Altoona Mirror Co., 1933), p. 38a. Hereinafter cited as Hist Sketches of Morrisons Cove.; unknown author, The National Cyclopedia of American Biography, volume A (New York, NY: James T. White & Co., 1930). Hereinafter cited as The National Cyclopedia of American Biog v. A.; Letter from Edna Lehman (309 E. Horner St., Ebensburg, PA) to Paul H. Replogle, 20 Sep 1962; File (MI).; Letter from Thomas A. Replogle (558 S. Royal St., Jackson, TN) to Paul H. Replogle, 13 Jan 1963; File (MI), p 00492.; Letter from Thomas A. Replogle (TN) to Paul H. Replogle, 23 Jan 1963; File (MI), p 00502.; Letter from Glenn W. Neuforth (Route 4, Great Bend, KS) to Paul H. Replogle, 8 Mar 1963; File (MI), p 00544.; Ibid., p 00547.; Letter from Flossie Replogle (Charleston, IL) to Paul H. Replogle, 13 May 1963; File (MI), p 00732-00732b.; Letter from W.S. Mayer Jr. (400 Palliser St., Johnstown, PA) to Paul H. Replogle, 25 Jul 1963; File (MI), p 00836.; Letter from Erik P. Conard (216 1/2 Main, Urbana, IL) to Paul H. Replogle, 22 Oct 1963; File (MI), p 00906.; __ Storey, History of Cambria Co PA (No place: no publisher, no date), p 01000. Hereinafter cited as History of Cambria Co PA.; Letter from Elmo Guy Replogle (unknown author address) to Paul H. Replogle, 3 Sep 1965; File (MI), p 01243a Newspaper clipping.; Letter from James Smith Replogle (2349 Engelwood Dr., Bridgeville, PA 15017) to Paul H. Replogle, 16 May 1966; File (MI), p 01281 back.; Letter from Arnold M. Replogle (1005 Law and Finance Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA) to George H. Liebegott, 26 Mar 1936; File (MI), p 01317 letter.; Ibid., p 01318 letter p 2.; unknown author, History of Cambria Co PA (No place: no publisher, no date), p 01669g book p 167. Hereinafter cited as History of Cambria County PA.; unknown author, Western Pennsylvanians (No place: no publisher, no date), p 01669i book p 88. Hereinafter cited as Western Pennsylvanians.; unknown author, The National Cyclopedia of American Biography (No place: no publisher, no date), p 01674 book p 433. Hereinafter cited as The National Cyclopedia Of American Biography.; Letter from Madelon Raymond (Pullman, WA) to Hilda Chance, 9 May 1980; File (MI), p 02411 letter 9 May 80.; Letter from Madelon Raymond (Pullman, WA) to Paul H. Replogle, 3 Jun 1980; File (MI), p 02472 letter 3 Jun 80.
Story* __ ___ ____ (During World War I, Jacob Leonard Replogle directed the steel supply for the
War Industries Board; he did similar work for the War Production Board in
World War II
Burial: __ ___ ____
Father* Rinehart Zook REPLOGLE (3633, 114:312) (1846-1917)
Mother* Mary Ann FURRY (3643, 114:312 S) (1849- )
Spouse* Blanche Kenley MCMILLEN (4731, 114:312:5 S)
Birth: __ ___ ____
Death* 06 Sep 1948
Sources* __ ___ ____ Letter, Lehman to Replogle, 20 Sep 1962.
Burial: __ ___ ____
Father* Frank Hay MCMILLEN (4732, 114:312:5 SF)
Mother* Margaret J. KENLEY (4733, 114:312:5 SM)
No Children