Surnames E: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Surnames Beginning with E

Echingham, Anne              (-1498)     I8245   21-23, 34-24, 61-27, 465-27
Echingham, Elizabeth de      (1394-1450) I9049   61-29
Echingham, Isabell                       I5060   936-26
Echingham, Roger                         I5058   936-26
Echningham, William de                   I6816   61-29, 465-27
Echyngham, Thomas de         (1401-1444) I9078   21-23, 61-28, 465-27
Echyngham, William de        (-1412)     I7436   61-29, 465-27
Edgerly, Arthur Herbert      (1873-1939) I470    176-13
Edgerly, Cora Emma           (1874-1940) I471    176-13
Edgerly, Etta Florence       (1870-1941) I469    176-13
Edgerly, Lillian Gertrude    (1866-)     I468    176-13
Edgerly, Mary Susan          (1880-1880) I472    176-13
Edgerly, William A.          (1840-1914) I467    176-13
Edmunds, Alice               (-1693)     I2309   1-14, 1025-15
Egerton, Philip                          I2676   727-38
Egerton, _____                           I2675   727-38
Egisheim, (Miss) von         (1000-)     I10129  75-41, 665-41
Egisheim, (Miss) von                     I10128  75-41, 665-41
Egisheim, Henry I von        (-1065)     I6183   286-37
Egisheim, Hugh VI von        (-1049)     I10126  75-41, 665-41
Egisheim, Mathilda von       (1095-1157) I6145   286-36, 831-36, 832-35
Egisheim, Richilde von       (-1088)     I3944   72-39, 118-38, 870-40
Egisheim, _____ von                      I9983   72-39, 118-38, 870-40
Eincourt, Amica de                       I2784   942-33
Eincourt, John de                        I2787   942-33
Eland, Henry                             I2863   944-38
Eland, Hugh                  (1274-1309) I2856   944-35
Eland, Hugh                              I2862   944-37
Eland, Isabel                            I2800   944-32, 965-32
Eland, John                              I2853   944-34
Eland, John                              I2861   944-36
Eland, Leisigus                          I2864   944-39
Eland, Margaret                          I2858   944-35
Eland, Thomas                            I2850   944-33, 965-32
Elkins, Eleazer              (1652-)     I5553   1003-18, 1048-18
Ellesworth, Agnes de         (1168-)     I5809   760-35
Ellesworth, John de          (1142-)     I5812   760-35
Eloyn, Jane                  (1255-)     I7544   976-29
Emerson, Alexander           (1550-1605) I14564  1029-15
Emerson, George              (1520-1573) I14566  1029-16
Emerson, John                (1490-1539) I14568  1029-17
Emerson, Robert              (1629-1694) I14541  1018-13, 1029-13
Emerson, Sarah               (1665-1702) I14464  1018-12, 1029-13, 1050-11
Emerson, Thomas              (1590-1657) I14560  1018-13, 1029-14
Emley, Eleanor                           I2611   56-38, 596-36
Emley, John                              I2612   56-38, 596-36
Engaine, Elizabeth           (1341-1387) I5724   83-30
Engaine, John                (1302-1357) I5727   83-31, 811-32
Engaine, Joyce d'            (-1312)     I3767   190-32, 810-32
Engaine, Nicholas            (-1322)     I5731   83-32, 810-33, 811-32
Engaine, Ralph de            (1046-)     I9195   646-33, 699-35
Engaine, Richard             (-1209)     I6045   810-35, 924-36, 925-35
Engaine, Richard             (-1177)     I5747   810-36, 925-35
Engaine, Richard                         I6047   810-36
Engaine, Viel                (-1130)     I5746   810-36
Engaine, Viel                (-1248)     I6037   810-34, 925-35
Engayne, Ada de              (1081-)     I14796  646-33, 699-34
Engayne, Joan d'             (-1315)     I6032   810-33
Engayne, Johanna de          (1269-)     I5798   760-31
Engayne, John d'             (-1297)     I6036   83-32, 190-32, 810-33, 811-32
Engayne, Joyce               (-1199)     I6046   810-36
Engayne, William de          (1243-)     I5804   760-31
Engeram, Engelisa                        I2763   778-26, 941-27
Engeram, Robert                          I2764   778-26, 941-27
England, Ingelric of         (1006-)     I9934   876-39
England, Margaret            (-1616)     I2033   1009-21
Englefield, Cicely de                    I7344   825-36
Entwisle, Alice                          I2644   727-27
Entwisle, Thomas                         I2645   727-27
Ernald, Richill              (1272-)     I8387   932-27
Erneburgh, Hugh              (1077-)     I14375  859-35
Escuens, Windelmode de                   I10475  789-45
Escures, Joan                (1382-)     I14718  937-27
Escures, John                (1354-)     I14728  937-27
Espagne, Balsa d'                        I6324   753-43
Espec, Adeline                           I8445   66-38
Essex, (Miss) de                         I7888   14-39, 61-41, 200-40
Este, Albert de                          I8209   71-33, 896-34
Este, Beatrice von           (-1245)     I6471   1-33
Este, Elisa de                           I8199   71-33, 896-34
Estow, George                (1570-)     I2037   1010-20
Estow, Mary                  (1628-1708) I1763   891-17, 995-17, 1001-18, 1002-17, 
Estow, Robert                            I2040   1010-22
Estow, William               (1534-1575) I2038   1010-21
Estow, William               (1600-1655) I1765   1001-18, 1010-19
Eu, Agnes d'                             I10179  38-39, 690-38
Eu, Henry II of              (-1183)     I3995   4-37, 87-35, 268-33, 633-34
Euby, Agnes                              I2495   864-24
Evans, Edward                            I1577   1053-20
Evans, Eleanor                           I344    446-18, 1053-19
Evans, John                  (-1689)     I1574   1053-20
Evans, John                              I1578   1053-20
Evans, Joseph                            I1576   1053-20
Evans, Joseph                (1682-1750) I654    41-16, 177-19, 447-18
Evans, Mercy                 (1717-1757) I655    41-16, 447-17, 986-15
Evans, Robert                (1704-1758) I10086  447-18
Evans, Robert                (-1696)     I1756   447-18
Evans, Thomas                (1663-)     I1575   1053-20
Evarts, James                (1502-)     I9529   1006-26
Evarts, Nancy                (1527-)     I9535   1006-26
Everard, James               (1500-)     I9532   1006-27
Everard, Mary                (1528-)     I9544   1006-27
Everedd, Margery             (1525-)     I14696  1027-22
Everett, Martha              (1640-1728) I1420   1062-19
Everett, William             (-1653)     I1554   1062-20
Evereux, (Miss) d'                       I7735   35-39, 155-38
Evereux, Agnes d'            (1030-)     I4515   27-37, 59-38, 154-38, 413-38, 
evereux, Hawise d'           (1118-1152) I8762   199-37, 246-35, 898-37, 916-34
Evereux, Matilda                         I8925   898-38, 916-34
Evereux, Patrick de          (1120-1167) I5141   274-37, 375-35, 555-36, 898-36, 
       911-35, 916-34
Evereux, Robert d'           (964-1037)  I7732   3-41, 35-40, 154-39
Evereux, William de          (1150-1196) I8279   213-35, 555-35, 898-36, 911-35
Everingham, Katherine        (-1426)     I5605   38-30
Everingham, Thomas                       I5606   38-30
Evermer, _____ de                        I9087   421-35, 648-34
Evreux, Richard d'           (-1067)     I9546   35-40, 154-39, 413-38
Ewyas, Harold de             (-1115)     I5333   37-37, 225-40
Ewyas, Robert I de           (1088-1147) I5332   37-36, 225-40, 812-35
Ewyas, Robert II de          (1125-1198) I5330   37-35, 169-34, 344-34, 812-35
Ewyas, Sibyl de              (1165-1236) I5326   37-34, 169-34, 344-34, 388-32, 
       786-33, 812-35
Eyncourt, Hawise d'          (-1219)     I7210   31-35, 31-34
Eyr, Catherine le                        I2712   7-34
Eyr, William le                          I2713   7-34
Eyton, Joan de                           I9866   91-29
Eyville, Margery d'                      I13441  222-40, 318-36
