[son of Anchetil de HARCOURT [315-40, 588-39] and Eva de BUCI [315-40, 588-39]] Was present at the Battle of Hastings Assumed to be the first english Harcourt by William Harcourt Bath in"Harcouria" Section II ,Branch II # 6 printed 1930 b. 1039, Normandy,France ch: *Richard de [Next Generation]
Presumably the progenitor of all english Harcourts b. ABT. 1100, Normandy, France d. 1165 ch: *Ivo de [Next Generation], Simon de, Beatrice de, Peretta de
b. ABT. 1125, England ch: *Robert de [Next Generation]
b. 1152, Bosworth, Leics, Eng. d. 1202, Bosworth, Leics, Eng. m. Millicent (Isabel) de CAMVILLE [222-39, 588-35] ABT. 1166 b. 1152, Stanton, Leics, Eng. d. 1192 daughter of Richard de CAMVILLE [588-35] and Millicent STANTON [588-35] ch: *William de [Next Generation], Oliver de (1177-), John de (1180-), Robert de (1179-), Alice de (1181-)
b. 1175, Bosworth, Leics, Eng. d. 6 Apr 1223 m. Alice NOEL [513-34] 1201 b. 1180, Ellenhall Staffordshire,England d. 1235, Ronton Staffordshire,England daughter of Sir Thomas NOEL Sheriff of Stafford and Margaret le STRANGE ch: *Richard de [Next Generation], Henry de (1206-1270), Helen de (1210-1266)
b. 1205, Stanton Harcourt, Eng. d. Jan 1257/58, Bosworth, Leics, Eng. m. Arabella de QUINCY [253-35, 316-34, 360-31, 513-34, 593-33] b. ABT. 1186, Winchester ,England d. 1258 daughter of Saire de QUINCEY 1st Earl of Winchester [61-35, 78-34, 253-35, 254-34, 316-34, 395-33, 511-34, 512-34, 513-34, 593-33] and Margaret de BEAUMONT [61-35, 78-34, 253-35, 254-34, 316-34, 395-33, 511-34, 512-34, 513-34, 593-33] ch: *William de [See 513-33 above], Sayer de (1239-), Elizabeth de (1241-), Beatrice de