[daughter of Sir Thomas NOEL Sheriff of Stafford [691-34, 884-35] and Margaret le STRANGE [691-34, 884-35]] b. 1179 r. Raunton, Stafford, Eng. m. William de DUSTON [648-32, 884-35] d. BEF 1234/5 son of Walkelin de DUSTON [648-32] and Adelicia Ostercarius [648-32] ch: *William de DUNSTON [Next Generation]
b. of Duston, Northamptonshire; Raunton, Staffordshire, Eng. d. 1270/1 m. Mary WAKE [648-32] daughter of Geoffrey WAKE [421-34, 648-33] ch: *Isabel [See 648-31 above], Rosa de DUSTON (-1283)