Surnames L: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Surnames Beginning with L

L'Isle, Euphemia de                      I6975   970-35
L'Isle, Gerard de            (1304-1360) I6606   49-32, 656-29
L'Isle, Warine de            (1277-1327) I6610   49-32, 656-30, 834-31
L'Isle, William de                       I6974   970-36
Laci, (Miss) de                          I7871   347-34, 420-32
LACY,                                    I8816   65-32
Lacy, (Miss) de                          I7559   894-37
Lacy, (Miss) de              (-1209)     I8271   347-34, 420-32
Lacy, Aubrey de              (-1193)     I2566   56-36, 405-35, 869-36
Lacy, dau_of Hugh de                     I12174  78-35, 254-34, 423-32
Lacy, Egidia de              (1200-)     I5247   158-33, 329-31, 409-32, 424-32
Lacy, Emma (Emmaline) de     (1082-)     I5663   423-36, 857-36
Lacy, Gilbert de             (1104-1163) I5660   158-34, 423-35, 857-36
Lacy, Gilbert de             (1200-1230) I5253   98-32, 158-32, 327-31, 409-33, 
Lacy, Henry de                           I2570   869-37
Lacy, Hugh de                (1028-)     I6575   857-38
Lacy, Hugh de                (-1185)     I5255   62-34, 158-34, 409-33, 423-34
Lacy, Hugh de                (-1243)     I4623   62-34, 78-35, 158-34, 423-33
Lacy, Hugh de                            I5668   857-37
Lacy, Idonea                             I8455   253-33, 347-33
Lacy, Ilbert de                          I2569   869-37
Lacy, Ilbert de                          I2848   869-38
Lacy, Jane                               I2484   963-24
Lacy, Joan de                (1178-)     I8292   900-32
Lacy, John                               I2485   963-24
Lacy, John                               I5680   944-35
Lacy, John de                (1150-1183) I5285   109-36, 347-35, 405-34, 420-32, 
Lacy, John de                (1192-1240) I3968   168-31, 253-33, 347-33, 420-32
Lacy, Margaret de            (-1256)     I1815   98-31, 158-32, 900-31
Lacy, Maud de                (1222-1288) I11703  168-31, 174-31, 211-33, 253-32, 
       347-33, 438-30, 439-30, 514-31, 770-31
Lacy, Maud de                (1230-1304) I5258   98-32, 131-30, 158-31, 327-31
Lacy, Petronilla de          (-1288)     I5254   9-32, 22-33, 35-29, 111-32, 
       158-33, 409-33, 425-32, 640-32
Lacy, Robert_I de            (-1129)     I2567   869-37
Lacy, Roger de                           I5667   857-37
Lacy, Roger de               (1171-1212) I3969   253-33, 347-34, 405-34, 420-32
Lacy, Walter de              (1172-1241) I5251   9-32, 22-33, 98-32, 148-34, 
       158-33, 409-33, 423-34, 424-32, 425-32, 640-32
Lacy, Walter de                          I5669   857-37
Lacy, Walter de                          I14025  900-32
Lacy, Walter de              (1036-1085) I5665   423-36, 857-37
Lake, Hannah                 (1621-1675) I1368   992-16
Lamprey, Benjamin            (1688-)     I1789   995-16, 1003-15, 1015-16
Lamprey, Benjamin            (1661-1752) I1788   995-16, 1014-18, 1015-17
Lamprey, Elizabeth           (1733-1811) I1737   56-14, 995-15, 1003-15, 1015-16
Lamprey, Henry               (1616-1700) I1798   995-16, 1015-17
Lancaster, Ada de            (1134-1191) I8630   318-36, 599-36
Lancaster, Avise de          (-1149)     I6097   482-36, 661-37, 703-36, 841-38, 
Lancaster, Gilbert de                    I8631   318-36, 599-36
Landen, Pepin de             (562-)      I11125  768-48
Lane, Ebenezer                           I1195   1005-15
Lane, Elizabeth (Sarah)                  I14392  1018-10, 1018-8, 1019-9
Lane, George                 (1612-1689) I572    1005-15, 1017-14
Lane, Hannah                             I1191   1005-15
Lane, John                               I1194   1005-15
Lane, Josiah                             I1192   1005-15
Lane, Mary                               I1196   1005-15
Lane, Nicholas                           I14427  1018-8, 1019-9
Lane, Peter                              I1197   1005-15
Lane, Sarah                  (1637-1697) I1013   1005-14, 1017-14, 1035-13
Lane, Susanna                            I1193   1005-15
Lane, William                (1580-1654) I568    1005-15
Langdon, Elizabeth           (-1740)     I1846   1039-19, 1040-18
Langdon, Tobias              (-1664)     I1849   1039-20
Langer, Dinah                            I1186   1036-16
Langer, Elizabeth                        I1187   1036-16
Langer, Margaret             (-1693)     I1162   1035-14, 1036-15
Langer, Richard              (-1660)     I1185   1036-16
Langetot, Emma                           I7347   820-35, 897-36
Langetot, Emma de                        I7342   820-35, 897-36
Langley, Agnes (Ann)         (1590-1677) I14553  1031-15
Langley, Edward              (1522-)     I14608  1031-17
Langley, James                           I3314   981-25
Langley, Thomas              (1548-1600) I14606  1031-16
Lanvallei, Hawise            (-1249)     I13958  143-30, 428-30
Lanvallei, William de        (-1205)     I15099  160-33, 428-32
Lanvallei, William de                    I15100  428-32
Lanvallei, William de        (-1217)     I14971  428-31
Laon, Bertrada Countess of   (0695-)     I11018  97-49, 723-48
Lara, Gonsalo Nunez de                   I13984  41-36, 380-37, 904-37
Lara, Manrique de            (-1164)     I9245   41-36, 903-35, 904-36
Lara, Maria de               (-1192)     I9235   41-35, 175-33, 903-35, 904-36
Lara, Mayor Manriquez de                 I9247   41-36, 904-36
Lara, Pedro Gonsalez de      (-1130)     I9249   41-36, 380-37, 904-37
Lara, Pedro Manrique de      (-1170)     I9248   41-36, 904-36
Latham, Alice                            I2854   944-34
Latham, Robert                           I2855   944-34
Lathom, Thomas               (1300-1370) I15059  51-32, 163-29
Latimer, Joan le                         I4277   38-33, 78-32
Laurette, Adelaide de        (-1192)     I5047   286-35, 832-35
Laval, Adenor de                         I7214   500-37, 813-38
Laval, Guy_II de                         I4650   500-37, 813-38
Lawson, Rev. John                        I612    41-21, 862-24
Leach, Samuel                            I2128   935-19
Leavitt, Eliza Ann           (1843-1927) I19     1-7, 56-11, 1018-6
Leavitt, Hezron              (1645-1712) I1745   56-17, 982-18
Leavitt, Jeremiah            (1755-1838) I1734   56-14, 891-15, 995-14
Leavitt, John                (1706-1779) I1738   56-15, 891-15, 995-14
Leavitt, John                (1782-1866) I454    56-13, 995-14
Leavitt, John F.             (1810-1880) I28     1-7, 56-12
Leavitt, Moses               (1674-1733) I1743   56-16, 891-15
Leavitt, Thomas              (1616-1696) I1747   56-18, 982-18
Leavitt, William H.          (1823-)     I456    56-13
Leche, Alice                             I9236   14-35, 492-38, 656-35, 702-34
Lee, Ann                     (1625-1697) I1540   1024-20, 1060-13
Lee, Margaeria                           I2395   177-23
Lee, Robert                  (1602-)     I1579   1024-20, 1060-13
Lee, _____                               I2396   177-24
Leeke, John                              I2689   12-20, 54-27
Leeke, Katharine             (1476-1529) I2209   12-20, 54-27
Leete, John                  (1500-1551) I4802   1014-20
Leete, Phebe                 (1585-1643) I1797   1014-20
Leete, Robert                (1525-1597) I4800   1014-20
Leete, Ruth                              I9573   1003-18, 1048-19
Legh, Robert                             I2505   864-27
Legh, Susanna                            I2504   864-27
Leiburn, Philip de           (-1181)     I5870   948-34
Leigh, Ann                   (1530-)     I2265   1042-21
Leigh, Bartholomew de        (-1217)     I7459   48-35, 886-35
Leigh, Hugh de                           I7461   48-36, 886-35
Leigh, Nichole de                        I7454   48-34, 886-35, 945-34
Leke, Mary                   (1417-1455) I4779   939-30, 956-29
Leke, Simon                  (1390-)     I14833  939-30, 956-29
Lemesi, Cicely de                        I8045   927-36
Lendisius, Steward of        (0620-0620) I11039  715-52
Lendisius, Wife of Steward of(0624-)     I11040  715-52
Lenton, Agnes                (1528-1581) I419    41-22, 862-24
Lenton, John                 (1500-)     I2066   41-22, 862-24
Lenzburg, Ancelie von        (0974-)     I10825  448-39, 527-40, 677-39
Leon, Aldonca Alfonso de     (-1266)     I9334   39-34
Leon, Anne de                (-1092)     I7913   122-35, 501-37
Leventhorpe, Constance       (1478-)     I4977   38-26, 933-26
Leventhorpe, Nicholas        (1445-1500) I4986   38-27, 933-26
Levet, Nicholas              (1524-1578) I1959   56-22, 991-22
Levet, Ralph                 (1541-1581) I1957   56-21, 991-22
Levet, William                           I1971   991-25
Levet, William                           I1967   991-24
Levet, William               (1500-1577) I1964   56-22, 991-23
Levett, Thomas               (1572-1622) I1754   56-20
Levett, Thomas               (1594-1655) I1751   56-19, 982-18
Levit, William                           I1974   991-25
Lewis, Ebenezer                          I1019   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, George                (1571-1631) I9496   1017-16
Lewis, George                            I1021   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, George                (1600-1662) I1023   1005-14, 1017-15
Lewis, Hannah                            I1022   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, James                 (1632-1713) I1012   1005-14, 1017-14, 1035-13
Lewis, James                             I1009   1005-13, 1035-13
Lewis, James                             I1017   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, John                              I1014   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, Jonathan                          I1010   1005-13, 1035-13
Lewis, Joseph                            I1006   1005-13, 1035-13
Lewis, Joseph                (1676-1767) I1004   874-12, 1005-13, 1017-14, 1035-13
Lewis, Mary                              I1011   1005-13, 1035-13
Lewis, Mary                              I1020   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, Paul                              I1008   1005-13, 1035-13
Lewis, Samuel                            I1015   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, Sarah                             I1016   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, Sarah                 (1703-1781) I821    874-12, 990-11, 1005-12, 1035-13
Lewis, Susanna                           I1018   1005-14, 1017-14
Lewis, Thomas                            I1007   1005-13, 1035-13
Lewknor, Jane                            I9048   21-21, 34-24, 76-26
Lewknor, Nicholas de         (1211-1268) I14765  936-33
Lewknor, Roger               (1304-1362) I14738  936-30
Lewknor, Roger               (1465-1542) I2078   21-22, 34-24, 937-25
Lewknor, Roger               (1419-1478) I6644   34-26, 936-26, 937-25, 953-28
Lewknor, Roger               (1369-1405) I14719  936-28, 953-28
Lewknor, Roger de            (1243-1294) I14755  936-32
Lewknor, Thomas              (1444-1485) I9668   21-22, 34-25, 936-26, 937-25
Lewknor, Thomas              (1392-1452) I6643   34-26, 936-27, 953-28
Lewknor, Thomas              (1347-1375) I14729  936-29
Lewknor, Thomas de           (1270-1337) I14747  936-31
Lexington, Cecilia de                    I5771   956-35
Lexington, Richard de                    I5772   956-36
Leybourne, Idonea            (-1369)     I5851   162-29, 652-32, 921-29
Leybourne, Juliana           (1303-1367) I2531   22-29, 36-30, 56-29, 922-29
Leybourne, Roger             (-1271)     I5863   921-31, 948-32
Leybourne, Thomas            (1275-1307) I11725  22-30, 36-30, 921-30, 922-29
Leybourne, William           (1242-1309) I5859   22-30, 162-29, 921-30, 922-29
Leyburn, Robert de           (-1198)     I5872   921-32, 948-33
Leyburn, Roger de            (-1251)     I5868   921-32, 948-32
Lilers, Emma de                          I10449  73-35, 777-36
Lille, Hugues de             (-1174)     I10453  73-35
Lille, Jean I de             (-1200)     I10454  73-35
Lille, Roger_III de                      I5483   73-35
Limbourg, Salomia von        (1101-1144) I6539   23-37
Limoges, Ademer de                       I9356   661-35
Limoges, Emma de                         I9357   661-35
Lincoln, Abigail                         I837    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, Achsah                          I827    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Caleb                           I1163   1036-15
Lincoln, Daniel                          I1168   1036-15
Lincoln, Deborah                         I831    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, Edward              (1575-1638) I800    1008-15
Lincoln, Elisha                          I824    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Elisha              (1699-1783) I820    874-12, 990-11, 1005-12, 1008-13
Lincoln, Elizabeth                       I1169   1036-15
Lincoln, Ephraim                         I1170   1036-15
Lincoln, Ezekial                         I825    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Grace               (1725-1781) I201    1-10, 874-11, 990-11, 1005-12
Lincoln, Hanna                           I823    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Jedediah                        I833    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, John                            I817    1008-17
Lincoln, Joshua                          I1164   1036-15
Lincoln, Levi                            I826    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Lydia                           I836    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, Mary                            I1166   1036-15
Lincoln, Mary                            I834    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, Mordecai            (1657-1727) I772    1008-14
Lincoln, Rebecca                         I835    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, Rebecca             (1673-1757) I789    1008-14
Lincoln, Richard             (-1619)     I812    1008-16
Lincoln, Robert              (-1543)     I818    1008-18
Lincoln, Robert              (-1556)     I815    1008-17
Lincoln, Ruth                            I1171   1036-15
Lincoln, Samuel                          I832    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, Samuel              (1619-1690) I11461  874-13, 1008-14
Lincoln, Samuel              (1650-1720) I788    874-13, 1005-12, 1008-13
Lincoln, Samuel                          I828    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Sarah               (1650-1738) I1155   1005-13, 1035-14, 1036-14
Lincoln, Sarah                           I822    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Susanna                         I838    874-13, 1008-13
Lincoln, Susanna                         I1165   1036-15
Lincoln, Susannah                        I829    874-12, 1005-12
Lincoln, Thomas                          I1167   1036-15
Lincoln, Thomas The Husbandman
                             (-1692)     I1161   1035-14, 1036-15
Lindley, John                            I1753   56-19, 982-18
Lindley, Margaret                        I1752   56-19, 982-18
Lisle, Adeliza de            (-1130)     I9063   897-37
Lisle, Alice de                          I6612   656-30
Lisle, Anne                              I15092  38-27
Lisle, Gerard                (-1287)     I6613   656-31, 834-31, 835-32
Lisle, Humphrey de                       I10036  897-38
Lisle, John                  (-1471)     I4768   891-25
Lisle, John                  (-1408)     I4830   891-26
Lisle, Margery                           I4767   891-24, 955-23
Lisle, Matilda                           I6609   49-31, 656-29
Lisle, Robert de             (-1284)     I6617   656-32, 835-32
Lisle, Warin de              (1330-1382) I6608   49-32, 656-29
Lisours, Aubrey de                       I2564   56-36, 319-34, 347-35, 405-35, 
Lisours, Fulk de                         I7014   56-36, 405-35, 869-36
Lisours, Robert de                       I2565   56-36, 405-35, 869-36
Little, Ephraim              (1650-1717) I2074   1032-12, 1060-13
Little, Mercy                (1678-1755) I2073   1032-12, 1060-12
Little, Thomas               (1605-1671) I2075   1060-14
Littlefield, Moses                       I1549   1062-19
Locke, Nathaniel             (1661-)     I5555   1003-18, 1048-18
Longchamp, Henry de          (1179-1212) I7556   894-35
Longchamp, Henry de          (1210-1264) I7444   48-32, 894-33
Longchamp, Hugh de           (1120-1197) I7558   894-37
Longchamp, Hugh de           (1146-1194) I7554   894-36
Longchamp, Hugh de                       I7462   894-34
Longchamp, Maud de           (-1302)     I7405   48-32, 191-31, 413-25, 894-32
Longespee, Ela               (-1298)     I7112   213-35, 555-34, 822-33
Longespee, Ela                           I4069   213-33, 397-31, 408-29, 480-32
Longespee, Emmeline de       (1250-1291) I3963   62-34, 211-34, 439-30, 477-33
Longespee, Ida (Idonea) de   (-1266)     I8126   213-35, 478-34, 555-34, 620-32
Longespee, Ida de                        I14960  36-34, 167-33, 213-35, 479-34, 
Longespee, William           (1176-1225) I8122   36-34, 62-34, 84-34, 213-35, 
       271-33, 477-34, 478-34, 479-34, 555-34, 620-32, 822-33
Longespee, William de        (1200-1250) I3484   213-34, 397-31, 555-34
Longespee, William III       (-1257)     I9964   34-33, 213-34
Longwy, Ermensinde de        (-1058)     I6688   92-40, 286-39, 296-40, 361-39, 
       543-39, 556-38, 731-40
Longwy, Stephanie de         (1035-1109) I13320  25-38, 33-39, 82-38, 92-39, 
       178-38, 262-37, 274-38, 274-38, 285-40, 287-38, 288-38, 289-38, 290-38, 291-38, 
       380-37, 453-37, 454-37, 455-37, 456-37, 731-40
Loome, Mary                  (1613-)     I14493  1054-14
Loon, Imagina von            (-1214)     I5041   25-36, 121-35, 210-35, 286-34, 
Loos, Agnes von              (1130-1191) I5046   286-35, 832-35
Looz, Sophie (Guda) von      (-1200)     I5049   286-35, 832-35
Lord, Amaziah                            I638    176-16, 446-14
Lord, Ann                                I1427   1062-19
Lord, Benjamin                           I1428   1062-19
Lord, Edmund                             I686    176-15
Lord, Louisa                             I682    176-15
Lord, Margery                            I1424   1062-19
Lord, Martha                             I1426   1062-19
Lord, Mary                   (-1696)     I1412   1028-17, 1062-18
Lord, Nathan                 (-1690)     I1419   1062-19
Lord, Nathan                 (1590-1625) I9563   1062-19
Lord, Samuel                 (-1689)     I1423   1062-19
Lord, Sarah                              I1425   1062-19
Lorraine, Alberade Duchess of(0870-)     I10873  20-44
Louches, Elisabeth           (1355-)     I14724  34-28
Louches, William             (1325-)     I14734  34-28
Loudham, John                            I2698   54-30
Loudham, Margaret                        I2697   7-31, 54-30
Loundres, Hawise de                      I4091   108-29, 915-30
Louvain, Adelaide of         (-1158)     I5012   25-39, 837-39
Louvain, Mathilda de                     I9880   2-40, 22-40, 23-39, 25-41, 
       37-39, 107-39, 400-38, 525-39, 542-40
Louvain, Regnier de          (-1096)     I6505   769-37
Louvaine, Henry I de         (-1038)     I9889   2-41, 25-41
Louvaine, Landrade de                    I9890   2-41, 25-41, 69-40, 73-39, 
Lovaine, Alianore de         (1345-1397) I6222   12-25, 60-26, 351-30
Lovaine, Godfrey de          (-1225)     I5042   25-36, 121-35, 210-35, 286-34
Lovaine, Hawise de                       I5388   121-33, 352-32, 822-33
Lovaine, John de             (1318-1347) I6226   60-26, 351-31
Lovaine, Mathew de           (-1302)     I5392   121-34, 351-33
Lovaine, Matthew de          (-1258)     I5390   121-34, 210-35, 351-33, 822-33
Lovaine, Thomas de           (1291-1345) I6233   351-32
Lovel, Baldwin                           I14041  887-38
Lovel, Henry                 (-1263)     I7527   887-33
Lovel, Henry                 (-1194)     I7533   887-36
Lovel, Henry                 (-1216)     I7531   887-35
Lovel, Hugh                  (1257-1291) I7492   887-32
Lovel, James                 (1306-1342) I7491   887-31
Lovel, Joan                  (1297-1337) I5622   141-29, 191-30, 887-30
Lovel, John                              I12168  613-30
Lovel, Maud                  (-1346)     I14614  324-31, 493-36, 613-30
Lovel, Ralph                 (-1138)     I7535   887-37
Lovel, Richard               (-1255)     I7529   887-34
Lovel, Richard               (1283-1351) I7489   191-30, 887-31
Lovestick, Margery                       I8888   935-29
Lowe, John                   (-1713)     I14484  1054-11, 1066-12
Lowe, Sarah                              I14475  1054-11, 1066-11
Lownd, Thomas                            I2685   727-42
Lownd, _____                             I2684   727-41
Lucy, Adrian                             I13848  36-36, 417-34, 882-38
Lucy, Alice                  (1129-)     I8555   881-35, 882-38, 883-37
Lucy, Amabel de                          I14773  251-34, 699-32
Lucy, Anthony                            I4600   71-28
Lucy, Aveline de                         I5409   417-34
Lucy, Maud                   (1239-)     I4936   62-32, 820-31, 824-32, 826-31
Lucy, Maud                   (-1398)     I7231   71-28
Lucy, Maud de                            I5406   36-36
Lucy, Reynold de             (-1198)     I14446  251-36, 699-32
Lucy, Richard de             (-1213)     I14441  251-35, 646-33, 699-32
Lucy, Richard de             (1098-1179) I5407   36-36, 417-34, 882-38
Ludlow, Margaret             (-1417)     I8590   64-29, 648-25
Ludlow, Thomas                           I8595   64-30, 648-25
Ludlow, Thomas                           I8597   64-31
Lukemore, Eleanor                        I8249   121-25
Lumley, Ormunda de                       I5969   125-36, 817-36, 846-35
Lumley, Osbert de                        I5972   125-36, 817-37, 818-38
Lumley, William de           (1175-)     I5978   817-38, 818-38
Lupus, Isabella                          I5975   125-37, 785-38
Lusignan, Aime de                        I13429  34-35, 151-36, 377-36, 632-35
Lusignan, Alice de                       I5561   151-33, 168-30, 377-31
Lusignan, Alice de           (1224-1255) I3370   61-33, 98-33, 120-34, 262-33, 
       326-32, 377-32, 536-32, 616-31, 635-31
Lusignan, Hugh de            (1141-1169) I8326   377-34, 661-33
Lusignan, Hugh I "le Veneur" de
                                         I10748  377-42
Lusignan, Hugh II "le Cher" de
                                         I2609   377-41
Lusignan, Hugh III "le Blanc" de
                                         I6295   377-40, 410-40
Lusignan, Hugh IV "le Brun" de
                                         I14243  377-39, 410-40, 840-39
Lusignan, Hugh IX de         (-1219)     I4265   262-33, 377-33, 661-33
Lusignan, Hugh V "le Debonnaire" de
                             (1015-1060) I9656   377-38, 410-40, 412-38, 840-39
Lusignan, Hugh VI "le Diable" de
                             (-1102)     I9657   151-39, 377-37, 412-38, 840-39
Lusignan, Hugh VII de        (1096-1153) I6296   151-36, 377-36, 412-38, 632-35
Lusignan, Hugh VIII de                   I3993   4-36, 377-35, 633-34
Lusignan, Hugh X "le Brun" de(1169-1246) I3368   132-31, 151-33, 262-33, 326-32, 
       377-32, 534-32, 535-32, 536-32, 634-31, 635-31, 661-33
Lusignan, Hugh XI de         (1221-1250) I3369   131-31, 151-33, 168-30, 262-33, 
       377-31, 534-32
Lusignan, Hugh XII de        (-1270)     I5560   131-31, 151-32, 158-30, 377-31
Lusignan, Isabelle de        (-1300)     I8176   262-33, 377-32
Lusignan, Jeanne de          (-1322)     I5571   21-29, 131-30, 151-32, 158-30
Lusignan, Raoul I de         (-1219)     I3990   4-36, 35-30, 377-35, 633-34
Lutterell, Geffrey                       I2718   7-36
Lutterell, Margaret                      I2717   7-36
Luvetot, Maud de             (1178-1247) I5397   166-34
Luvetot, Richard de                      I5411   166-35
Luvetot, William de          (-1181)     I5410   36-36, 166-35
Luxembourg, Mathilde von                 I6740   286-38, 543-39
Lyford, John                 (1590-1634) I802    1008-14
Lyford, Martha               (1625-1693) I787    874-13, 1008-14
Lyhart, Margery              (1440-1494) I8687   959-20
Lynde, Joan de la                        I6656   953-30
Lynde, John de la            (-1272)     I6661   953-32
Lynde, Walter de la          (1248-1317) I6659   953-31
Lynne, Alice                             I4253   2-26, 31-24
Lynne, William                           I4254   2-26, 31-24
Lyte, Katherine                          I2022   999-26
