[son of Roger la ZOUCHE [226-37, 267-35, 324-31] and Margaret [226-37, 324-31]] b. ABT 1244 r. Ashby, Leicester, Eng. r. Haryngworth, Eng. d. Jun 1279 d. 1279 m. Millicent de CANTILUPE [136-32, 226-37, 324-31, 360-29, 390-31, 462-29] BEF 1273 b. ABT 1250 d. BEF 7 Jan 1298-9 daughter of Sir William de CANTELOU Baron Abergavenny [136-32, 324-32, 337-33, 388-33, 390-31] and Eva de BRAIOSE [136-32, 324-32, 337-33, 390-31, 408-32] ch: *Eva la [See 324-30 above], *Ellen la [Next Generation], *William la (1276-1351) m. Maud LOVEL (-1346) [See 657-35 below], *Lucy la (1279-) m. Thomas de GREENE (1292-) [See 658-35 below]
b. 1273, Harringworth, Northhampton, Eng. d. 1344 m. John de HARCOURT [121-28, 324-31, 360-29] 1286 b. 1277, Stanton Harcourt, Eng. d. 1330, Stanton Harcourt, Eng. son of Richard de HARCOURT [360-30] and Margaret de BEKE [360-30] ch: *William de [See 360-28 above], Alexander de, John de (1319-)