Daughter of Guerinfroi Count of Aumale
Married Hugh_II of_Ponthieu Count of Ponthieu (-1052)
Children: [listed under entry for Hugh_II of_Ponthieu]
References: [RFC],[AR7],[RD500]
Daughter of Conan III "le Gros" Duke of Brittany (1089-1148) and Maud of England
d. 1158-64 d. BEF 1167
Married first Alan II de GUINCAMP 4th Earl of Richmond (1116-1146)
Children: [listed under entry for Alan II de GUINCAMP]
Married second Eudes II de Porhoet Comte de Porhoet Duc de Bretagne (-1170)
Children: [listed under entry for Eudes II de Porhoet]
References: [Theroff],[AR7],[CP],[PlantagenetA],[ES],[Talbot1], [WallopFH]
Daughter of Matilda of Burgundy (-980)
Her father was supposed to be a Count, but the name is unknown.
Married Aymon Count of Geneva (-1016)
Children: [listed under entry for Aymon]
Daughter of Albert I Comte de Calw (-1003)
Married Egon I Comte d'Urach (1002-)
Children: [listed under entry for Egon I]
References: [PlantagenetA]
Daughter of Charlemagne King of Franks (742-814) and Hildegarde of Vinzgau Countess of Linzgau (-783)
b. 776 b. 826
Married Augilbert
Children: [listed under entry for Augilbert]
References: [RFC]
Daughter of Floris I Count of Holland (-1061) and Gertrude of Saxony (1030-1113)
b. ABT 1055 d. EARLY 1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer d. 1093
Married Philip_I the_Fair King of France (1052-1108)
Children: [listed under entry for Philip_I the_Fair]
References: [RFC],[LDS-AF],[Weis1]
Daughter of Obert II Marquis of Italy (-1014) and Railende of Como
d. 29 Dec 1037
Married Ulric Manfred II Marquis of Suza Marquis di Turin, Susa (978-1035)
Children: [listed under entry for Ulric Manfred II]
References: [PlantagenetA],[AR7],[GENSERV]
Married Thibault of ARLES Count of Arles, Vienne
Children: [listed under entry for Thibault of ARLES]
Daughter of Burkhart II Duke of Swabia (885-0926) and Reginharde of Nellenburg (-958)
b. 907, of Swabia, Germany d. 2 Jan 0966
Married Rudolph II King of Burgundy, Italy King of Burgundy (-0937)
Children: [listed under entry for Rudolph II]
References: [PlantagenetA],[ES],[MRL]
Daughter of Conrad_I "the_Peaceful" King of Burgundy (925-0993) and Matilda of France (-981)
b. ABT 962 b. ABT 964 d. AFT 1010 d. 16 Jan AFT 1016
Married first Eudes I of Chartres Count of Chartres, Meaux, Blois (950-995)
Children: [listed under entry for Eudes I of Chartres]
Married second Robert_II the_Pious King of France (970-1031)
References: [MRL],[AR7],[Weis1]
Daughter of William Count of TOULOUSE (0745-)
b. ABT 777, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
Married Pippin (Carloman) King of Italy (0773-810)
Children: [listed under entry for Pippin (Carloman)]
Son of Berthold III (Bezelin) von VILLENGEN Count in Ortengau (970-1024) and Luitgard von HABSBURG
Also Count in Breisgau and Thurgau. Duke of Carinthia; Advocate of the High Chapter at Bamburg in Swabia. d. 5 Nov 1078
Married first Richwara of Zulfrichgau (-1073)
Married second Beatrice of Montbeliar & Bar (-1092)
References: [ES],[RFC],[PlantagenetA]
Also known as Count Bezelin. d. 13 Jul 0982 (IN BATTLE), Calabria, Italy
Son of Arnulph "the Bad" Duke of Bavaria (-937) and Judith of Fiuli von SULICHGAU
Also Markgraf of Bavarian Nordgaus and Radensgau. Moncreiffe says that he and Arnulph the Bad were brothers., but Isenburg agrees with current presentation. Moncreiffe is wrong. Margrave of Bavaria Some sources say Count of Babenburg died 15 Sep 980. b. 915 d. 15 Jan 980 d. 16 Aug 980
Married Eileswintha (Heliksuinda) von WALBECK (990-1015)
References: [RGD],[Moncreiffe],[ES],[RFC],[LDS-AF],[AR7]
Son of Frederick I Count on Upper Isar, Count Wasserburg and Hemma von Oehningen
d. ABT 1060
Married (Miss) von HOHENWART
References: [RFC]
Son of Berthold I Count in Breisgau (-0982)
d. 1005/6
Married Bertha von BUEREN
Son of Berthold I Count of Ortengau, Marchese di Verona (-1078) and Beatrice of Montbeliar & Bar (-1092)
d. 12 Apr 1111
Married Agnes de RHEINFELDEN (-1111)
References: [ES],[PlantagenetA],[Paget1]
Son of Conrad Duke von Zahringen (-1152) and Clemence de NAMUR (-1158)
b. 1152 d. 8 Dec 1186
Married first Edith von FROHBERG
Married second Ida Countess of Boulogne (-1216)
References: [ES],[PlantagenetA],[Betham1],[Talbot1],[JAMS], [MCP]
References: [RGD]
References: [Weis1],[RFC],[ES]
Married Berengar of Friaul Margrave of Friaul
Children: [listed under entry for Berengar of Friaul]
References: [Theroff]
Daughter of Claribert I (Heribert) Count of Laon (0690-) and Bertrada Countess of LAON (0695-)
b. Abt 720, Laon, Aisne, France d. 12 Jul 783, Choisy, Haute-Savoie, France
Married Pepin "The Short" King of Franks (-768)
Children: [listed under entry for Pepin "The Short"]
References: [GENSERV]
Daughter of Donald III Bane King of Scotland (1033-1094)
Married Huchtred of_Tyndale
Children: [listed under entry for Huchtred of_Tyndale]
References: [BurkePB]
Daughter of Malcolm_II King of Scotland (-1034)
b. ABT 984, Angus, Scotland
Married Crinan the_Thane Lay Abbot of Dunkeld (-1045)
Children: [listed under entry for Crinan the_Thane]
References: [PRES.GED],[MRL],[AR7],[CP],[Moncreiffe]
See Europaisch Stammtafeln Bund I tafel 10. Seigneur von Stubenshorn d. 26 Mar 967
Married Alda, a Frank
References: [RGD],[RFC],[GENSERV]
Son of Aribert_I of Obotrites and Mandana
Married Hildegarde
References: [AR7]
Son of Billung_I of Obotrites and Hildegarde
Married Jutta
References: [AR7]
Son of Hunda-Steinar of England Earl in England and Alof Ragnarsdottir
References: [RGD]
Son of Ragnar Lodbrock Danish King at Lethra (750-) and Aslaug Sigurdsdottir (755-)
REF RFC. He led the great Viking raid around Spain into the Mediterranean, 859.
Son of Erik Edmundsson King of Sweden and Goten (849-)
b. 868 d. ABT 956 d. ABT 950
Son of Halfdan "the Black" King of Vestfold (-860) and Ragnhild
d. ABT 927
References: [AR7]
References: [PlantagenetA]
b. C 1425, ENG
Married Walter COTTON (1425-)
Children: [listed under entry for Walter COTTON]
References: [RGHCotton],[LDS-AF]
Daughter of Foulques II "le Bon" d' ANJOU Count of Anjou (909-958) and Gerberge du Maine (913-952)
b. ABT 942, of Anjou, France d. 1026
Married first William_II of Provence Marquis of Provence Count of Arles
Children: [listed under entry for William_II of Provence]
Married second Othon Guillaume Count of Bourgogne, Macon, Dijon (958-1026)
References: [AR7],[Paget1],[ES],[PlantagenetA],[GENSERV], [WallopFH]
Daughter of Robert I d' ARTOIS Comte d'Artois (1216-1250) and Matilda of Brabant (1224-1288)
d. 2 MAY 1302
Married first Henry I of Navarre King of Navarre (-1276)
Children: [listed under entry for Henry I of Navarre]
Married second Edmund "Crouchback" 1st Earl of Lancaster (1244-1296)
Children: [listed under entry for Edmund "Crouchback"]
References: [AR7],[FarisPA],[Theroff],[PRES.GED]
Daughter of Alfonso_VIII King of Castile (1155-1214) and Eleanor of_England (1162-1214)
Princess of Castile, Queen of France. b. 4 Mar 1188, Valencia, Castile, Spain d. 30 Nov 1253, Palais du Louvre, Paris, Seine, France
Married first Louis_VIII "the Lion" King of France (1187-1226)
Children: [listed under entry for Louis_VIII "the Lion"]
References: [RoyalAAF],[WallopFH],[LDS-AF]
Daughter of Henry of_Grosmont Duke of Lancaster (1300-1360) and Isabel de BEAUMONT (-1361)
b. 25 Mar 1345 b. 1341 d. 12 SEP 1369, Bolingbroke Castle, Lincoln, Eng.
Married John of_Gaunt Duke of Lancaster (1340-1398)
Children: [listed under entry for John of_Gaunt]
References: [FarisPA],[Royal92]
Daughter of Garcia_VII "el Restaurador" of Navarre King of Navarre (1110-1150) and Margaret de l' AIGLE (1104-1141)
b. 1135, of Navarre, Spain d. 24 Jun 1158 d. 12 Dec 1156
Married Sancho_III King of Castile (1135-1158)
Children: [listed under entry for Sancho_III]
Daughter of Sancho VII "the Wise" of Navarre King of Navarre (1132-1194) and Sancha of Castile (1140-1179)
d. 1229
Married Thibaut III de CHAMPAGNE Count of Champagne (1179-1201)
Children: [listed under entry for Thibaut III de CHAMPAGNE]
Son of Cynfyn ap Gwerystan of Powys King of Powys Prince of Powys and Angharad Ferch Maredudd Queen of Powys (982-)
b. ABT 1025, of Montgomeryshire, Wales d. 1075
Married Haer fil Cillin
References: [PlantagenetA],[BurkeGRF]
b. ABT 790 r. Dyfed, Wales
Married Tangwystl Verch Owain (794-)
References: [GENSERV]
Married Ansbertus "the Senator"
Children: [listed under entry for Ansbertus "the Senator"]
References: [AR7]
Son of St. Gondolfus Bishop of Tongres
Married Oda of Saxony (0562-)
References: [AR7],[GENSERV],[RFC]
Son of Landri II Seigneur de Maers and Dame du Pays d'Anjou
Seigneur de Monceau. d. 1015
References: [ES],[PlantagenetA]
Son of Robert "Guiscard" HAUTEVILLE Duke of Apulia, Calabria, Sicily (1015-1085) and Alberada of Burgundy (-1122)
Prince of Taranto, Duke of Calabria. A leader of the 1st Crusade in 1098. d. 1111, Canossa, Italy b. 1057, Italy d. 3 Mar 1111, Canossa, Italy
Married first Constance of_France (1078-1124)
References: [Weis1],[ES],[EB],[AR7],[RFC],[Talbot1]
Son of Bohemond I Prince of Antioch (1057-1111) and Constance of_France (1078-1124)
Also Prince of Antioch and Taranto. b. 1107 d. 1131 b. 1108, Apulia, Italy d. Feb 1131, Sicily, Italy
Married Alix (1110-1131)
References: [Weis1],[ES],[EB],[AR7],[RFC],[Talbot1],[Betham1]
Married Waldrada of BURGUNDY
References: [RFC],[ES],[PlantagenetA]
Son of Manfredo II Marquis di Saluzzo (-1215) and Alice de MONTFERRAT (1160-)
d. 1212
Married Maria of Torres
References: [PlantagenetA],[RoyalAAF],[AR7],[ES],[WallopFH], [MRL]
Son of Sunyer de Besalu and Richilde of Rouergue
Count of Barcelona, Gerona, and Odona, Vassal of the Emirs of Cordova. b. ABT 942 d. 30 Sep 992
Married second Luitgarde of Toulouse (-977)
References: [PlantagenetA],[ES],[MannEd],[RFC],[AR7]
d. 887
Married Ermengarde (855-897)
References: [AR7]
Married Gerberge de TERRASSON (-1103)
References: [AR7]
Son of Airald V Vicomte de Chastellerault and Gersinde de Mortimer
b. of Chastellerault, Vienne, France d. 1014
Married Amelia (-1010)
References: [ES],[RFC],[Paget1]
Married Emma of Perigord
Son of Hugh de Chastellerault (-1075) and Gerberge de la ROCHEFOUCAULD (-1058)
b. ABT 1036, of Chatellerault, Vienne, France d. 1092 d. 1092
Married Eleanor de THOUARS (1050-1093)
References: [ES],[RFC],[WallopFH],[AR7],[Paget1]
Son of Rotbald_I and (Miss) de AQUITAINE
Count of Provence b. 920 d. 965 d. 965-7
Married Constance of_Provence (-961)
References: [AR7],[PlantagenetA],[DFA],[ES],[Paget1]
Son of Thibault of ARLES Count of Arles, Vienne and Bertha of Lorraine
Also Count of Avignon, Arles. b. 885 b. ABT 0904 d. 936
Married Willa of Burgundy (906-936)
References: [GENSERV],[ES],[RFC],[PlantagenetA],[Weis1]
References: [RFC]
Married Hermengarde de Villaines
References: [ES]
Son of Foulques II "le Bon" d' ANJOU Count of Anjou (909-958) and Gerberge du Maine (913-952)
Comte de Corbeil and Melun, Vicomte de Paris. Isenburg does not agree that about his parents. He says the father was Bouchard, Comte de Vendome. d. 26 Feb 1007, St. Maur des Fosses
Married Elizabeth VENDOME
References: [ES],[PlantagenetA],[AR7],[Weis1]
Son of Jacques d' AVESNES Constable of Flanders Seigneur d'Avesnes, d'Guise (1150-1191) and Adele de_Guise (1155-)
b. ABT 1180 d. 1244, Etraeungt, Nord, France bur. Clairefontaine
Married Margareta of Flanders Heiress of Hainault Countess of Flanders (1202-1280)