[daughter of Osbern de CREPON [622-38, 870-41] and Albreda de BAYEAU [622-38, 870-41]] m. William de VERNON Lord Vernon [870-41] d. AFT 1052 ch: *Richard de REVIERS [Next Generation]
b. of Reviers on the Seulles in the Bessin; Vernon, on the Seine, in the Vexin; Nehou, near St. Sauveur le Vicomte, in the Cotentin, Normandy, France d. 8 Sep 1107, of Mosterston, Dorsetshire, Eng. m. Adelise PEVEREL b. of Nottinghamshire, Eng. d. AFT 27 May 1156 daughter of William PEVEREL [703-36] and Adeliza [703-36] ch: *William de VERNON [Next Generation], *Baldwin de RIVERS (1090-1155) m. Adeliza Lucia de BAALUN (1099-) [See 872-38 below], Hawise de RIVIERS (1100-1161)
r. Shipbroke, Cheshire, Eng. ch: *Hugh de [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1123, of Shipbrook, Cheshire, Eng. ch: *Warin de [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1148, Shipbrook, Cheshire, Eng. m. (Miss) BAILLOL daughter of Reginald BAILLOL ch: *Richard de [Next Generation], Mathew de
Great-grandson of William de Vernon who was son of Richard, Lord Vernon. b. ABT 1173, Shipbrook, Eng. m. Avice de AVENELL b. ABT 1175, Haddon, Derbyshire, Eng. daughter of William de AVENELL ch: William de (-1231), *Warin de [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1198, of Shipbrook, Cheshire, Eng. m. Auda de MALBANK d. AFT 1219/20 daughter of William MALBANK Baron Wich Malbank (Namptwich) ch: Ralphe de, *Warine de [Next Generation]
b. of Shipbroke, Cheshire, Eng. m. Margaret de ANDEVILLE [414-32] daughter of Ralph de ANDEVILLE [414-32] ch: *Alditha [Next Generation]
m. Sir William de STAFFORD [157-33, 414-32] d. AFT 1251/2 son of Hervey BAGOT Baron Stafford [157-33, 414-33, 482-34] and Milicent de STAFFORD [157-33, 414-33, 482-34] ch: William de, *Robert de [See 414-31 above]